What’s love got to do with it? 這跟愛有甚麽關係?

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Presentation on theme: "What’s love got to do with it? 這跟愛有甚麽關係?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s love got to do with it? 這跟愛有甚麽關係?
1 John 4:7-9 1 Cor 13 約翰壹書 4:7-9 哥林多前書13

2 What’s love got to do with it? 這跟愛有甚麽關係?
What is love? 何謂愛? Why is the way we love important? 為甚麽愛的方式是重要?

3 What’s love got to do with it? 這跟愛有甚麽關係?
THE GREEKS HAD FOUR WORDS WHICH WE TRANSLATE "LOVE"... 希臘文中有四個字被翻譯成「愛」 1. EROS (έρως érōs) is passionate love, with sensual desire and longing. 熱情 -- 感性的慾望和渴望。 2. PHILIA (φιλία philía) the love of close friendship 友情 3. STORGE (στοργή storgē) the love of family relationships 親情 4. AGAPE (αγάπη agápē) that love which seeks only the highest good of others 聖情 – 總以別人的好處而設想

4 What’s love got to do with it? 這跟愛有甚麽關係?
1. "Agape has to do with the mind: it is not simply an emotion which rise unbidden in our hearts; it is a principle by which we deliberately live. Agape has supremely to do with the will." (Barclay) 「神聖的愛與思想有關:它不是一個不由自主地從心而發的情 感,它是一個我們固意按其定規而生活的原則,這愛跟意志完 全關連。」 (巴克利) It is not an uncontrolled reaction of the heart, but a concentrated exercise of the will 這不是一個不受控制的內心反應,而是一種意志集中的表現。 3. It is a caring love which becomes involved with the need of others 這是一個由關心繼而演變成顧及其他人需要的愛。 4. It does not depend upon the one being loved having to earn such love 它不取決於那被愛的是否已賺獲得這樣的愛。 a. Expressed only to select few b. But an all-embracing benevolence, shown toward all THE PERFECT ILLUSTRATION OF "AGAPE"...

5 What’s love got to do with it? 這跟愛有甚麽關係?
Does this mean that Agape or Gods love is unconditional? 這樣說來,神聖的愛是無條件的嗎? John 14:21-24 約翰福音 14:21-24 Matthew 11:21-24 馬太福音 11:21-24

6 What’s love got to do with it? 這跟愛有甚麽關係?
WDJD, which stands for What Did Jesus Do 耶穌在過去怎樣行事 Not What Would Jesus do? WWJD. 而不是耶穌該會怎樣行事

7 What’s love got to do with it? 這跟愛有甚麽關係?
Applying WDJD to myself 應用在自己身上 W -- Would I consider myself to be a good person? 我會認為自己是一個好人嗎? D -- Do I think that I have kept the Commandments? 我認為我有遵守戒命嗎? J -- Judgment. If God judged me according to those Commandments, would I be innocent or guilty? 審判。若然神根據這些誡命來判斷我,我會是無辜還 是有罪? D -- Destiny. So, do I think I would go to heaven or to hell? 命運。如此,我想我是會去天堂或是地獄?

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