1. aid [U] 帮助,援助;[C] 助手,辅助用品


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Presentation transcript:

1. aid [U] 帮助,援助;[C] 助手,辅助用品 First aid is a temporary form of help given to someone who suddenly falls ill or gets injured before a doctor can be found 1. aid [U] 帮助,援助;[C] 助手,辅助用品 Father Poole staggered to his feet, with the aid of a stick. A nice man came/went to my aid and told me where to go. We're collecting money in aid of cancer research. a hearing aid teaching aids aid vt. 帮助,援助 He aided him with money. I

2. injury [C/U] 伤口;损害 injured [adj] 受伤的 injure /V/ 使受伤,损害,伤害(感情) Excessive dosage of this drug can result in injury to the liver. It is a severe injury to his reputation. The boy injured his leg. I hope I didn’t injure her feelings. injure 意外或事故而受伤, hurt 肉体,精神上的伤害(一般用语),疼痛 wound 一般指严重的外伤(刀、枪、剑伤),主要指在战场上受枪弹伤害

Ten soldiers were killed and thirty seriously _________. Two people have been badly __________ in a road accident. These criticisms have ________ his pride deeply. I _____ my back when I fell. My feet ______. wounded injured hurt hurt hurt

3. choke vt. 使窒息,透不过气, vi. 哽住,噎住 The smoke almost choked me. She choked (to death) on a fish bone. She stood there trembling and trying to choke back the tears. 强忍住

… it gives you your sense of touch. 4. sense n. 感觉官能(即视、听、嗅、味、触五觉) sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. 幽默感 责任感 方向感 安全感 美感 正义感 The man has ___________________. (无常识) humor duty direction safety beauty justice a sense of no common sense What he said made no sense. Can you make sense of this poem?

sense v. 感觉到,察觉出 Although she didn’t say anything, _____________________________________. (我感到她不喜欢这个想法。) I sensed that she didn’t like the idea Examples include burns caused by electric shocks... 5. electric 靠电来工作的,导电的,发电的 an electric fan /guitar electrical 与电有关的,电气科学的 电气工程师 an electrical engineer 电器 electrical appliances electronic 电子的 electronic dictionary 电子词典

Take off clothing and jewellery near the burn 6. jewellery = jewelry [U] 珠宝(总称) jewel [C] 珠宝,珍视的人/物 The _______ were kept in the safe. Many women like to buy as much ___________ as possible. Father always says I am his ______. jewels jewellery jewel … take a few weeks to heal. 7. heal (vi/vt) 使某人康复,治愈某人的(疾病) The wound healed slowly heal sb of sth That man healed them of their sickness. cure sb of sth treat sb/sth for sth

8.squeeze Squeeze through a crowd Squeeze juice from / out of an orange. Squeeze the water out(of the cloth). Squeeze more money out of the taxpayer. sth. into / through… sth. 挤进,挤过 sth. from / out of sth. 挤出 sth. out 挤出 sth. from / out of sb. 从身上榨取/敲诈

The symptoms of burns 9. symptom [C] 病症,征兆,表现 Fever is a symptom of illness. More export is often a symptom of growth of economy. 10. apply [application 申请 applicant 申请人] vi. 申请,适用 vt. 运用, 涂,贴 I has applied to the company for the job. The rules of safe driving apply to everyone. She applied her knowledge of English to her work. Apply some medicine to the wound.

It shows that a knowledge of first aid and make a real difference. 11. make a / some / no difference 有一些/没有影响/关系 Your support will certainly make a difference in our discussion. It doesn’t make any difference to me whether you go or stay.

1. Her symptoms showed that she had second degree burns on her wrist. 2. You can slow bleeding by applying pressure to the injury. 3. She showed great bravery when she tried to stop the man stabbing the woman 4. Show me that bruise on your throat; it looks rather serious. 5. Martin had called the ambulance service a number of times before they arrived. 6. We can sense his sense of humor in his application letter. 7. If you have a good knowledge of first aid, you will know how to keep the injury from infection/ being infected.