Tomorrow is created here. Welcome to the University of Toronto Scarborough Presentation Mississauga St. George Scarborough Mississauga 歡迎參加 多倫多大學士嘉堡分校.


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Presentation transcript:

Tomorrow is created here. Welcome to the University of Toronto Scarborough Presentation Mississauga St. George Scarborough Mississauga 歡迎參加 多倫多大學士嘉堡分校 簡介座談會

Tomorrow is created here. Agenda Why study in Canada? Who has studied at the University of Toronto? How does University of Toronto compare? Why study at the University of Toronto? UT Scarborough (UTSC) How do we start? 為何留學加拿大? 哪位名人是多倫多大 學校友? 多倫多大學與世界各 大名校比較? 為何選擇多倫多大學? 多大士嘉堡分校簡介 如何申請? 議程

Tomorrow is created here. Why Canada? O Canada 爲什麽選加拿大 ? 噢 加拿大

Tomorrow is created here. Excellent Education Competitive Tuition Fees & Living Expenses Quality of Life Diversity Safe Environment 高品質的教育 低廉的學費及生活費 高生活品質 多元文化的社會環境 安全的學習環境 Why Study in Canada? 為何留學加拿大?

Tomorrow is created here. Why Study in Canada? Competitive Tuition Fees & Living Expenses 低廉的學費及 生活費 為何留學加拿大?

Tomorrow is created here. Why Study in Canada? Competitive Tuition Fees & Living Expenses 低廉的學費及 生活費 為何留學加拿大?

Tomorrow is created here. Who has studied at the University of Toronto? Dr. George Leslie Mackay ( 馬偕博士 ) Established MacKay Hospital in 1880 (now Mackay Memorial Hospital) 1880 年創建台灣北部第一所西醫院偕醫館 ( 現馬偕紀念醫院 ) Founded the Tamsui Oxford College in 1882 (now Taiwan Theological College and Seminary, & Aletheia University) 1882 年興建牛津學堂 ( 現台灣神學院, 真理大學 ) 哪位名人是 多倫多大學校友?

Tomorrow is created here. Dr. Liu Chao-Shiuan 劉兆玄博士 The former Premier of the Republic of China ( ) 前行政院長 The former Minister of Transportation ( ) 前交通部部長 The former president of the National Tsing Hua University ( ) and Soochow University ( ) 前清華大學校長, 前東吳大學校長 Miss Lin Chi-ling 林志玲小姐 A Taiwanese top model and actress 台灣第一名模 Official spokesperson for both China Airlines and Longines since 2006 華航代言人, 浪琴錶代言人 Who has studied at the University of Toronto? 哪位名人是 多倫多大學校友?

Tomorrow is created here. How Does the University of Toronto Compare? 多倫多大學與 世界各大名校比較? One of the oldest universities in Canada (1827) A world-renowned university 加拿大最古老大學之一 ( 建校於 1827) 世界名校

Tomorrow is created here. How Does the University of Toronto Compare? 多倫多大學與 世界各大名校比較? 排行榜 Rankings

Tomorrow is created here. Why study at the University of Toronto? A major research & comprehensive university:  3 campuses  17 faculties and schools  42 professional programs  75 PhD programs  74 research centres and institutes  19 million+ library holdings  73,000 students  8,000 international students  13,500 graduate students  6,000 faculty and 9,000 staff  460,000 living alumni worldwide 主要研究和綜合性大學  3 個校區  17 個院系和學校  42 個專業課程  75 個博士課程  74 個研究中心和研究機構  19 萬卷圖書館藏書  73,000 個學生  8,000 個國際學生  13,500 個研究生  6,000 個教師和 9,000 名員工  全球 46 萬個校友 概況與統計數據 Facts & Figures 為何選擇 多倫多大學?

Tomorrow is created here. Toronto is the most culturally diverse city in the world Toronto is ranked #1 as the best city in which to live and work, calling it the safest city in North America. 多倫多是世界上最多元文化 的城市 多倫多是最適合生活工作的 城市,被稱為北美最安全的 城市 Why study at the University of Toronto? 位於大多倫多市 Location: City of Toronto 為何選擇 多倫多大學?

Tomorrow is created here. Canada’s #1 University: Research, Publications, Faculty & Student Achievements Excellent in all fields A Network of World’s Top Universities Student Exchange Programs in 40 countries, and 158 universities (including National Taiwan Univ) 加拿大第一名校 研究,出版,教授及學生成就 各科系都卓越 世界一流大學網絡的成員 與 40 個國家, 158 所大學簽學生交流計劃 ( 其 中包括國立台灣大學 ) Why study at the University of Toronto? 學術超群 Academic Excellence 為何選擇 多倫多大學?

Tomorrow is created here. All three campuses offer UT degrees Each campus has its academic specialties:  St. George Campus: Engineering, Law, Medicine  Mississauga Campus: Forensic Science  Scarborough Campus: Co-op programs, Mental Health, Health Management, Environmental Science 三個校區都授予多大文憑 每個校區都有它的學術特色 :  聖喬治校區 : 工程,法律,醫學  密西沙加校區:鑑證科學  士嘉堡校區:建教合作科系, 精 神健康,健康管理,環境科學 Why study at the University of Toronto? 三個校區 Three Campuses 為何選擇 多倫多大學?

Tomorrow is created here. 多倫多大學士嘉堡 分校簡介 Located in the East of Toronto Only 35 minutes from downtown Toronto 14 Departments Focused on Experiential Learning Degrees: Undergraduate: BA, BSc., BBA Graduate: M.Env.Sc., PhD 位於多倫多東部 離多倫多市中心 35 分鐘車程,交通方便 14 個科系 專注於體驗式學習 學位: 大學部:文學士、理學士、管理學士 研究所:環境科學碩士 、博士 UTSC UTM UTSG Introduction to the UT Scarborough (UTSC)

Tomorrow is created here. 14 Departments 180 Programs offered:  Anthropology  Arts, Culture, and Media  Biological Sciences  Computer and Mathematical Sciences  English  French and Linguistics  Historical and Cultural Studies  Human Geography  Management  Philosophy  Physical and Environmental Sciences  Political Science  Psychology  Sociology 180 個學科:  人類學系  藝術,文化和媒體系  生物科學系  電腦與數學科學系  英語系  法語和語言學系  歷史與文化研究系  人文地理系  管理系  哲學系  物理環境科學系  政治學系  心理學系  社會學系 十四個科系 多倫多大學士嘉堡 分校簡介 Introduction to the UT Scarborough (UTSC)

Tomorrow is created here. 75 Co-op options in Computer Science, Science, Business and Arts Work terms: 8 – 12 months Placement: in Canada or Overseas Payment: $20,000 - $37,000/yr  電腦科學、科學、管理、人文 各系共有 75 個建教合作的選項  工作期限: 8-12 個月  工作地點:在加拿大或海外  薪資: $20,000-$37,000 / 年薪 Real Jobs Real Money Real Experience Experiential Learning 體驗式學習 多倫多大學士嘉堡 分校簡介 Introduction to the UT Scarborough (UTSC)

Tomorrow is created here. Path 1: Apply to UTSC directly Path 1: Normal Process – Direct Application ( 直接申請多大 ) 1. Senior High School Certificate of Graduation, Joint College Entrance ( 高中畢證書, 學測成績單 ) 2. Application & Supplementary Application Form (SAF) ( 申請表格 ) 3. English Language Requirement: ( 英文語言入學要求 ) TOEFL: writing (internet-based), writing (paper based) Path 2: Apply to “FAIR-Taiwan” (申請大學之道進多大) 1. Senior High School Certificate of Graduation, Transcript, GSAT, Recommendation ( 高中畢證書, 高中成績單,學測成績,學校推薦 ) 2. Application & Supplementary Application Form (SAF) ( 申請表格 ) 3. Summer Academic Preparation Program (SAAP) 暑期學術預備課程 兩種申請方式 2 paths to UTSC 如何申請? How do we start?

Tomorrow is created here. Student Experience 2 學生證言 2

Tomorrow is created here. 時間流程 Timeline/Process 如何申請? How do we start? 1 st week of November On-line Application & Document Submissions Application fee: $100 Mid-December Notification of Preliminary Offer 10 days to notify UTSC your acceptance & pay $8,850 Mid March Notification of the Official Admission to UTSC July – Mid August Summer Academic Program 十一月前 網路申請及正式文件 遞出截止日 報名費: $100 十二月中旬 通知優先入學許可 十天內通知多大接受入 學許可及繳 $8,850 暑期 學費 三月中旬 通知所有學生正式入 學許可 辦學生簽證 七月 – 八月中旬 暑期學術先修班

Tomorrow is created here. Student apply on-line Students must submit the following documents for assessment:  Application Fee: $100  Official transcripts of Senior I and Senior II  English Comprehension Test Result  Letter of recommendation from the school official Other documents to be submitted in a later date:  Official GSAT results – in February.  Official high school transcripts – in June.  Official high school diploma – in the summer 學生在網上報名 學生必須另外遞交以下文件 ( 需英譯):  報名費: $100 加幣  高一、高二成績  學測英聽成績  校方推薦信 後續補繳資料:  學測成績:二月補繳  高中三年總成績 :六月補繳  高中畢業證書:暑期 申請資料文件 Application & Documents FAIR – Taiwan “ 大學之道 ” 專案

Tomorrow is created here. When: July 2 – Mid August, an intense 8-week Academic Preparation Program What: Students learn academic English skills prior to the start of their university courses How: All-day English language instruction in small classes (20 or smaller) with lots of student- teacher interaction and class participation. 時間 : 七月二日至八月中旬, 8 週嚴格的學術預備課程 課程 : 學生在大學開學前可以學 習到學術英語技能 方式 : 全天小班制(不超出 20 個 學生)英語教學,課堂上有許 多師生互動機會 暑期學術預備課程 Summer Academic Preparation Program FAIR – Taiwan “ 大學之道 ” 專案

Tomorrow is created here. Fees $8,850 *, include:  Tuition fee for the 8-week Program  8 weeks accommodation in residence  Compulsory health insurance  Text books  Airport pick-up upon arrival * Tuition is subject to change without notification. 學費加幣 $8,850 * ,包括 8 個星期學術先修課程學費 8 個星期的住宿費 健康保險費 書本費 機場接機費 * 學費可能會調高, 不會再另外通知。 暑期學術預備課程 Summer Academic Preparation Program “ 大學之道 ” 專案 FAIR – Taiwan

Tomorrow is created here. Student Learning and UTSC 學生在多大士嘉堡分校 學習生活經驗

Tomorrow is created here.

Four UTSC 春 冬 夏 秋 多大的四季

Tomorrow is created here.