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耶和华祢是我的神, Jehovah, You are my God

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Presentation on theme: "耶和华祢是我的神, Jehovah, You are my God"— Presentation transcript:

1 耶和华祢是我的神, Jehovah, You are my God

2 耶和华祢是我的神, 我要时时称颂祢的名. 祢是我的盾牌,是我的荣耀, 又是叫我抬起头的神.
Oh God, you are my God, 我要时时称颂祢的名. I will always praise you Holy name, 祢是我的盾牌,是我的荣耀, You alone are my shield, my glory, 又是叫我抬起头的神. Lord, You are the Lifter of my head.

3 纵然仇敌围绕攻击我, 在祢怀中必不怕遭害. 祢是我的神, 我所倚靠的, 祢同在使我全然得胜.
When my foes surround me in the night, 在祢怀中必不怕遭害. In Your arms I will not be afraid, 祢是我的神, 我所倚靠的, I will trust in You, for You are my God, 祢同在使我全然得胜. In Your presence, there is victory.


5 耶和华祢是我的神, Jehovah, You are my God

6 耶和华祢是我的神, 我要时时称颂祢的名. 祢是我的盾牌,是我的荣耀, 又是叫我抬起头的神.
Oh God, you are my God, 我要时时称颂祢的名. I will always praise you Holy name, 祢是我的盾牌,是我的荣耀, You alone are my shield, my glory, 又是叫我抬起头的神. Lord, You are the Lifter of my head.

7 纵然仇敌围绕攻击我, 在祢怀中必不怕遭害. 祢是我的神, 我所倚靠的, 祢同在使我全然得胜.
When my foes surround me in the night, 在祢怀中必不怕遭害. In Your arms I will not be afraid, 祢是我的神, 我所倚靠的, I will trust in You, for You are my God, 祢同在使我全然得胜. In Your presence, there is victory.

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