I. Names of Health Care Organizations and Medical Personnel I-1. Names of Health Care Organizations : 卫生部: Ministry of Public Health 国家医药管理局: State Administration.


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Presentation transcript:

I. Names of Health Care Organizations and Medical Personnel I-1. Names of Health Care Organizations : 卫生部: Ministry of Public Health 国家医药管理局: State Administration of Medicine and Drugs 国家中医药管理局: State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine 爱国卫生运动委员会: Patriotic Health Campaign 省卫生厅: Provincial Department of Health 市卫生局: Municipal Bureau of Health 中国医学科学院: Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences 中医研究院: Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) 中华医学会: Chinese Medical Association (CMA) 中华全国中医学会: All-China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine 中华中西医结合研究会: All-China Society on Integration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine 中华药学会: Chinese Pharmaceutical Association 中华护理学会: Chinese Nurse’s Association (CAN) 卫生防疫站: public health center; epidemiologic and sanitary station

卫生检疫所: quarantine service 县(区)医院: county (district) hospital 乡(街道)医院: township (community) health center 综合门诊所: polyclinic 门诊所: ambulatorium ( 学校、机关、工厂等的)医务室: infirmary; clinic 总医院: general hospital 中医院: hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine 结核病医院: tuberculosis hospital; hospital for tuberculosis 传染病医院: infection hospital; hospital for infectious (or communicable) diseases 精神病医院: mental hospital; psychiatrical hospital 脑科医院: brain hospital 麻风医院: leprosy hospital; leprosarium 口腔医院: hospital of stomatology 牙科医院: dental hospital 胸科医院: chest hospital 儿童医院: children’s hospital 妇女医院: women’s hospital 妇产科医院: hospital for obstetrics and gynecology 产院: maternity hospital 妇幼保健所: women and children health care institution 急救站: first aid station 救护站: ambulance service

血站(输血中心): blood transfer center 附属医院: affiliated hospital 教学医院: teaching hospital 野战医院: field hospital 后方医院: base hospital 药学院: college of pharmacy 医学研究中心: medical research center 研究所: institute 研究室: research section ( 血吸虫病 ) 防治研究所: institute for prevention and treatment of (schistosomiasis) 皮肤病研究所: institute of dermatology 性病防治中心: center for STD control and research 药品检验所: institute for drug control 疗养院: sanitarium; sanatorium 修养所: convalescence station; rest home 康复中心: rehabilitation center 中国医疗队: Chinese medical team 中国红十字会: Red Cross Society of China 世界卫生组织: WHO (World Health Organization) 世界卫生组织西太区办事处: WHO Regional Office for Western Pacific 联合国儿童基金会: United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) 联合国人口活动基金: United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA)

I-2. 医院科室名称 问讯处: information; inquiry 挂号处: registration office 候诊室: reception room; waiting room 门诊部: out-patient department (O. P. D.) 门诊病人: out-patient 住院部: in-patient department 住院病人: in-patient 住院处: admission office 出院处: discharge office 病例统计室: record and statistic room 院部办公室: administration office of the hospital 医务部: department of medical administration (affairs) 医教部: department of teaching and medical administration 护理部: nursing department (中心、生化、血液、细菌、血清、病毒、免疫、常规)实验室: (central, biochemsitry, hematology, bacteriology, serology, virology, immunology, routine) laboratory 病理科: department of pathology X 线室(科): X-ray room (department)

药房: pharmacy; dispensary 血库: blood bank 中心消毒供应室: central sterile and supply unit 外科: department of surgery 普通外科: general surgery 矫形外科: orthopedics 骨科: bone surgery 显微外科: microsurgery 血管外科: vascular surgery 头颈外科: head and neck surgery 泌尿外科: urological surgery 整形 ( 再造 ) 外科: plastic ( and reconstructive) surgery 胸外科: thoracic (or chest) surgery 神经外科: neurosurgery 脑外科: brain surgery 颌面外科: facio-maxillary surgery 小儿外科: pediatric surgery 麻醉科: department of anesthesia 内科: department of internal medicine 心血管科: division of cardiology 心内科: division of cardiology 呼吸内科: division of respiratory diseases

消化内科: division of digestive diseases (or gastroenterology) 肾内科: division of renal diseases (or nephrology) 内分泌代谢科: division of endocrine and metabolic diseases 神经精神内科: department of neuroloy and psychiatry 血液科: division of hematology 传染病科: department of infectious (or communicable) diseases 小儿科: department of pediatrics 妇产科: department of obstetrics and gynecology 眼科: department of ophthalmology 耳鼻喉(五官)科: department of otorhinolaryngology (E. N. T.) 口腔科: department of stomatology 牙科: department of dentistry 皮肤(性病)科: department of dermatology and venereology (or STD) 放射科: department of radiology 中医科: department of Traditional Chinese Medicine 针灸科: department of acupuncture and moxibustion 理疗科: department of physiotherapy 康复科: department of rehabilitation 放疗科: department of radiotherapy 老年病学科: department of geriatrics 保健科: staff health clinic

病房: ward 加强治疗病房: intensive care (or therapy) unit (I. C. U.) 冠心病抢救病房: coronary care unit (or ward) (C. C. U.) 产科病房: obstetric ward; delivery ward; maternity ward 新生儿抢救病房: neonatal intensive care ward 医生办公室: doctor’s office 护士办公室: nurse’s office 治疗室: therapeutic room 手术室: operation theatre; operation room 更衣室: changing room 洗手间: scrub room 麻醉间: anesthesia room 苏醒间: recovery room 消毒室: sterilizing room 营养科: nutrition department 急诊科: emergency clinic; accident and emergency unit; casualty 注射室: injection room 换药室: dressing room 门诊手术室: minor operation theatre

I-3. 医疗行政人员和医务人员的职务及名称 部长(副部长): minister (vice-minister) 厅长;局长: director; director-general 会长: president 秘书长: secretary-general (研究所)所长: director; president 院长: director of the hospital; executive director; chief executive officer 办公室主任: head of administrative office 行政处主任: director of administration 医务处主任: head of medical services 医教部主任: head of teaching and medical affairs 护理部主任: head of nursing department; director of nursing 总护士长: matron 总务处处长: chief of supporting services … 科主任: head (or chairman) of … department 专家: specialist; expert 主任医师: chief doctor(or physician) 副主任医师:

顾问医师: consultant 主治医师: visiting (attending) doctor 住院医师: resident; house staff 住院总医师: chief resident 见习生: extern; clinical clerk 实习医生: intern 内科医师: physician 心脏科医师: cardiologist 肾脏科医师: nephrologist 内分泌科医师: endocrinologist 消化科医师: gastroenterologist 血液科医师: hematologist 结核科医师: doctor for tuberculosis 传染科医师: doctor for infectious diseases 神经科医师: neurologist; neuropathist 精神科医师: psychiatrist 皮肤科医师: dermatologist 病理科医师: pathologist 外科医师: surgeon 泌尿外科医师: urologist; urological doctor 神经外科医师: neurosurgeon; neurosurgical doctor 胸外科医师: doctor of thoracic surgery; chest surgeon

矫形外科医师: orthopedician; orthopedic surgeon 整形外科医师: plastic surgeon 口腔外科医师: oral surgeon 麻醉科医师: anesthetist; anesthesiologist 儿科医师: pediatrician; pediatrist 妇科医师: gynecologist 产科医师: obstetrician 眼科医师: ophthalmologist; eye doctor 耳鼻喉科医师: otorhinolaryngologist; E. N. T. Doctor 口腔科医师: stomatologist 牙科医师: dentist; dental surgeon 放射科医师: radiologist; roentgenologist 放疗科医师: radiotherapist 理疗师: physiotherapist 营养师: dietician 医士: assistant doctor 医助: medical assistant 药剂师: pharmacist 药剂士: assistant pharmacist 技师: technologist 主管技师: superintending technologist X 线技士: X-ray technician

助产士: midwife 化验师: laboratory technologist 化验员: laboratory technician 注册护士: registered nurse 助理护士: assistant nurse 实习护士: student nurse; probationer 流行病学医师: epidemiologist 卫生医师: hygienist; public health medical officer 开业医生: practitioner 普通医生: general practitioner 乡村医生: rural doctor 其他表达: 教授: professor 副教授: associate professor 讲师: lecturer; instructor 助教: assistant 导师: advisor; tutor 学位: academic degree

医学博士: doctor (medical doctor) 硕士: master 学士: bachelor 博士后研究生: post-doctoral fellow 访问学者: visiting scholar 医学基础课: preclinical medicine 临床课: clinical medicine 临床实习: clinical practice 进修: refresher course 医疗事故: medical negligence 医疗纠纷: medical tangle