Win Shih 石文渊 University at Albany Libraries, State University of New York 2010.03 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Win Shih 石文渊 University at Albany Libraries, State University of New York

Public Library Assessment 公共图书馆绩效评价 图书馆服务的绩效评价可以帮助我们在管理中, 能够有足够的数据、事实、调查和分析来帮助 我们做出明智的决定,从而最大限度地发挥图 书馆资源和服务的效益。 “Decisions are based on facts, research, and analysis, and where services are planned and delivered in ways that maximize positive outcomes and impacts for customers and stakeholders.” 2

Why We Evaluate? 为什么评估  A desire to expand services 扩展服务  A desire to improve management & prioritize services 改善经营, 区分服务优先次序  An interest in know the impact of services & programs 了解服务和计划的影响力  Being responsive to a funding agency 对资助单位及时反应 3

 U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services 联邦博物馆和图书馆服务机构 2007 年资料 Measurement & Evaluation 衡量尺度与评估 图书馆服务 Services 馆藏 Collections 工作人员 Staffing 运行资金来源 Operating Revenue 运行资金开支 Expenditures 4

The Assessment Paradigm 评估模式  Resources > Capability > Utilization > Impact 资源 > 潜力 > 应用 > 影响  Resources: input measures 资源 : 投入评估  Capability: processing measures 潜力 : 过程评估  Utilization: output measures 应用 : 产出评估  Impact: outcome measures 影响 : 效果评估 Measurement & Evaluation 衡量尺度与评估 5

1. Input measures: resources allocated (annual budget, size of collection, number of staff) 投入评估 : 资源配置 ( 年度预算, 馆藏规模, 人员数量 ) 2. Process measures: transform resources into activities (quantify time or cost to perform specific task or activity such as ordering, receiving, cataloging) 过程评估 : 把资源转化为活动 ( 完成某项任务比如订书, 收书, 编目所需的时间, 费用 ) Measurement & Evaluation 衡量尺度与评估 6

3. Output measures: how inputs and processes utilized (annual circulation, number of reference questions answered, number of users served ) 产出评估 : 投入和过程中的应用 ( 年流通量, 咨询问题数, 服务对象人数 ) Measurement & Evaluation 衡量尺度与评估 7

What can we evaluate? 评估什么 ?  How much we do: statistics 做多少 : 统计数字  How well we do: customer satisfaction, quality benchmarks & standard 做得怎样 : 顾客满意度, 品质基准点和标准 8

 What we are worth: ROI, cost benefit 价值 : 投资收益率, 资本利益  Why we matter: outcomes measurement, assessment of impact 重要性 : 效果评估, 影响评价 9 What can we evaluate? 评估什么 ?

Tools Used for Assessment 评价的方法和工具  The Public Library Service: IFLA/UNESCO Guidelines for Development 2001 公共图书馆服务 : 国际 图联 / 联合国科教文组 织发展准则 10

 The New Planning for Results by Sandra Nelson for the Public Library Association 2001 《讲求成果的新规划》 Tools Used for Assessment 评价的方法和工具  鼓励每个图书馆发展自己的目 标,以反映社会需要  为市民服务:基本识字,企业 和职业信息,商品,社会推介 ,消费者信息,文化意识,当 前主题和标题,正规学习的支 持,一般信息,政务信息,信 息素养,终身学习,当地的历 史和家谱 11

 Public Library Data Service Statistical Report 公共图书馆数据服务 统计报告 Tools Used for Assessment 评价的方法和工具 12

 U.S. State Standards – each different 美国 各州的标准 - 每个州都 不同 Standards for Illinois Public libraries 以伊利 诺伊州公共图书馆的标 准为例 Tools Used for Assessment 评价的方法和工具 13

 Staffing levels 图书馆职工人数的标准 Tools Used for Assessment 评价的方法和工具 14

 Hours of services by population 按人口计算 的图书馆开 放时间 Tools Used for Assessment 评价的方法和工具 15

 Library collection levels 图书 馆馆藏标准 Tools Used for Assessment 评价的方法和工具 16

Who uses the standards 谁会使用这些标准?  Guide for librarians, library staff, and board trustees during budget preparation and strategic planning 图书馆人员, 管理者, 董事会为 准备预算, 制定计划  Reveal library strengths and weaknesses 了解长处和短处 Tools Used for Assessment 评价的方法和工具 17

How are standards used? 标准怎样使用?  Review, reflect, and refine library’ s service philosophy and strategic planning 经常检查, 修改  Director uses to share library’s progress as well as recommend changes to library board 管理者用来指导工作并提出改进工作的建议 Tools Used for Assessment 评价的方法和工具 18

How are standards used? 怎样使用?  Library staff meetings focus on standards to enhance staff’s understanding of library’s service philosophy 馆员会议讨论使所有官员都了解图书馆服务宗旨 Tools Used for Assessment 评价的方法和工具 19

U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services and National Center for Education Statistics 联邦博物 馆暨图书馆服务机构与国家教育统计中心数据 Statistics are collected from over 9,000 public libraries. Data are available for individual public libraries and are also aggregated to state and national levels 对 9000 个公共图书馆进行统计. 提供的数据可以是个 别馆的, 也可以是在州和国家为层次的 Compare Public Libraries - Use site to create reports comparing one library of interest to other libraries 也可 以选择公共图书馆进行数据比较并形成报告 Tools Used for Assessment 评价的方法和工具 20

How Does Your Public Library Compare with Service Performance of Peer Groups 跟同类的图书馆比较 Comparisons of service performance based on 5 input variable and 7 output variables. 根据 5 个 输入变量和 7 个输出变量 来对服务性能进行比较 Tools Used for Assessment 评价的方法和工具 21

 输入变量包括公共服务时数, 馆员总数,由美图协认可的馆 员数,总订阅数,书籍和期刊 总数的。  输出变量包括人均图书馆访问 次数,儿童计划出席人次,儿 童材料的流通量,收到的每千 人的馆际互借数,馆际互借提 供情况,总人均参考咨询量, 人均图书总流通量 Tools Used for Assessment 评价的方法和工具 22

 Hennen’s American Public Library Ratings (HAPLR) 美国 公共图书馆等级评价系统 Public Library Ratings 公共图书馆等级评价 Expend. per capita 经费 Percent Budget to materials 馆藏的经费比例 Materials Expend. Per capita 人均图书经费 FTE staff per 1,000 popul 工 作人员 ( 每千人 ) Periodicals per 1000 residents 期刊 ( 每千人 ) Volumes per Capita 图书 Cost per circulation (low to high) 流通费 用 Visits per capita 人均访问次数 Collection turnover 馆藏借还 Circulation per FTE Staff Hour 流通时间 Circulation per Capita 流通 Reference per capita 参考 Circulation per hour 每小时流通量 Visits per hour 每小时访问人次 Circulation per visit 每次访问流通量 23


 美国星级图书馆 (America’s Star Libraries): Started in 2008 Library Journal 始于 2008 年 (LJ) Measures 依据下列数据 (IMLS 2006): library visits 人均访问次数 circulation 人均流通次数 program attendance 参加图书馆各种活动人次 public Internet computer uses 计算机的使用 Total 256 listed as 3 star, 4 star, and 5 star libraries 全 美国 256 个图书馆被评为三星, 四星和五星级图书馆 Recommended model 建议各图书馆馆长依据此星级标 准衡量本馆工作 America’s Star Libraries 美国星级图书馆 25

 Library Journal 图书馆学刊 Library of the Year 年度最佳图书馆奖 Movers & Shakers 推动者和热门人物  Carnegie/New York Times I Love My Librarian Award 由卡内基 / 纽约时报主办 - 我喜 爱的图书馆员奖  Local outlets – newspapers, etc. 地方渠道, 报刊新闻 Special Awards 特别奖项 26

 Listening to Customers 倾听读者的意见 Surveys to measure customer expectations 用户调查来衡量用户服务的期望 Focus group interviews 焦点小组访谈 Mining the automated systems 自动化系统的 资料采集 Other ways 其他评价的方法 27

 Public libraries, outcomes and quality of life 公共图书馆及其成果对生活品质的影响 International Institute for Sustainable Development – Sustainability Indicators 国际可持续发展研究所 - 可持续性指标 Libraries Enrich Life 图书馆分富生活 28

 Decision about which indicates to use to measure quality of life by state or community is result of neighbor meetings or visioning project to provide consensus about important variables that contribute to community’s definition of well being 使用哪些指标来衡量一个国家或社会的生活质量 完全是由邻居会议产生的结果或者远景规划项目 从而对有助于为社会福利做出贡献的重要因素达 成共识。 Libraries Enrich Life 图书馆分富生活 29

 Jacksonville, Florida Quality of Life Project – library circulation is an indicator ( Libraries Enrich Life 图书馆分富生活 30

 The Quality of Life Progress Report includes over 100 indicators that reflect trends in nine external environments 生活质量的进度报告,包括反映 9 项外部环境的趋 势的 100 多个指标  education; economy; environment; social wellbeing; arts, culture, and recreation (library circulation per person); health; government; transportation; and safety. 教育,经济,环境,社会福利 ; 艺术,文化,娱乐, 保健,政府,交通和安全。 Libraries Enrich Life 图书馆分富生活 31

Libraries Enrich Life  Fate of most public libraries in U.S. is entirely a local matter 在美国大部分公共图 书馆的命运完全是由所在地决定的 32

 Suggested readings 参阅书目: Demonstrating results: using outcome measurement in your library‎ by Rhea Joyce Rubin, Public Library Association 2006 The New Planning for Results by Sandra Nelson , Public Library Association

Thank You! 谢谢 ! Questions & Answers 提问和回答 34