1. What do you imagine will be your future occupation? occupation n. [C] 职业; [U] 居住,占用; 占领 Coal mining has always been a dangerous occupation. In many.


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Presentation transcript:

1. What do you imagine will be your future occupation? occupation n. [C] 职业; [U] 居住,占用; 占领 Coal mining has always been a dangerous occupation. In many of the caves there is evidence of human occupation. The Japanese occupation of Taiwan lasted fifty-one years. occupy vt. 居住于;占用 ( 时间、面积、空间 ) ;占领 Is anyone occupying this seat? Preparations would occupy at least an hour. Enemy troops occupied the country. Work will occupy your mind and help you forget about him.

occupy oneself with sth. / in doing sth. 忙于 ( 做某事 ) be occupied with sth. / in doing sth. 忙于 ( 做某事 ) = be engaged with 从事 Having retired from business, he now occupies himself with his garden. He was occupied in writing letters. Women are more likely to be occupied with childcare.

2. Suppose you were to be a journalist for China Daily. suppose v. 认为,料想;假定,假设 I had supposed his wife a younger woman. She had supposed him (to be) rich. Suppose / Supposing your father saw you what would he say? be supposed to 应该,理应 Everyone is supposed to wear a seat-belt in the car. You are supposed to have finished your job by now.

3. be to do 按计划或安排要发生的事或打算做的事 ( =be going to ) I am to see him today at six o’clock. 该做不该做的事 ( =should, ought to, must, have to ) Suppose he comes here, what am I to tell him? You are to do exactly as he say. 不可避免将要发生的事,后来将发生的事 The worse is still to come. ( 用于条件从句 ) 如果 … 想,设想 If we were to be there in time, we’ll have to hurry up. If the flower is to survive, it needs watering.

4. … if you were offered a job on a famous newspaper? offer v. 提供,供应; ( 主动 ) 提出;出价,开价 He offered to lend me some books. We offered our house for sale for 9000 dollars. I offered him 9000 dollars for the house. offer n. 主动提议;出价,报价 Thank you for your offer of help / to help.

5. involve vt. 包含,需要 The job involves me / my traveling all over the country. The test will involve answering questions about physics. vt. 牵涉,牵连 There was a serious incident involving a group of youths. Don’t involve me in your quarrel! involve sb. in 使牵连 / 涉进去,使参加 / 加入,聚精会神 做某事 Parents should involve themselves in their child’s education. He was involved in reading the book all evening.

6. Can I go out on a story immediately? on 后接一些名词如 visit, holiday, business, trip 等,常 与 come, go 等动词连用,表示去做某件事情,有目的的 意味 她决定今年暑假去一趟英国。 She decided to go ________ to England this summer. 他去了长途旅行。 He has been away ___________. Shall I tell you the story of my life? I saw your name in a newspaper story. He made up a wonderful story to explain his absence. on a visit on a long trip 身世,经历 报导,叙述 假话

7. (as) the story goes ( 正像 ) 人们传说的,据传说 A story goes ___Elizabeth I of England liked nothing more than being surrounded by clever and qualified nobleman at court. A when B where C what D that The story goes that he beats his wife. As the story goes, she left him as soon as she discovered that he had no money. Many years later I returned to Africa but that’s another story. You say you’ll pay next week — the same old story ! to make / cut a long story short it’s a long story 那是另一回事了 还是那一套 ( 话 ) 长话短说,总之 说来话长

8. You can cover a story and submit the article. They covered twelve miles yesterday. Will $10 cover the cost of a new shirt? The city covered ten square miles. The discussion covered a wide range of subjects. Cover the table with a cloth. the front cover / the back cover 报导 走完 ( 一段路程 ) 够付 ( 费用 ) 有 ( 多少面积 ) 谈到, 涉及 覆盖,遮盖

9. … and submit the article yourself. submit (submitted, submitting) vt. 提交,呈送 You must submit your request to the committee. ( 和 to 连用 ) 服从,听从,听任,投降 She refuses to submit to threats. After being defeated, they submitted to the enemy. ( 法庭用语 ) 认为,建议,主张 I submit that the defendant is not guilty.

10. Only if you … will you acquire all the information… acquire vt. ( 经过努力 ) 得到,获得 He has acquired an extraordinary command of the English language. The ability to use a language can be acquired only by the act of using the language. By the time James was twenty he had acquired a store of his own. acquisition [U] 取得,获得; [C] 得到的东西或人 He devotes his time to the acquisition of knowledge. The museum displayed its recent acquisitions.

11. You have to listen for detailed facts. detailed adj. 详细的,详尽的 detail [C] 细节,详情 He can probably tell us all the details we want. These reports give an outline rather than the details. go into detail(s) 详细叙述,细谈 I can’t go into details; it would take too long. in detail 详细地 He described the day’s events in detail.

12. Have you ever had a case where someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick? accuse vt. 指责,控告 The angry man gave her an accusing look. the accused 被告 accusation n. 指责,控告 I don’t want to make an accusation (against him) until I have some proof. accuse sb. of (doing) sth. 指控 指责 责备 accuse sb. of (doing) sth. blame sb. for (doing) sth. charge sb. with (doing) sth.

13. He denied taking money … deny vt. 否认,否定 He denied having been there. I never deny that you’re bright students. vt. 拒绝承认,拒绝接受 The department denies responsibility for what occurred. vt. 拒绝给予 deny sb. sth,. = deny sth. to sb. You should never deny assistance to those who need it.

14. So we wrote an article suggesting he was guilty. guilty adj. 有罪的,犯有罪行的 The jury found her guilty of murder. 感到内疚的,感到惭愧的 I felt guilty about not visiting my parents more often. guilt n. 内疚,自责 She had feelings of guilt about leaving her children. 犯罪,罪行 The criminal admitted his guilt. 责任,罪责 The children behave badly, but the guilt lies with the parents, who don’t care about their behavior.

15. … the footballer could have demanded damages … demand vt. 要求 I demanded to see the manager. I demanded that John (should) go there at once. vt. 需要 This sort of work demands great patience. v. 询问,质问 “Did you do this?” Katherine demanded angrily. demand n. 要求,需求 His demand for higher wages seems reasonable. in demand 有需要,需求大 Oil is in great demand these days.

16. … and passed it on to the copy-editor pass sth. on to sb. 经过第三人或更多的人才传递到需要人手中 pass sth. to sb. 直接传递 Pass the book to me. “Pass the paper on to the student sitting at the far back end.” the teacher told the student at the front row.

17.… the chief editor read it and approved it. approve vt. 批准,认可,通过 The minister approved the building plans. vi. 同意,赞同,赞许 ( 和 of 连用 ) I quite approve of the idea of your plan. He won’t approve of your being here. She will never do anything that was not approved of by her parents. approval [U] 同意,赞同,赞许;批准,认可,通过 By doing well at school he hoped to win / earn his parents’ approval. The plan will be submitted to the committee for official approval.

Translate the following sentences into English : 1. 他一早上都忙于整理这些书。 (occupy) He was occupied in arranging the books all the morning./He was occupied with the arrangement of the books all the morning 2. 你本该 7 点前到这儿的。( suppose ) You are supposed to have been here before 谢谢你主动提出要帮我完成这项任务。( offer , assist ) Thank you for your offer to assist men with the task.

4. 我们都应该参与到教学工作中来,从而能满足 每一个孩子对教育的需求。 (involve, meet the needs of ) We should involve ourselves in education so as to meet the educational needs of every children. 5. 不可否认,金钱在生活中起到非常重要的作用, 但是并非钱越多就越幸福. (deny) There is no denying that/We cannot deny the fact that money plays an important role in our life, but it does not necessarily mean that the more money, the happier life.

6. 没有必要害怕讲外语。讲外语是获得使用这门 外语的能力的重要途径。( need , acquire ) We have no need /There is no need to be afraid of speaking a foreign language, because it is one of the means to acquire the ability to use it. 7. 据说他每天都熬到深夜学习英语。难怪人们白 天没看到他学英语而他的英语还这么好。( story , wonder ) As the story goes,/The story goes that he stays up very late into the midnight studying English. No wonder he is so good at English while he is seldom seen learning English in the daytime.

8. 这名大学生因被发犯有使用致命有毒化学药品 谋杀罪而被判处死刑,被最高法院 (the Supreme Court) 批准。( guilty , approve ) The college student was found guilty of murder with a deadly poisonous chemical and thus was sentenced to death which was approved by the Supreme Court.