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康軒國中英語 文法教學 PPT 過去進行式.

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Presentation on theme: "康軒國中英語 文法教學 PPT 過去進行式."— Presentation transcript:

1 康軒國中英語 文法教學 PPT 過去進行式

2 一、使用時機 「過去」進行式 • 表示在「過去某個時刻」,某件事正在「持續進行」。 時間起點 時間終點 Now

3 二、基本用法 1. 基本形式 過去式 be 動詞+V-ing 2. 使用時間副詞表示過去的 某個「時刻」。
• 過去進行式的時間副詞 必須為一個時間點。

4 二、基本用法 3. 表示「過去特定時間」: then=at that time(那時) all morning(整個早上)
all evening(整個晚上) at 8 o’clock this morning(在今早八點) at ten thirty last night(在昨晚十點半)

5 例:We were playing basketball then.

6 例:SpongeBob was mopping the floor at 10:10.

7 Practice sleep / four o’clock this afternoon The baby was sleeping
at four o’clock this afternoon .h這個小嬰兒今天下午四點的時候正在睡覺。

8 Practice dance / ten o’clock yesterday morning Nancy was dancing
at ten o’clock yesterday morning. 昨天早上十點的時候,Nancy正在跳舞。

9 Practice read the newspaper / three o’clock this afternoon.
David was reading the newspaper David at three o’clock this afternoon.

10 Practice cry / 5:00 p.m. at 5:00 p.m. Tom’s sister was crying

11 三、when 連接兩個同時 發生的動作或活動
2. 句型 過去進行式+when+過去式 We They were watching TV when you called. I He / She was

12 二、when 連接兩個同時 發生的動作或活動
1. when 引導表示瞬間動作的 過去式子句,襯托 A 事件 發生的時間。 「 B 事件」發生 (瞬間動作) 時間起點 時間終點 Now 進行中的「 A 事件 」

13 例: (2) When I got home, Mary was taking a bath. 當我回家的時候,Mary正在洗澡。

14 例: (1) Jack was swimming when I called him. 當我打電話給Jack時,他正在游泳。

15 Practice sleep / I saw the baby. The baby was sleeping
when I saw him .h 當我看見這個小嬰兒時,他正在睡覺。

16 Practice dance / I walk into the classroom Nancy was dancing
when I walked into the classroom. 當我走進教室的時候Nancy正在跳舞。

17 Practice read the newspaper /he opened the door when he opened
David was reading the newspaper David when he opened the door.

18 Practice cry / Tom got up when he got up. Tom’s sister was crying

19 二、基本用法 4. 句型 What were you they doing then? at 11 p.m. last night? was
she We / They were watching TV. playing video games. I He / She was

20 例: (1) A: What were you doing at ten this morning? 你今天早上十點在做什麼? B: I was fixing my car. 我正在修理我的車。 (2) A: What was she doing then? 她那時在做什麼? B: She was washing her shoes. 她正在洗她的鞋子。

21 Practice ˙完成句子 read a comic book / at three thirty this afternoon
Janet read a comic book / at three thirty this afternoon was reading Janet a comic book at three thirty this afternoon.

22 Practice play soccer / at six o’clock yesterday evening six o’clock
they play soccer / at six o’clock yesterday evening six o’clock yesterday evening were they Q: What doing at ? A: They were playing soccer

23 Practice play the guitar / at two thirty yesterday afternoon
Dave play the guitar / at two thirty yesterday afternoon Q: What was Dave doing at two thirty yesterday afternoon? A: He was playing the guitar

24 四、補充 瞬間動詞 1. 表達發生後馬上就結束的動作。 2. 這類動詞在大部分的情況下 不會以進行式出現在句中。
3. 常見瞬間動詞: call、start、stop、find、finish、 open、close

25 例: (1) Eva went to the park this morning. Eva 今天早上去公園。 (2) Bill found a wallet on the street. Bill 在街上發現一個皮夾。 (3) Don’t open the door. 不要把門打開。

26 四、 重點整理 • 過去進行式的使用時機 1. 使用明確的過去時間: then、at eight last night 等。
2. when 連接兩件同時發生的動作或活動: 過去進行式+when+過去式.

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