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感恩的泪 Tears of Thanksgiving 小敏 词 曲.

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Presentation on theme: "感恩的泪 Tears of Thanksgiving 小敏 词 曲."— Presentation transcript:

1 感恩的泪 Tears of Thanksgiving 小敏 词 曲

2 感恩的泪止不住的流 心里的话儿说也说不够 一双钉痕的手叩响久闭的门 一个柔和的声音把我们的心夺走
Can’t stop tears of gratitude from flowing Can’t express all the words in the heart A pair of nail-scarred hands opened the long closed door of the heart A soft voice took our hearts away Tears of Thanksgivings 1/2

3 明知这路是十字架的路 有风有雨很大很难也很苦 主慈爱的手时时拉着你的手 没有任何理由不去走脚下的路
I know that this road is the road of the Cross It’s windy, rainy, and very difficult  The Lord’s loving hand always holding your hand There is no reason not to take the road Tears of Thanksgivings 2/2

4 感恩的泪止不住的流 心里的话儿说也说不够 一双钉痕的手叩响久闭的门 一个柔和的声音把我们的心夺走
Can’t stop tears of gratitude from flowing Can’t express all the words in the heart A pair of nail-scarred hands opened the long closed door of the heart A soft voice took our hearts away Tears of Thanksgivings 1/2

5 明知这路是十字架的路 有风有雨很大很难也很苦 主慈爱的手时时拉着我的手 没有任何理由不去走脚下的路
I know that this road is the road of the Cross It’s windy, rainy, and very difficult  The Lord’s loving hand always holding my hand There is no reason not to take the road Tears of Thanksgivings 2/2

6 于是,耶稣对门徒说:“若有人要跟从我,就当舍己,背起他的十字架来跟从我。 马太福音16:24
Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. Matthew 16:24

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