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2 UNIT 10 It's a nice day, isn't it? SECTION A

3 It’s a nice day, isn’t it? Yes, it is.

4 He’s a teacher, isn’t he? Yes, he is.

5 He can speak English, can’t he?
Yes, he can.

6 You’re 13 years old, aren’t you?
Yes, I am.

7 1a Do you sometimes talk with peoples you don’t know
1a Do you sometimes talk with peoples you don’t know? This kind of conversation is called small talk. Circle the situations below where you would start a conversation. Make a list of other places where you would talk to people you don’t know.

8 1

9 1b Listen and number the pictures above in the order you hear them.

10 2 3 1

11 1c PAIRWORK 2 A: It looks rain, doesn’t it?
B: Yes, it does. And I forgot my umbrella.

12 1c PAIRWORK 3 The train is always late, isn’t it?
You love violin music, don’t you? It looks like rain, doesn’t it?

13 2a To have successful small talk, both people need to ask questions
2a To have successful small talk, both people need to ask questions. Listen to the three conversations and write “S” or “U” in the blanks below. Boy 1: I hate waiting for the bus. Girl 1: So do I. Boy 1: I’m going to be late to school. U Conversation 1

14 U S Man 1: These shirts are really expensive, aren’t they?
Woman 1: Yes, they are. Man 1: The prices in this store are too high. U Conversation 2 Girl 2: It always rains on the weekend, doesn’t it? Boy 2: Yes, It rains every Saturday! Do you think it’ll shop by noon? Girl 2: I hope so. I want to go swimming. Boy 2: Oh? Where do you swim? Girl 2: At Franklin Lake. Do you ever go there? S Conversation 3

15 f b e a d c g 2b Listen to the Conversations 3 again and
put the sentences and questions below in order. a. I hope so. I want to go swimming. A. (Opening Question) b. Yes. It rains every Saturday! B. (Answer) c. At Franklin Lake. (Question) d. Oh? Where do you swim? A. (Answer) e. Do you think it’ll stop by noon? B. (Question) f. It always rains on the weekend, doesn’t it? g. Do you ever go there? f b e a d c g

16 Grammar Focus 反意疑问句:表示说话人对所陈述的事情有所怀疑或不肯定,想通过对方的回答加以肯定或否定。 构成结构:
肯定的陈述句+逗号+一般问句的简略否定+问号 — You can help him, can’t you? 你们能帮助他,是不是? — Yes, we can. 是的,我们能帮助他。 肯定或否定的回答与一般疑问句的回答方式一样。

17 Grammar Focus 否定的陈述句+逗号+一般问句的简略否定+问号
-- Your sister isn’t coming back today, is she? 你姐姐今天不会回来,是吗? -- No, she isn’t. 是的,她今天不会回来。 回到时,不要过分注重问句中的否定词not在前还是在后,只要事实是肯定的,就用yes, 如果事实是否定的,就用no。

18 3a Complete the conversation. Write sentences in the blanks.
A: This is great weather, isn’t it? B: It sure is. But it’s a little hot for me. A: Oh, I love hot weather. . I’m going to the beach today. B: Which beach are you going to? A: I’m going to Today Beach B: I usually go to Sandy Beach. A: B: No, it’s never crowded. Well, have a good day! A: B: Goodbye. Where do you usually go? Is it very crowded? Thanks, Goodbye.

19 HOMEWORK 1. Practice the conversation in activity 3a. Then write and practice another conversation with your partner. You can use situations like these: Two people looking through books in a bookstore. Two people alone in an elevator. Two people waiting in line to buy ice cream. Two people waiting to cross a busy street.

20 HOMEWORK 2. Here are some possible opening questions:
Their prices are really low, aren’t they? This line is slow, isn’t it? Nice day, isn’t it?

21 HOMEWORK 3. Finish off the exercises in Section A.

22 Good Bye!

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