圣灵之歌 Spirit Song.

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Presentation on theme: "圣灵之歌 Spirit Song."— Presentation transcript:

1 圣灵之歌 Spirit Song

2 噢!讓主用祂無限的愛 圍繞在你我身旁 使我們枯乾的心靈得滿足 噢!讓主鴿子般的聖靈 降臨在你我身上 使我們一生得到帶領扶持
Oh let the Son of God enfold you With His Spirit and His love Let Him fill your heart and satisfy your soul Oh let Him have those things that hold you And His Spirit like a dove Will descend upon your life and make you whole Spirit Song 1/2

3 Jesus oh Jesus Come and fill Your lambs
耶穌,噢耶穌,充滿我的心 Jesus oh Jesus Come and fill Your lambs (x2) Spirit Song chorus

4 噢!讓我們心中的喜樂 化為一首讚美詩 齊聲頌讚主的聖名到永遠 噢!讓我們心中的憂慮 完全交託主手裡 使我們的一生與耶穌同行
Oh come and sing the song of gladness As your hearts are filled with joy Lift your hands in sweet surrender to His name Oh give Him all your tears and sadness Give Him all your years of pain And you'll enter into life in Jesus' name Spirit Song 2/2

5 Jesus oh Jesus Come and fill Your lambs
耶穌,噢耶穌,充滿我的心 Jesus oh Jesus Come and fill Your lambs (x2) Spirit Song chorus

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