商务翻译实务 袁 洪 王济华 主 编 钱立武 赵继荣 副主编.


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Presentation transcript:

商务翻译实务 袁 洪 王济华 主 编 钱立武 赵继荣 副主编

第三单元 公示语翻译

2. 文化意识在公示语翻译中的作用 严禁酒后驾车: Driving after drinking is strictly prohibited* If you drink, do not drive. 贵重物品、现金请交服务台保管,否则后果自负。 Valuable articles, cash shall be handed to General Service Desk for safekeeping. Otherwise, the owner shall be responsible for the consequence.

Task I 请为下列汉语公示语选择恰当的英语译文,并将其编号填在括号里。 § PART SIX公示语翻译实践 Task I 请为下列汉语公示语选择恰当的英语译文,并将其编号填在括号里。 1. 警告:恶犬出没! ( ) A. Beware of Pickpockets 2. 不要闯红灯 ( ) B. Do Not Crush 3. 补票处 ( ) C. Inflammable Solid 4. 大宗购物处 ( ) D. Don’t Dash through the Stop Light! 5. 当心扒手 ( ) E. Warning: Bad Dogs! 6. 请使用旋转门 ( ) F. Do Not Overtake 7. 禁止超车 ( ) G. Bulk Purchase Reception 8. 切勿挤压 ( ) H. Please Use the Revolving Door 9. 压缩气体 ( ) I. Fare Adjustment/ Pay Upon Arrival 10. 易燃固体 ( ) J. Compressed Gas E D I G A H F B J C

Task II 请翻译下列公示语。 禁止吸烟 2. 严禁烟火 3. 行人勿近

4. 勿用水浇灭 5. 不可饮用 6. 未经许可,不能入内

Task III 请将下列英语公示语翻译成汉语。 1. Visitor Parking 访客停车 2. Unauthorized Vehicles will be Towed Away at Owners’ Expenses 擅自停车,一律拖走,费用自负 3. Army Facilities, No Trespassing 军事设施,严禁闯入 4. To Cross Street, Push Button, Wait for Walk Signal 横穿马路,按下按钮,等候通行信号

5.请勿大声喧哗 6. 注意行人 7. 戴好安全帽 8. 停车限时3分钟,司机不得离车 9. 灭火专用 10. 危险:高速列车,切勿进入 5. Thank You for Keeping Your Voices Down 6. Watch for Pedestrians 7. Hard Hat Required at All Times 8. Three Minutes Parking, Drivers Must Remain in Vehicle 9. For Use Only in Case of Fire 10. Danger: High Speed Trains, Do Not Enter 5.请勿大声喧哗 6. 注意行人 7. 戴好安全帽 8. 停车限时3分钟,司机不得离车 9. 灭火专用 10. 危险:高速列车,切勿进入

Task IV 请将下列汉语公示语翻译成英语,注意使用视角转换翻译技巧。 1. 禁止向未成年人售烟 Cigarette Sales to Adults Only 2. 未经许可车辆不得入内 Authorized Cars Only 3. 油漆未干 Wet Paint 4. 切勿近火 Keep Away From Fire

5. 请您带好随身物品 Do Not Leave Your Belongings Behind 6. 禁止未成年人进入 Adults Only 7. 禁止开窗 Keep Windows Closed/Don’t Open Windows 8. 机房重地,非公莫入 Machine Room. Staff Only.

9. 请勿倒置 Keep Upright 10. 不要靠近 Beyond This Point 11. 顾客止步 Staff Only 12. 贵重物品,随身携带 Please Don’t Leave Valuables Unattended

13. 送客止步 Passengers Only 14. 顾客专用,请勿载货(商场) 15. 演出进行中,请勿大声喧哗或随意走动。 Performance in progress, please keep your voices down and stay in your seat.

Task V 请将下列公示语翻译成英语。 1. 一慢二看三通过 Slow Down, Look Around and Cross 2.请勿打扰 Do Not Disturb 3. 正在检修,请绕行 Detour, Maintenance in Progress 4. 伸手出水 Automatic Tap 5. 禁止超载 Don’t Exceed Weight Limit/Do Not Overload

6. 请看管好孩子 Please Don’t Leave Your Children Unattended 7. 请爱护公共设施 Please Protect Public Facilities 8. 清仓大甩卖 Clearance Sale 9. 降下车窗 换换空气 Lower Window for Ventilation 10. 此处发现鲨鱼 Shark Sighted

11. 严禁夜间停车 No Overnight Parking 12. 不准张贴 No Bills 13. 置于阴凉处 Keep in Shade 14. 避光保存 Keep in Dark Place 15. 防潮 Guard Against Damp

16. 意见箱 Complaint Box 17. 禁止长时间占用超车道 Do Not Take the Overtaking Lane for Long 18. 严禁携带易燃易爆等危险品 Inflammables & Explosives Strictly Prohibited/Dangerous Articles Prohibited 19. 保护环境减少使用购物袋 Fewer/No Plastic Bags for Environmental Protection 20. 儿童搭乘扶梯需由家人陪同 Children Must Be Accompanied on Escalator

21. 已付款封袋的商品勿在超市拆封 Please Don’t Open Paid-and-packed Merchandise in the Supermarket. 22. 请勿推购物车上下电梯 No Shopping Carts Allowed on the Escalator 25. 23. 雨雪天气请慢行 Drive Slowly in Rain or Snow 24. 逆时针方向扳动手柄90度 Turn Handle Counterclockwise 90 Degrees 25. 通道禁止停留 Don’t Block Access

Task VI 下列公示语为现实生活中的双语公示语,其中存在各种各样的问题(译文保留原来错误),请阅读并改进其译文。 1. 原文:欢迎您再来! 原译:Welcome you to come again! (南宁某休闲会所) 改译: Please come again “欢迎到某地”在英语中直接翻译成“Welcome to…”,许多地方都有公示语“欢迎您再来”,翻译成“Welcome you to come again!”的错误在于字字对译,不符合语法规范。可以按照英美人的表达习惯翻译成:Please come again!

2. 原文:水深危险 请勿下水游玩 (深圳水池) 原译:Taking care to deep water, not to take water please. 改译:Caution: Deep Water, No Swimming 原译文语法错误,没有“take care to”的说法,而且“not to take water please”表示“请勿取水”,与原文相去甚远。原文表达警示意义。 3. 原文:小草正在长,踏入想一想(广州某公园) 原译:Don’t interrupt when little grass is growing. 改译: 原文的语用意义为不要践踏草坪,所以翻译成:Please Keep Off the Grass

4. 原文:青青绿草,请勿践踏 原译:Please don’t path on the green grass. 改译:Please Keep Off the Grass 5.原文:贵阳乘警支队(火车公示语) 原译:Expensive Sun by a day by police 改译: Guiyang Train Police Detachment 原文属于胡译乱译,根本不是翻译,此处“乘警”表示火车上的警察或维护治安的人员,支队往往表示部队相当于团或师一级的组织,但这里的“支队”指小分队。

6. 原文:垃圾在此投放(火车公示语) 原译:The garbage throws in here 改译: Dust Bin “垃圾在此投放”翻译成“The garbage throws in here”完全不符合语法规范,原文意义是告诉公众垃圾桶在此处,可以投放垃圾,翻译成“Dust Bin”就足够了。 7. 原文:请您带好随身物品 原译:Please take good personal luggage 改译:Please Do Not Leave Your Belongings Unattended 原译“Please take good personal luggage”表示“看好好的行李”,显然属于误译。

8. 原文:万绿湖景区由此购票,游览(广东河源万绿湖) 原译:Scenic area of the Wanlvhu buy the ticket from here, tour 改译:Ticket Office/Box 原译错误在于万绿湖不应直接按拼音翻译为“Wanlvhu”,从其官方网站,很容易就可以看到其译文为“Lake Wanlvhu”,原译表示“万绿湖买票、游览”,属于误译。另外,翻译必须考虑语境,游客已经到达万绿湖,此处可以省略;该公示语的意图在于告诉游客购票处在此,至于买完票游览之事,译出来也是多此一举。 9. 原文:零散外宾接待站 原译:RECEPTION CENTER FOR THE UNORGANIZED TOURISTS 改译: Center for Foreign Individual Tourists 把“散客”译成unorganized tourists,表示没有组团的游客,一般情况下,外国“散客”旅游者缩写FIT,意为Foreign Individual Tourists

10. 原文:小心行走,以免摔倒 原译:Fall Down Carefully 改译: Slippery/Wet Floor 此处字字照译,错误非常明显,如果把“Fall Down Carefully”回译,就成了“小心地倒下”,违背了原意。 11. 原文:请自觉购票(白云山售票说明) 原译:Please buy your tickets consciously. 改译: Tickets Only 受汉语影响,英文字字对译,原译“consciously”属于多余。“自觉”对应的英文单词是“conscientiously”而非“consciously(有意识的)”;另外,英文中没有这种表达法。建议改译为“Please Buy Tickets” 12. 原文:施工给您带来不便,请原谅 原译:Building, please forgive us 改译:Under Construction/Repair, Sorry for the Inconvenience 这里亦步亦趋,按照字面翻译,汉语多用动词,而英语多用名词表示“静态”,

13. 原文:请您保留好购物凭证 原译:Please keep the receipt as proof of purchase and your guarantee 改译:Please Keep the Receipt as Proof of Your Purchase 购物凭证就是“proof of purchase”,而不应当包括保修,因为在中国“保修”必须出示正规发票,而小票绝不能作为维修凭证,所以“guarantee”为过度翻译 14. 原文:人类的净土,靠你我共同维护。(广东增城白水寨) 原译:Pure land of mankind depends on the mutual preservation of people 改译:Please Help Us to Protect the Environment/ Keep it Clean and Tidy . “Pure Land”表示纯洁的土地,“preservation”表示“保持”之意,原文的目的是请游客保持景区环境卫生

15. 原文:禁止携带托运易燃及易爆物品(广西某国际机场) 原译:Carrying Flammable, Explosive Materials Prohibited 改译:No Flammables or Explosives 原译“Carrying Flammable, Explosive Materials Prohibited”属于对原文的字字对译,“prohibit”一般用法为“doing sth. is prohibited”,“carrying”一词属于多余,可以表示携带,也可以表示“背、抱、拿”等,显然,无论以哪种方式携带,这些物品都禁带。 16. 原文:云山是我家,你我爱护她(白云山) 原译:Baiyun Mountain is Our Home We Should Love Her 改译: Keep Baiyun Mountain Clean/ Do Not Litter/ No Littering 把白云山当成“我家”,还有“爱护她”,都是指爱护环境

17. 原文:非欧咪基食品饮料,请勿在本餐厅进食! 原译:Please don’t take any food or drink which not belong to Omic in this dining-room. 改译: Omic Food Only 原译采用直译法,显得非常啰嗦、累赘,不符合公示语短小精悍的使用原则。可以采用视角转换法,原文意思是此处只能进食本餐厅食品,如果这样说,可能有些人不自觉,还是进食外带食品,所以汉语原文采用了双重否定,加强了语气。 18. 原文:顾客朋友若需要帮助,请找员工帮忙 原译:Please ask our associates if you need any assistance 改译: Please Ask Our Associates for Help if You Need Any 原译看上去表意清楚,没有语法错误。但问题在于“ask”,表示“询问、请求、开价”的意思,原译岂不成了“请求员工或者询问员工”,“顾客是上帝”从何而谈,“请找员工帮忙”可以译为“ask for help”

19. 原文:保护环境从我做起 原译: Protect Circumstance begin with me 改译:Keep Our City Clean 原译“circumstance”表示“与某事件或某人有关的情况或事实”,保护环境中的环境应是“environment”,指具体的自然和人居环境 20. 原文:注意安全请勿攀爬单边墙 原译:Pay Attention to Your Safety, Do Not Climb the Single Wall 改译: Danger: Do Not Climb the Wall/ Danger: No Climbing 原译比较啰嗦,原文主要目的是警示作用

Task VII 请阅读下列中英文双语公示语,请改进其译文。 1. 原文:讲究文明 保护环境 爱护绿化 注意安全 原译:Please respect the tranquility of the environment. Protect the environment. Protect Nature. Take precautions for your safety. 【解析】原文是典型的具有中国特色的公示语,一块牌子说了三四件事情,有些是没有必要说的问题,如“讲究文明”,能做到后面的几点,自然成为文明游客了。原译“Please respect the tranquility of the environment”比较突兀,意义为“请尊重安静的环境”,有违原文意义。“保护环境”和“爱护绿化”是同意重复,注意安全包括注意人身安全和财产安全。故建议译为:Please Protect the Environment and Watch Out for Your Safety

2. 原文:1974年,当地农民打井,在此发现了一堆破碎的陶俑残片。 原译:It was in 1974, when local farmers were drilling a well in search of water, some pottery fragments were discovered. 【解析】原译采用了强调句,强调破碎陶俑发现的时间,这与原文表意不符,原文表示“1974年农民打井时发现了一堆破碎的陶俑残片”,所以,建议译为:In 1974, local farmers discovered some pottery fragments when drilling a well in search of water.

3. 原文:温馨提示 小心跌滑 注意安全 原译:Warm Prompt Falls carefully slides, Safety-conscious 【解析】“温馨提示”因公示语本身语言具有的功能,可以省译,原译属于乱译,此处只需要表达“湿滑、危险”的意思,建议译为: Caution: Wet and Slippery

4. 原文:安全提示 此处坡陡路滑 请勿擅自攀爬 原译:Safe prompt: Here slope steep road slides, please arbitrarily do not climb up. 【解析】原译属于字字对译,比如“擅自”完全不必译出,而且“arbitrarily”表示“任意性”的意思,建议译为:Steep Slope and Wet Road, No Climbing

Task VIII 请翻译下列句子,注意使用词类转换翻译技巧。 1. Our company is entitled to lodge a claim for the losses caused by improper packing against the seller. 因包装不当导致损失,本公司有权向卖方提出索赔。 2. He was unfortunately dismissed though he has more than ten years of loyal employment with the company. 尽管他忠心耿耿地为公司工作了十多年,不幸的是,他还是被炒掉了。

3. The best cure for the national economy would be economy 3. The best cure for the national economy would be economy. (Ashoey Cooper) 拯救国家经济的最好办法就是节约。 4. Experts said this new study is more evidence that physical exercise can help protect the person’s health. 专家们说,这项新研究更证明了体育锻炼有助于保持身体健康。

5. For professionals such as doctors, the computer may have more functions than we can ever imagine. It is a far more careful and industrious inspector than human being. 对医生这样的专业人员而言,电脑的作用可能比我们想象的更大。电脑能比人检查得更细心、更勤快。 6. China’s vast size and abundant resources, her extraordinary economic progress over recent years, have made her an increasingly important player in the modern international economy. 中国地大物博,近年来经济发展速度惊人,已经成为当代国际经济中一支日益重要的力量。

7. In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreement herein contained, the parties agree as follows. 考虑到双方在此提出的契约和协议, 同意订立如下条款。 8. In case of shortage of iron and steel, China’s industry would undergo extreme difficulties in its development. 中国如果缺少钢铁,其工业发展就会遇到很大困难。

9. We just signed a contract that is advantageous to our company. 我们刚签订了一项有利于我们的合同。 10.Despite the inevitable introduction of many varied toxic substances, the rate of poisoning in industry and agriculture remains low due to strict controls. 工农业不可避免地使用了许多不同种类的有毒物质,但由于控制严格,毒素率维持在较低水平。

补充练习: 1. 此处未经允许停车将被锁车 2. 禁止停车(装卸货物除外) 3. 出租车专用停车场 4. 大量库存,清仓甩卖 I. 翻译下列公示语: 1. Cars Parked Here without Permission will Be Clamped 2. No Parking Except for Loading and Unloading 3. Parking for Taxi Only 4. Massive Stock, Clear Out 5. Sale at Breakdown Price 1. 此处未经允许停车将被锁车 2. 禁止停车(装卸货物除外) 3. 出租车专用停车场 4. 大量库存,清仓甩卖 5. 跳楼价大甩卖

6. 闭路电视监控 7. 访客请到门卫登记 8. 相片冲晒 9. 购物指南 10. 未经允许张贴或广告将被追责 6. Closed Circuit TV in Operation 7. All Visitors Please Report to the Gate Warder 8. Photographic Processing Service 9. Shopping Directory 10. Unauthorized Posting and Advertising will Be Persecuted 6. 闭路电视监控 7. 访客请到门卫登记 8. 相片冲晒 9. 购物指南 10. 未经允许张贴或广告将被追责

II. 请翻译下列某大学关于安全的公示语。 DO walk in the middle of the sidewalk rather than near a building or along a curb. DO be alert when approached by a stranger asking for directions. Project a no-nonsense attitude. DO hold your purse tightly against your body. Your wallet should be kept in your front pants pocket or jacket pocket. 请走人行道,不要靠近大楼或者路边。 陌生人走近问路时,请提高警惕,采取严肃态度。 拿好钱包,应把钱包放在裤子的前袋或上衣口袋中。

DO use busier, better-lighted stops on public transit DO use busier, better-lighted stops on public transit. Sit near the bus driver or in subway cars with several other passengers. Do switch directions or cross the street if you think someone is following you. Walk toward a busy store or restaurant or a lighted house. Yell for help if you feel threatened. DON’T feel bullied by people who look you in the eye. Look them in the eyes. Eye contact makes everyone somewhat uneasy-use it to your advantage. 乘坐公共交通工具,请到人多、明亮的车站。坐在靠近司机的地方或者有其他乘客的地铁车厢中。 如果你感觉有人跟踪你,请调转方向或者穿过马路。走过人多的街道、饭店或者有亮光的房子。如感觉受到威胁,请呼救。 他人正视你时,不要觉得受到威胁。你也正视他们,眼神让人感到心神不定,对你有利,就可以使用。

DON’T wear headphones-they can keep you from hearing someone approaching. DON’T go near a stranger’s vehicle to answer a question, even if it’s just about directions. DON’T let yourself be distracted. Criminals often work in pairs-one person gets your attention while the other steals your purse, wallet or shopping bag. 不要戴耳机——戴上耳机就听不到他人走近你。 不要靠近陌生人的车辆回答问题,即便只是问路。 不要分心。罪犯常常结对作案,一个人引开你的注意力,另一个人偷你的小包、钱包或者购物袋。

III. 请将下列公示语翻译成英文。 1. 注意脚下 2. 注意:有滚石落下 3. 危险:高压电 4. 此梯到地下停车场 5. 非请勿入 1. Watch/Mind Your Step 2. Caution: Falling Rocks 3. Danger: High Voltage 4. Elevator to Basement Parking 5. Admission by Invitation Only

10. 为了您个人的安全,本站安装有闭路电子监视系统 6. 人行道上禁止停车 7. 工地危险,禁止入内 8. 请不要站在门口 9. 请在乘车前购买好车票 10. 为了您个人的安全,本站安装有闭路电子监视系统 6. Park Off the Pavement 7. Danger: Construction Site, Keep Out 8. Stand Clear of the Door 9. Please buy your ticket before you board the train. 10. For your personal safety and security, CCTV is in operation at this station.