Making Business Sense of CSR in China 中国的企业社会责任意识


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Presentation transcript:

Making Business Sense of CSR in China 中国的企业社会责任意识 Making Business Sense of CSR in China 中国的企业社会责任意识

CSR 的商业冲击 CSR Impacts on Business 企业社会责任已逐渐成为商业实践的核心并在欧洲和美国取得成功,它关注公共的领域,包括:环境保护、体面劳动、安全健康和公平贸易。 Corporate Social Responsibility is becoming a core aspect of business practice and success in Europe and the USA, based on a wide range of public concerns about the environment, fair labour, health and safety and business integrity. 这些领域正被推向高标准来确保产品质量、生产者、生产过程以及供应链相关人员的需要。主要有四方面的商业冲击: These concerns are driving higher standards and the need for assurance on products, producers, processes and people along the supply chain. There are 4 main areas of business impact: Investment – international investors (e.g. banks, joint venture partners) and are increasingly examining company CSR performance as a measure of risk 投资 – 国际投资者(如银行、合资伙伴)逐渐把检验公司的CSR表现作为风险检测的一个手段 Sales – customers are increasingly expecting suppliers to demonstrate a positive management approach towards CSR and also to meet industry codes of practice 销售- 客户对供应商在CSR采取正面管理方式而且符合行业行为守则方面的期望也越来越高 Market brand - a good corporate reputation is strongly linked to brand and consumer market share, and CSR is becoming a key element of corporate reputation 市场品牌 - 一个好的企业信誉与品牌和顾客市场分额密切相关,CSR成为企业信誉的一个重要部分 Productivity – investment in human capital (training, career opportunity, fair treatment of the workforce etc.) is now recognised as a key factor in productivity and a company’s ability to innovate and deliver added value. 生产力 – 人力资本的投资(培训、就业机会、员工的公平待遇等)被视为生产力和公司创新及体现价值的能力的一个重要因素

CSR 在中国 CSR in China CSR是一个源自西方国家的概念,但是现在已经被世界各国所采纳,并成为企业所必须考虑的事项。虽然CSR的全球化是由一些跨国公司发起的,但是在大多数国家或地区,CSR的基本原则已经实现了本土化。 CSR, originally a western concept, is now spreading globally as a business imperative. The multinationals have led this globalisation of CSR, but the basic principles are now being adopted indigenously in most regions. 在中国,西方的跨国公司不断对供应商施加压力,以使他们在工厂的劳动条件、工人权利、健康与安全及商业道德方面能够符合相关行为守则的要求。 In China, western multinationals have increasingly pressurised suppliers to comply with codes of conduct relating to factory working conditions, workers rights, health and safety, business ethics, etc. 虽然存在着短期成本的问题,但是越来越多的中国企业通过CSR获得了更多的利益。在最初,这种利益表现在向西方国家提供产品方面。获得CSR认证的企业会拥有更大的竞争优势。但是,随着CSR的不断发展,这些公司发现他们在国内市场也获得了越来越多的优势。 Short-term costs have been an issue, but there is a growing case that CSR makes good business sense for Chinese companies. Initially the benefit was seen as competitiveness in the supply of goods to the West, but increasingly domestic benefits are emerging. 由于经济的不断发展以及一些非政府组织的参与,CSR在国内也得到了发展。但是,现阶段还存在着一些巨大的挑战。 As the economy grows a domestic CSR agenda is emerging, along with the involvement of NGOs. However, there are significant challenges.

中国面临的CSR挑战 The CSR Challenge in China For Chinese business CSR pressures have already been experienced in the form of codes of conduct for labour conditions, published by key sectors (e.g. toys, textiles, apparel, electronics).中国商业CSR压力已经在劳动条件的行为守则方面体现出来,主要反映在一些主要部门(如玩具、纺织、服装、电子) However, there are much greater risks and opportunities for Chinese business, across the 4 business impacts listed above.但是,中国商业也存在很多更大的危机和机遇,贯穿在以下的四个商业影响中。 If Chinese business responds positively to the challenge, the opportunities to compete successfully in the global markets will continue to grow, enabling the long term delivery of added value. 如果中国商业能正面地迎接挑战,在全球市场的竞争也会越来越成功,有助于体现长期的附加价值。 If the wider aspects of CSR are ignored, the recent growth in exports and market share may be short lived - investment of capital and technology may go elsewhere to lower risk candidates, customers may choose alternative suppliers who can demonstrate higher standards, consumers may reward more trusted brands and well trained professionals may choose better employers. 如果忽视更广泛的CSR内容,出口和市场分额的近期增长可能会成为短期的即期资本投资,技术可能会用于其它方面以减低风险预期,客户可能会选择可以表现出更高水平的其他供应商,消费者会倾向于更加令人信任的品牌,受过良好培训的专业人士也有可能选择其他更好的雇主 A major challenge for Chinese business is to rapidly develop good CSR practices which are recognised by core stakeholders (investors, customers, consumers, employees) and which are cost-effective to implement. 中国商业的主要挑战在于加快发展良好的CSR实践。CSR的良好实践获得了核心相关者(投资者、客户、消费者、雇主)的肯定并且具有实施的成本优化性。 A critical link for business will be easy access to Chinese and international CSR knowledge and a means of networking with and learning from others. aims to deliver this to Chinese business. 商业关键联系不仅将成为获取中国和国际CSR理念的快速通道,而且会是相互沟通和学习的重要途径。 旨在向中国的商业传递这方面信息。

商业利益相关者/Commercial stakeholders CSR 利益相关者 CSR Dynamics 行业协会Trade Associations 消费者市场Consumer Markets 雇员Employees 顾客Customers 供应商Suppliers 投资者Investors 商业利益相关者/Commercial stakeholders 社区Communities 非政府组织NGOs 政府Government 受影响的相关者 Influencing stakeholders 企业社会责任需要理解一系列利益相关者的期望与愿望– 来自于商业利益的相关者及受影响的相关者 CSR requires an understanding the expectations and wishes of a range of stakeholders – core commercial stakeholders and other influencing stakeholders. 企业社会责任意味着处理利益相关者事务作为风险管理和贸易计划CSR means prioritising and managing stakeholder issues as part of risk management and business planning

CSRchina. net Will Support Chinese Business Success CSRchina Will Support Chinese Business Success 将全力支持中国商业取得成功 will support business through: CSRchina.net将通过以下途径全力支持商业发展 Knowledge and Learning - a central information resource for all stakeholders知识和学习 – 是所有相关者的主要信息来源 Links to key CSR and business organisations, web sites and initiatives 连接到主要的CSR和商业部门、网站和活动 Access to published materials and tools for CSR management 介绍出版材料和CSR管理层的方式 Business Networking groups (see below) 商业网络群体 (见以下内容) The following Business Network Groups are being considered: 我们正在考虑以下的商业网络群体 Good Practice Group – meeting and discussion place for members to exchange information, points of view, case studies, tools, news and events, etc. 良好实践小组 – 组织会议和研讨会使组员能互通信息、交流观点、案例分析等 Regulations – for specialist Q&A on interpretation of regulations 规则 – 问卷调查用于规则的解释 Training – for customised group training on key issues such as Health and Safety 培训-在关键问题如健康和安全方面的以客户为本的小组培训 Services – for technical and management services companies (Chinese, European, US) to list/advertise their services and allow Chinese businesses to search and find 服务-使技术和管理服务公司(中国、欧洲、美国)能推广他们的服务,并使中国商业有渠道寻找并找到这些公司 Benchmark – for Chinese companies to download self-assessment tests and compare themselves against international standards and against each other 基准-中国公司可以下载自我评价测试并与国际标准进行比较 ChinAssure – for Chinese companies to register their verified self-assessment information on a database for customers to search for identifying good suppliers 中国保证-中国公司在资料库注册他们经审核过的自评资料,使顾客能找到已通过审核的好供应商 Matchmaking – Customised business partnering service to help Chinese and western companies find each other on the basis of CSR expectations and performance 合作介绍 – 以顾客为本的商业合作服务,帮助中国和西方公司在CSR期望和运作方面找到合作伙伴

CSRchina.net的框架结构 Structure 知识与学习 knowledge and learning 国际趋势 international trend 中国相关法律 Laws in China CSR标准、守则及指南 CSR Criteria, Code of Conduct and Guidance 企业利益 enterprise benefits 当前在中国的实践 Current practice in China CSR 论坛 CSR Forum 良好实践交流区 good practice exchange 业务联系及合作伙伴 business relation and partner 合作学习 cooperation study 多方对话 multi-dialogue 社区/主题论坛 Community / discussion 相关链接 relevant links 知识中心 knowledge centre 非政府组织、政府部门 NGO, Government depts 国际组织 international organizations 新闻 News 专业服务及产品 service and products CSRchina CSR 中国 培训工具与资源 Training tool and resource 商业工具 business tool 最佳实践方法best practice method 管理方法 management method 实用技术 realistic technology 人力资源 human resource 新闻事件 News 行内最新资讯 latest industry news 特别报导 special report 重要会议、活动 key meetings and activities

CSRchina 网站的作用 A CSRchina Web Site A CSRchina web site could fulfil a critical role by: 作为中央信息库,为所有决策机构提供相关资源。 Providing a central information resource for all stakeholders 促进企业界的知识、工具及良好实践方法的交流。Facilitating knowledge and tools exchange and communication of good and bad practise in the business community 促进企业与决策机构在主要问题方面进行对话。 Supporting business networks and stakeholder dialogue on key issues 增强相关组织、网站及机构之间的联系。Connecting associated organisations, web sites and initiatives 网站的成功与否将取决于网站是否能够对于企业及决策者的需要做出及时的反应。关于这一点,可以通过导入顾客关系管理软件来加以保证。 The success of the web site would depend upon its ability to respond to the needs of business and its stakeholders. This could be achieved by embedding customer relations management software within the web site 这样,就可以实现与访客之间的不断沟通与意见发表。同时,网站也可以得到不断的改善,从而能够满足访客的要求,并且能够反映CSR在中国的最新发展动态。 This would allow for an ongoing consultation and publication of visitor viewpoints and the progressive adaptation of the web site to meet their needs and reflect the leading edge of CSR development in China.

良好实践网上联盟- 主要作用 The Good Practice Business Network Group- Key Features 联合/ Connect to help Chinese business managers to identify and contact others who are working on CSR programmes 帮助中国商业经理寻找并联系其他从事CSR项目的相关人士 users will be able to specify search criteria, e.g. business sector, CSR experience, topic 使用者可以搜索相关的标准,如商业部门、CSR经验、论题 讨论/ Discuss to stimulate and coordinate the discussion of key issues relating to CSR in China and its application for business success促进和协调关于中国CSR主要问题的讨论,争取商业成功 anyone can start a discussion by posting a new original message – discussion threads build up by people replying to the original message in the thread 每个人都可以用一个新的信息开始讨论-讨论贯穿对原始信息的反映 Users can enter a question and request votes from others - each member is allowed to vote once in each poll 使用者可以提出问题并要求投票表决 – 每位成员在每一轮民意测试中允许仅一次的投票表决 交流/ Exchange to support the exchange of knowledge and good management practice 促进知识和良好管理实践的交流 users will be able to publish or privately exchange CSR management tools and case studies 使用者可以发表或私下交换CSR管理工具和案例分析 更新升级/Update to communicate and support CSR related business workshops and other events of potential benefit to the Chinese business community 支持关于商业工作室和对中国商业团体有潜在利益的CSR的沟通 Users will be able to publicise events, invite each other, communicate and discuss key news, etc. 使用者可以发表具体事例,相互邀请,沟通和讨论主要信息