The Role of the Church 教会的角色


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Presentation transcript:

The Role of the Church 教会的角色 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes The Role of the Church 教会的角色 Opening Slide Personal Introduction – If another trainer is training for the first time. Trainer Name Ministry 培训者的名字 事工 Last Updated 7/07

Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Assumptions 假设 The world is hopelessly broken 这世界是败坏到极致 Methodologies: Lecture Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Lesson begins with five basic assumptions. The first one is that we as a human race are hopelessly broken without God Last Updated 7/07

我们最高的智慧无法医治我们 Assumptions 假设 The world is hopelessly broken 这世界是败坏到极致 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Assumptions 假设 The world is hopelessly broken 这世界是败坏到极致 Our best wisdom won’t heal us 我们最高的智慧无法医治我们 Methodologies: Lecture Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: We are here for a purpose and we will see what that purpose is by the end of this lesson. 3 Last Updated 7/07 3

医治是从信心和顺服而来的 Assumptions 假设 The world is hopelessly broken 这世界是败坏到极致 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Assumptions 假设 The world is hopelessly broken 这世界是败坏到极致 Our best wisdom won’t heal us 我们最高的智慧无法医治我们 Healing comes through faith and obedience 医治是从信心和顺服而来的 Methodologies: Lecture Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: We are here for a purpose and we will see what that purpose is by the end of this lesson. 4 Last Updated 7/07 4

圣经是神为医治我们而给的启示 Assumptions 假设 The world is hopelessly broken 这世界是败坏到极致 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Assumptions 假设 The world is hopelessly broken 这世界是败坏到极致 Our best wisdom won’t heal us 我们最高的智慧无法医治我们 Healing comes through faith and obedience 医治是从信心和顺服而来的 The Bible is God’s revelation for our healing 圣经是神为医治我们而给的启示 Methodologies: Lecture Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: We are here for a purpose and we will see what that purpose is by the end of this lesson. 5 Last Updated 7/07 5

Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Assumptions 假设 The world is hopelessly broken 这世界是败坏到极致 Our best wisdom won’t heal us 我们最高的智慧无法医治我们 Healing comes through faith and obedience 医治是从信心和顺服而来的 The Bible is God’s revelation for our healing 圣经是神为医治我们而给的启示 We are here for a purpose 我们存在是有目的的 Methodologies: Lecture Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: We are here for a purpose and we will see what that purpose is by the end of this lesson. Last Updated 7/07

God’s Concern for His Creation 神对祂的创造的关切 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes God’s Concern for His Creation 神对祂的创造的关切 . He created 祂创造了 Gen 1:1 创1:1 Methodologies: Group Participation Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: We begin our study by looking at different aspects of God’s big, or cosmic, agenda The place to begin is Genesis – the creation. When God created, he said it was good Last Updated 7/07

God’s Concern for His Creation 神对祂的创造的关切 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes God’s Concern for His Creation 神对祂的创造的关切 He created 祂创造了 Gen 1:1 创1:1 He evaluated the goodness of His creation 祂评估了祂的创造的美好 Gen. 创 1:9; 1:12; 1:18; 1:21; 1:24 Methodologies: Lecture Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Five times during the creation God looked at what He had made and evaluated it as good. Sometimes when we think of creation, we think only about God’s creation of people. In reality creation was a process of 6 days in which much more was created than man. Last Updated 7/07

God’s Concern for His Creation 神对祂的创造的关切 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes God’s Concern for His Creation 神对祂的创造的关切 He created 祂创造了 Gen 1:1 创1:1 He evaluated the goodness of His creation 祂评估了祂的创造的美好 Gen. 创 1:9; 1:12; 1:18; 1:21; 1:24 God’s culminating evaluation – “VERY GOOD” 神终极的评价 - 甚好 Gen 创 1:31 Methodologies: Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: What does God say at the end of all of His creating? It is very good. God was clearly concerned about, cared for, and appreciated all that He had made. It is not a stretch to see that God was especially thrilled at the end of creation when He had created human beings who were made in His image to care for the creation that would model His delight in all He had made. Last Updated 7/07

God’s Covenant with All Life 神与所有活物的约 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes God’s Covenant with All Life 神与所有活物的约 Genesis 创世记 9:9-17 Methodologies: Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Another way to look at God’s concern for His creation Go to your Bible and in small groups read Genesis 9:9-16 As you read look for how many times God made a covenant with people? with the rest of creation? Get responses from the group – Covenant with people. How many times? Covenant with the rest of creation. How many times? Last Updated 7/07

Covenant with All Life 与所有活物的约 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Covenant with All Life 与所有活物的约 Noah, his sons, “you” - 5 times 挪亚和他的儿子们,“你们”- 五次 v 9 – You and your descendents 9 节 - 你和你们的后裔 v 11 – You 11节 - 你们 v 12 – You 12节 - 你们 v 15 – You 15节 - 你们 Methodologies: Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Depending on your translation – it is about 5 times with people Last Updated 7/07

Covenant with All Life 与所有活物的约 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Covenant with All Life 与所有活物的约 All of Creation – 9 times 所有的受造物 - 九次 v 10 – Every living creature 所有的活物 v 11 – All life 凡有血肉的 v 11 – The earth 地 v 12 – Every living creature 所有的活物 v 12 – The earth 地 v 15 – All living creatures, all life 有血肉的活物, 所有的活物 v 16 – All living creatures 一切有血肉的活物 v 17 – All life on the earth 一切在地上的有血肉之物 Methodologies: Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: But, God actually has covenanted with the rest of creation more often than He did with mankind. In this translation it was 9 times. This was more than He made His covenant with people. Again, God clearly cared about all that He had made. If we look at the number of times God mentions the creation apart from man we get a sense of how great His concern was for all that He created. Last Updated 7/07

God’s Concern for Generations 神对各个世代的关切 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes God’s Concern for Generations 神对各个世代的关切 Genesis 6:18 – Noah 创世记 6:18 – 挪亚 Genesis 17:2-8 – Abraham 创世记 17:2-8 - 亚伯拉罕 Methodologies: Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: God also has an interest in generations. Last Updated 7/07

God’s Concern for Generations 神对各个世代的关切 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes God’s Concern for Generations 神对各个世代的关切 Noah 挪亚 (Gen 创 6:18 – Noah挪亚) You 你 Your sons 你的儿子们 Your wife 你的妻子 Your sons’ wives 你的儿妇们 Methodologies: Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: He covenanted with Noah, his sons and wife, and his son’s wives – first and second generations and the families of those generations. Last Updated 7/07

God’s Concern for Generations神对未来世代的关切 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes God’s Concern for Generations神对未来世代的关切 Noah 挪亚 (Gen 创 6:18 – Noah挪亚) You 你 Your sons 你的儿子们 Your wife 你的妻子 Your sons’ wives 你的儿妇们 Abraham 亚伯拉罕 (Gen 创 17:2-8 –亚伯拉罕) You 你 Your descendents 你的后裔 Nations that will come from you 万国要从你而出 Methodologies: Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: As we look at the covenant God made with Abraham, we see his concern for generations and God’s concern for the nations (generations) that would come through him. Last Updated 7/07

God’s Concern for the Nations 神对各民族的关切 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes God’s Concern for the Nations 神对各民族的关切 “Nations” is listed more than 2,000 times “列国(民族)”在圣经中出现 超过2000次 Methodologies: Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: God must have a plan for the nations if it is mentioned this many times in the Bible – what do you think? Last Updated 7/07

God’s Concern for the Nations 神对各民族的关切 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes God’s Concern for the Nations 神对各民族的关切 Gen 22:18 – All NATIONS of the earth will be blessed 创 22:18 地上万国都要得福 Deut 4:5-8 – Israel a priest to the NATIONS 申 4:5-8 以色列是列国的祭司 Jonah 3:8-4:2 – Compassion for a sinful NATION 约拿记 3:8-4:2 对一个有罪民族的怜悯 Ezek 20 & 36 – Reputation among NATIONS 结 20 & 36章 在列国中的名声 Methodologies: Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Here are some of the verses about God’s concern for the nations. Highlight one or two from the Old Testament – possibly (Deut 4) that refers to God’s interest in Israel serving as an example/priest to the surrounding nations, and Jonah 3 where God proclaims His compassion even to sinful nations like Nineveh. Last Updated 7/07

God’s Concern for the Nations 神对各民族的关切 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes God’s Concern for the Nations 神对各民族的关切 Lk 24:47 – Gospel will be preached as testimony to all NATIONS 路24:47 福音要传到万邦 Matt 28:19 – Therefore go and make disciples of all NATIONS 太28:19 使万民作我的门徒 Acts 10:34-35 – God accepts men from every NATION 徒 10:34, 35 神悦纳各民族的人 Rev 21:24 – The NATIONS will walk by its light 启21:24 列国要在城的光中行走 Methodologies: Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: God is concerned about nations and their people in both the Old and New Testaments. Highlight one or two of these passages We may not have a big enough vision Last Updated 7/07

God’s Redemptive Purpose 神救赎的目的 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes God’s Redemptive Purpose 神救赎的目的 Colossians1:15-20 歌罗西书 1:15-20 Methodologies: Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Ask the group what they think is God’s grand/overarching purpose? Get feedback. What does the group think is taught of God’s grand agenda in Bible training schools and seminaries. Note, the response may be the salvation of souls OK, let’s look at what the Bible says. Group read Colossians 1:15-20 Read the last verse again. Last Updated 7/07

God’s Redemptive Purpose 神救赎的目的 Colossians 1:15-20 歌罗西书1:15-20 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes God’s Redemptive Purpose 神救赎的目的 Colossians 1:15-20 歌罗西书1:15-20 v 15 - Christ is the image of God 15节 - 基督是神的像 Methodologies: Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Notice the “all things” in this passage. God is concerned about ALL things 20 Last Updated 7/07 20

God’s Redemptive Purpose 神救赎的目的 Colossians 1:15-20 歌罗西书1:15-20 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes God’s Redemptive Purpose 神救赎的目的 Colossians 1:15-20 歌罗西书1:15-20 v 15 - Christ is the image of God 15节 - 基督是神的像 v 19 - God’s fullness dwells in Christ 19节 - 神本性一切的丰盛在基督里面居住。 Methodologies: Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Notice the “all things” in this passage. God is concerned about ALL things 21 Last Updated 7/07 21

God’s Redemptive Purpose 神救赎的目的 Colossians 1:15-20 歌罗西书1:15-20 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes God’s Redemptive Purpose 神救赎的目的 Colossians 1:15-20 歌罗西书1:15-20 v 15 - Christ is the image of God 15节 - 基督是神的像 v 19 - God’s fullness dwells in Christ 19节 - 神本性一切的丰富都有形有体的住在基督里。 v 16 - By Christ ALL things were created 16节 – 一概都是借着基督造的 Methodologies: Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Notice the “all things” in this passage. God is concerned about ALL things 22 Last Updated 7/07 22

God’s Redemptive Purpose 神救赎的目的 Colossians 1:15-20 歌罗西书1:15-20 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes God’s Redemptive Purpose 神救赎的目的 Colossians 1:15-20 歌罗西书1:15-20 v 15 - Christ is the image of God 15节 - 基督是神的像 v 19 - God’s fullness dwells in Christ 19节 - 神本性一切的丰富都有形有体的住在基督里。 v 16 - By Christ ALL things were creat 16节 - 万有都是靠基督造的。 v 17 - In Christ ALL things hold together 17节 - 万有也靠基督而立 Methodologies: Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Notice the “all things” in this passage. God is concerned about ALL things 23 Last Updated 7/07 23

God’s Redemptive Purpose 神救赎的目的 Colossians 1:15-20 歌罗西书1:15-20 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes God’s Redemptive Purpose 神救赎的目的 Colossians 1:15-20 歌罗西书1:15-20 v 15 - Christ is the image of God 15节 - 基督是神的像 v 19 - God’s fullness dwells in Christ 19节 - 神本性一切的丰富都有形有体的住在基督里。 v 16 - By Christ ALL things were creat 16节 - 万有都是靠基督造的。 v 17 - In Christ ALL things hold together 17节 - 万有都是靠基督而立 v 20 - ALL things (heaven/earth) are reconciled through Christ’s blood 20节 - 叫万有,无论是地上的、天上的都与自己和好了。 Methodologies: Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Notice the “all things” in this passage. God is concerned about ALL things Last Updated 7/07

Why Did Jesus Shed His Blood? 耶稣为何流血舍命? Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Why Did Jesus Shed His Blood? 耶稣为何流血舍命? To reconcile ALL things! 使万物与神和好 Methodologies: Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: How would you answer this question? How would the people in your church answer this question? Jesus shed His blood for the reconciliation of all things. Question: If this is God’s full agenda, should this also be our agenda? But, when we look at our churches, we see that we are mostly (if not exclusively) concerned with the reconciliation/salvation of individual people rather than God’s broader agenda for the reconciliation of all things. Group discussion: Is this a problem? Why? Last Updated 7/07

God’s Grand Agenda 神宏伟的议程 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes God’s Grand Agenda 神宏伟的议程 Let’s review 让我们复习 Methodologies: Review for Reinforcement Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Review – why do we review? Last Updated 7/07

God’s Grand Agenda 神宏伟的议程 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes God’s Grand Agenda 神宏伟的议程 He created all – Gen 1:1 祂创造了一切 - 创 1:1 Methodologies: Review and Reinforce Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: This gives a whole new meaning to John 3:16 What is the Greek word being used here for “world”? Cosmos Yes – this is about ALL that exists We are to be a priest to participate with our great God in the process of the restoration of all things in our sinful and broken world. At creation we were given the mandate to care for an unbroken world. When sin entered the world because of our disobedience, we lost this birthright. In a sense, with our salvation, we are again given this birthright – but now it is focused on restoration of what has been broken rather than caring for what was unbroken. 27 Last Updated 7/07 27

God’s Grand Agenda 神宏伟的议程 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes God’s Grand Agenda 神宏伟的议程 He created all – Gen 1:1 祂创造了一切 – 创 1:1 He covenanted with all of life – Gen 9:17 祂与一切活物立约 - 创 9:17 Methodologies: Review and Reinforce Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: This gives a whole new meaning to John 3:16 What is the Greek word being used here for “world”? Cosmos Yes – this is about ALL that exists We are to be a priest to participate with our great God in the process of the restoration of all things in our sinful and broken world. At creation we were given the mandate to care for an unbroken world. When sin entered the world because of our disobedience, we lost this birthright. In a sense, with our salvation, we are again given this birthright – but now it is focused on restoration of what has been broken rather than caring for what was unbroken. 28 Last Updated 7/07 28

God’s Grand Agenda 神宏伟的议程 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes God’s Grand Agenda 神宏伟的议程 He created all – Gen 1:1 祂创造了一切 – 创 1:1 He covenanted with all of life – Gen 9:17 祂与一切活物立约 – 创 9:17 He is concerned with the destiny of nations - Gen 22:18 + 2,000 references. 祂关切各民族的命运 - 创 22:18 提到 2,000多次 Methodologies: Review and Reinforce Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: This gives a whole new meaning to John 3:16 What is the Greek word being used here for “world”? Cosmos Yes – this is about ALL that exists We are to be a priest to participate with our great God in the process of the restoration of all things in our sinful and broken world. At creation we were given the mandate to care for an unbroken world. When sin entered the world because of our disobedience, we lost this birthright. In a sense, with our salvation, we are again given this birthright – but now it is focused on restoration of what has been broken rather than caring for what was unbroken. 29 Last Updated 7/07 29

God’s Grand Agenda 神宏伟的议程 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes God’s Grand Agenda 神宏伟的议程 He created all – Gen 1:1 祂创造了一切 – 创 1:1 He covenanted with all of life – Gen 9:17 祂与一切活物立约 – 创 9:17 He is concerned with the destiny of nations - Gen 22:18 + 2,000 references. 祂关切各民族的命运 - 创 22:18 提到 2,000多次 Christ shed His blood to restore all things – Col 1:20 基督流血来恢复万物 - 西 1:20 Methodologies: Review and Reinforce Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: This gives a whole new meaning to John 3:16 What is the Greek word being used here for “world”? Cosmos Yes – this is about ALL that exists We are to be a priest to participate with our great God in the process of the restoration of all things in our sinful and broken world. At creation we were given the mandate to care for an unbroken world. When sin entered the world because of our disobedience, we lost this birthright. In a sense, with our salvation, we are again given this birthright – but now it is focused on restoration of what has been broken rather than caring for what was unbroken. 30 Last Updated 7/07 30

God’s Grand Agenda 神宏伟的议程 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes God’s Grand Agenda 神宏伟的议程 He created all – Gen 1:1 祂创造了一切 – 创 1:1 He covenanted with all of life – Gen 9:17 祂与一切活物立约 – 创 9:17 He is concerned with the destiny of nations - Gen 22:18 + 2,000 references. 祂关切各民族的命运 - 创 22:18 提到 2,000多次 Christ shed His blood to restore all things – Col 1:20 基督流血来恢复万物 – 西 1:20 He so loved the world… - Jn 3:16 神爱世人 - 约 3:16 Methodologies: Review and Reinforce Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: This gives a whole new meaning to John 3:16 What is the Greek word being used here for “world”? Cosmos Yes – this is about ALL that exists We are to be a priest to participate with our great God in the process of the restoration of all things in our sinful and broken world. At creation we were given the mandate to care for an unbroken world. When sin entered the world because of our disobedience, we lost this birthright. In a sense, with our salvation, we are again given this birthright – but now it is focused on restoration of what has been broken rather than caring for what was unbroken. Last Updated 7/07

The Church and God’s Redemptive Purpose 教会和神的救赎目的 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes The Church and God’s Redemptive Purpose 教会和神的救赎目的 Ephesians 1:22-23 以弗所书 1:22-23 Methodologies: Discovery Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: What role does the church have in this great agenda of God’s? Read Ephesians 1:22-23 (Small Groups) When you read this, listen for something that just doesn’t seem right. These verses say some very important truths, but they also present some questions. Discussion Paul says that God puts all things under the feet of Christ. He also says that the Church is the fullness of Christ. Do you have a problem with either of these statements? When you look at the church in your nation, do you see the fullness of Christ? He also says that God put everything under Christ for the church. As broken as the church is why would He do this? Last Updated 7/07

Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Two Problems 两个问题 1. How can the Church = the fullness of Christ? 教会如何成为基督所充满的? 2. Why would God put everything under Christ FOR the Church? 为何神为教会叫万有服在基督的脚下? Methodologies: Problem Solving, Question Asking Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Here are the two questions we want to understand and answer. Last Updated 7/07

The Church and God’s Redemptive Purpose 教会和神的救赎目的 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes The Church and God’s Redemptive Purpose 教会和神的救赎目的 Church = Christ’s Body = Fullness of Christ Eph 1:22-23 教会 = 基督的身体 = 基督的丰满 弗 1:22-23 Methodologies: Discovery Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Let’s use scripture to understand what Paul is saying. The Church is the body of Christ and it is the fullness of Christ. Last Updated 7/07

The Church and God’s Redemptive Purpose 教会和神的救赎目的 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes The Church and God’s Redemptive Purpose 教会和神的救赎目的 教会 = 基督的身体 = 基督的丰满 弗 1:22-23 Fullness of God/Christ is love Eph 3:17b-19 神的丰满/基督就是爱 弗 3:17下-19 Methodologies: Discovery Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Read the Ephesians 3:17b-19 What is fullness ? It is love Paul is praying that the Church would be filled with this love. But it is still difficult to see this love which is so high, so wide and so deep as being in the broken church that we observe. We may understand what Paul means by fullness but we still don’t understand how he can equate this kind of love with the Church. Fortunately, Paul, explains what he is saying in the next chapter. Last Updated 7/07

The Church and God’s Redemptive Purpose 教会和神的救赎目的 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes The Church and God’s Redemptive Purpose 教会和神的救赎目的 教会 = 基督的身体 = 基督的丰满 弗 1:22-23 神的丰满/基督就是爱 弗 3:17下-19 Works of Service Unity + Maturity Maturity= Fullness Eph 4:11-13 服事的工作 合一 + 成熟 成熟= 丰满 弗4:11-13 Methodologies: Discovery Bible Exploration, Group participation Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Read Ephesians 4:11-13 The 5-fold ministry for church leaders – they all have the same goal in their job descriptions. What is the goal of each job description? To equip people to serve Each one has the same end purpose – to equip people to serve It is only by equipping people to serve that the nature of God, His love, and His Kingdom is seen If the end result of teaching, preaching or evangelizing isn’t in service – those teaching, preaching, evangelizing, etc have not completed the goal of their responsibilities. In other words, Paul is telling us that three things happen – or a consequence of the Church that serves. First, the church moves from being divided to being unified. Unity does not come by theological agreement but by serving. Second, believers become mature. Maturity does not come through Bible knowledge, prayer and other religious activities alone. Paul tells us that Christian maturity comes as a consequence of service. Third, the Church serves, it expresses the love that is the fullness of Christ. How can the church be the fullness of Christ? It is through service. Works of service – the Church serves Adam was put in the garden to serve Jesus was a servant (Phil 2) Jesus came to serve (Matt 21) The Church is called to serve (Eph 4) When Paul equated the Church with the fullness of Christ, he was looking at the Church as it should be – a church that serves, and as a consequence expresses the love that is the fullness of Christ Illustration of church service in Columbia where leaders were being ordained. Question? Are we equally as careful to encourage the training and equipping of the people for the works of service? We will never see transformation as God intends it if only church leaders are ordained to serve. Last Updated 7/07

The Church and God’s Redemptive Purpose 教会和神的救赎目的 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes The Church and God’s Redemptive Purpose 教会和神的救赎目的 教会 = 基督的身体 = 基督的丰满 弗 1:22-23 神的丰满/基督就是爱 弗 3:17下-19 服事的工作 合一 + 成熟 成熟= 丰满 弗4:11-13 Immeasurably more: All things; Our nations Eph 3:20 充充足足的超过: 所有一切; 我们各民族 弗 3:20 Methodologies: Discovery Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: What happens when we see our people serving? God will move in and bring healing to our land because we are obeying Him. Transformation of our nation may seem an impossible goal – far more than we can think or imagine. Paul reminds us that God is able to accomplish what we think is impossible. Last Updated 7/07

The Church and God’s Redemptive Purpose 教会和神的救赎目的 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes The Church and God’s Redemptive Purpose 教会和神的救赎目的 Ephesians 以弗所书 3:9-10 The administration of God’s redemptive purpose – His manifold wisdom 神救赎目的施行 - 祂的多重智慧 Methodologies: Discovery Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Now we want to understand why God would put everything under Christ for the Church. Read Ephesians 3:9-10 Paul – I will explain to you the administration of this “mystery of Christ” – the secret plan of God for the redemption and restoration of all things. God says, “My plan is to use the church to bring about my manifold, ultimate plan – my cosmic agenda.” What is His multi-faceted agenda, His manifold wisdom? It is to reconcile ALL things. Last Updated 7/07

The Church and God’s Redemptive Purpose 教会和神的救赎目的 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes The Church and God’s Redemptive Purpose 教会和神的救赎目的 Ephesians 以弗所书 3:9-10 The administration of God’s redemptive purpose – His manifold wisdom 神救赎目的施行 - 祂的多重智慧 T H R O U G H 经由 the CHU RCH 教会 Methodologies: Discovery Bible Exploration, Metaphors Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: It is through the church – His body – The human expression of God’s expansive love, that God will accomplish His cosmic purpose The Church is more important than any other group in society. If this is true, then we must work toward God’s goal by using His plan. We must equip the people to be intentionally involved in the restoration of all things. Pastors you are very, very important to this plan because you are the leaders of the institution God has ordained to carry out God’s plan. But unless you understand this plan, you will never be able to lead your people to participate in it. Illustrations 1. Shooting at a target with a blindfold – will you hit the target?** NO The target/goal is equipping God’s people to serve To equip God’s people to be priests/ambassadors of God’s plan where they are 2. Do you like soccer (football in many nations) here in __________? Do you know what the eternal cup is? Team #1 – The Church Team #2 – The Kingdom of Darkness Fans – Principalities and powers in heavenly places Both teams have brilliant coaches. We know the end score – but the church will score in this generation only as it carries out the game plan of its coach, Jesus. Will God’s end game be advanced in our generation? The church will score when she carries out God’s strategy – the strategy of service. The implications of this verse is staggering The end purpose of the Church is to equip the Church to serve – to show His love, to bring about His plan Last Updated 7/07

How a Nation Is Discipled 一个民族如何蒙训跟随主? Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes How a Nation Is Discipled 一个民族如何蒙训跟随主? Individual Family 个人 家庭 Community Nation 社区 民族 Methodologies: Diagrams, Visual Images Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: A diagram to see how God’s plan can be carried out. How is a nation discipled? It starts with an individual – as they are transformed they impact their families As a critical mass of families in a community are being transformed, they impact the whole community As there is a sufficient and critical mass of communities being transformed, the nation is influenced and the process of transformation moves forward. Last Updated 7/07

How a Nation Is Discipled 一个民族如何蒙训跟随主? Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes How a Nation Is Discipled 一个民族如何蒙训跟随主? Individual Family 个人 家庭 Community Nation 社区 民族 Church教会 Methodologies: Diagrams, Visual Images Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: A diagram to see how God’s plan can be carried out. How is a nation discipled? It starts with an individual – as they are transformed they impact their families As a critical mass of families in a community are being transformed, they impact the whole community As there is a sufficient and critical mass of communities being transformed, the nation is influenced and the process of transformation moves forward. 41 Last Updated 7/07 41

Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Transformation through the combined efforts of local churches in a community 经由社区内地方众教会联合努力的转化 Church教会 Local Church地方教会 Local Church地方教会 Methodologies: Lecture Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: This will not happen with just one church in a community – it is the Church of the community working to fulfill God’s purpose The Church of your community is your church plus all the local churches (fellowships of disciples) in the city/area Transformation doesn’t come through just one local church, but the churches in the city/area working together toward the goal of transformation Local Church地方教会 Local Church地方教会 Local Church地方教会 Local Church地方教会 Local Church地方教会 Last Updated 7/07

Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes So Many Churches 众多的教会 Methodologies: Implicational Question Asking Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: If it is such a simple plan – why is there so little transformation taking place in many of our nations? Why so little transformation? 为何转化是如此的少? Last Updated 7/07

Christianity vs. Empire 基督教与(罗马)帝国的对比 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Christianity vs. Empire 基督教与(罗马)帝国的对比 Acts 1:15 – 120/60 million = 0.000002% (or 2 millionths of 1%) A.D. 40 – 1000/60 million = 0.000017% (or 2 hundred-thou. of 1%) A.D. 300 – 6,299,832/60,000,000 = 10.5%* *Stark Pg 7 使徒行传 1:15 – 120 : 6千万 = 0.000002% (两亿分之一) 主后 40年 – 1000 : 6千万 = 0.000017% (二千万分之一) 主后 300 年 – 6,299,832 : 6千万 = 10.5%* Methodologies: Case Study Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: The impact of a very small percentage of believers in Rome had significant impact Last Updated 7/07

Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Critical Beliefs 重要信念 From The Rise of Christianity 基于基督教的兴起 Methodologies: Case Study Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: We want to look at the impact of the early church on pagan Roman culture from the eyes of a sociologist , Rodney Stark, in his book “The Rise of Christianity.” Stark states that the impact of the early church represents one of the greatest social transformations in Western history. Last Updated 7/07

Critical Beliefs 重要信念 God who loves those who love Him 神是一位爱那些爱祂之人的神 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Critical Beliefs 重要信念 God who loves those who love Him 神是一位爱那些爱祂之人的神 Methodologies: Case Study Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Christians were to love not only other believers but non-believers as well. They often demonstrated this during plagues in which contact with the sick meant the risk of death. Look at the following. 46 Last Updated 7/07 46

Critical Beliefs 重要信念 God who loves those who love Him 神是一位爱那些爱祂之人的神 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Critical Beliefs 重要信念 God who loves those who love Him 神是一位爱那些爱祂之人的神 Merciful God who requires mercy 神是一位怜悯人, 也要求怜悯的神 Methodologies: Case Study Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Christians were to love not only other believers but non-believers as well. They often demonstrated this during plagues in which contact with the sick meant the risk of death. Look at the following. 47 Last Updated 7/07 47

没有种族划分和阶级 Critical Beliefs 重要信念 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Critical Beliefs 重要信念 God who loves those who love Him 神是一位爱那些爱祂之人的神 Merciful God who requires mercy 神是一位怜悯人, 也要求怜悯的神 Culture stripped of ethnicity and class 没有种族划分和阶级 Methodologies: Case Study Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Christians were to love not only other believers but non-believers as well. They often demonstrated this during plagues in which contact with the sick meant the risk of death. Look at the following. 48 Last Updated 7/07 48

男人要爱妻子就象爱自己一样 Critical Beliefs 重要信念 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Critical Beliefs 重要信念 God who loves those who love Him 神是一位爱那些爱祂之人的神 Merciful God who requires mercy 神是一位怜悯人, 也要求怜悯的神 Culture stripped of ethnicity and class 没有种族划分和阶级 Men were to love wives as themselves 男人要爱妻子就象爱自己一样 Methodologies: Case Study Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Christians were to love not only other believers but non-believers as well. They often demonstrated this during plagues in which contact with the sick meant the risk of death. Look at the following. 49 Last Updated 7/07 49

Critical Beliefs 重要信念 God who loves those who love Him 神是一位爱那些爱祂之人的神 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Critical Beliefs 重要信念 God who loves those who love Him 神是一位爱那些爱祂之人的神 Merciful God who requires mercy 神是一位怜悯人, 也要求怜悯的神 Culture stripped of ethnicity and class 没有种族划分和阶级 Men were to love wives as themselves男人要爱妻子就像爱自己一样 Rejection of abortion and infanticide 拒绝堕胎和杀婴 Methodologies: Case Study Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Christians were to love not only other believers but non-believers as well. They often demonstrated this during plagues in which contact with the sick meant the risk of death. Look at the following. 50 Last Updated 7/07 50

Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Critical Beliefs 重要信念 God who loves those who love Him 神是一位爱那些爱祂之人的神 Merciful God who requires mercy 神是一位怜悯人, 也要求怜悯的神 Culture stripped of ethnicity and class 没有种族划分和阶级 Men were to love wives as themselves男人要爱妻子就像爱自己一样 Rejection of abortion and infanticide 拒绝堕胎和杀婴 Love to believers & beyond – care for sick 对信徒和众人的爱 – 照顾病人 Methodologies: Case Study Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Christians were to love not only other believers but non-believers as well. They often demonstrated this during plagues in which contact with the sick meant the risk of death. Look at the following. Last Updated 7/07

Consequences of Love 爱的结果 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Consequences of Love 爱的结果 One Christian– Four Non Christians 一个基督徒 –四个非基督徒 Methodologies: Case Study, Role Play Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Let’s assume there are 5 people living – one believer and 4 non-believers. Ratio of 1:4 The plague comes through town Christian Non Non Non Non Christian Christian Christian Christian 基督徒 非基督徒 非基督徒 非基督徒 非基督徒 Last Updated 7/07

Consequences of Love 爱的结果 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Consequences of Love 爱的结果 One Christian– Three Non Christians 一个基督徒 – 三个非基督徒 Methodologies: Case Study, Role Play Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: One un-believer is a doctor and understands the plague and leaves town. Ratio of 1:3 Christian Non Non Non Christian Christian Christian 基督徒 非基督徒 非基督徒 非基督徒 Last Updated 7/07

Consequences of Love 爱的结果 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Consequences of Love 爱的结果 One Christian– Two Non Christians 一个基督徒 – 两个非基督徒 Methodologies: Case Study, Role Play Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Christians are taking care of those who are sick even when some are dying Ratio is 1:2 Christian Non- Non Christian Christian 基督徒 非基督徒 非基督徒 Last Updated 7/07

Consequences of Love 爱的结果 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Consequences of Love 爱的结果 Two Christians 两个基督徒 Methodologies: Case Study, Role Play Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Unbelievers are observing the unique ways of believers and in result they are drawn to this way and the one remaining unbeliever becomes a believer Ratio of 2:0 Christian Christian 基督徒 基督徒 Last Updated 7/07

Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Why Not Today? 为何现在不能呢? Why don’t we see more of these marks of the early church in the church of today? 为何我们今天看不到这些 在初代教会有的记号呢? Methodologies: Implicational Question Asking Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Ask participants to think about how they would answer this in relation to what we have been talking about. Last Updated 7/07

对社会福音/自由派的反应 Why Not Today? 为何现在不能呢? Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Why Not Today? 为何现在不能呢? Reaction to Social Gospel/ Liberalism 对社会福音/自由派的反应 Methodologies: Lecture Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: The Kingdom is both now and future Dispensational theology taught that the Kingdom was only future The Lord’s prayer teaches us to ask that the Kingdom will come on earth (now) as it is present in heaven (now). With this future-only Kingdom perspective, there is little motivation to see the expression of Christ’s rule a reality in anything but the believer who is waiting to go to heaven. 57 Last Updated 7/07 57

Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Why Not Today? 为何现在不能呢? Reaction to Social Gospel/ Liberalism对社会福音/自由派的反应 Ministry to physical needs – means to end 对物质上需要的事工仅为一种达到目的的手段 Methodologies: Lecture Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: The Kingdom is both now and future Dispensational theology taught that the Kingdom was only future The Lord’s prayer teaches us to ask that the Kingdom will come on earth (now) as it is present in heaven (now). With this future-only Kingdom perspective, there is little motivation to see the expression of Christ’s rule a reality in anything but the believer who is waiting to go to heaven. 58 Last Updated 7/07 58

Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Why Not Today? 为何现在不能呢? Reaction to Social Gospel/ Liberalism对社会福音/自由派的反应 Ministry to physical needs – means to end 对物质上需要的事工仅为一种达到目的的手段 Pessimistic eschatology (view of the future) 悲观的末世论(对未来的看法) Methodologies: Lecture Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: The Kingdom is both now and future Dispensational theology taught that the Kingdom was only future The Lord’s prayer teaches us to ask that the Kingdom will come on earth (now) as it is present in heaven (now). With this future-only Kingdom perspective, there is little motivation to see the expression of Christ’s rule a reality in anything but the believer who is waiting to go to heaven. 59 Last Updated 7/07 59

Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Why Not Today? 为何现在不能呢? Reaction to Social Gospel/ Liberalism对社会福音/自由派的反应 Ministry to physical needs – means to end 对物质上需要的事工仅为一种达到目的的手段 Pessimistic eschatology (view of the future)悲观的末世论(对未来的看法) Unawareness of Kingdom of God in the present 对现世中神的国毫无认知 Methodologies: Lecture Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: The Kingdom is both now and future Dispensational theology taught that the Kingdom was only future The Lord’s prayer teaches us to ask that the Kingdom will come on earth (now) as it is present in heaven (now). With this future-only Kingdom perspective, there is little motivation to see the expression of Christ’s rule a reality in anything but the believer who is waiting to go to heaven. Last Updated 7/07

Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Why Not Today? 为何现在不能呢? Paternalism 家长式作风 : a) Perspective of relative poverty of those being evangelized and discipled 对传福音和门训的对象有相对贫穷的看法 b) Weak teaching of stewardship 如何做神管家的教导不足 C) Institutional model of ministry not sustainable 事工的机构模式无法持久 Methodologies: Lecture Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: The sad history of paternalistic missions is another reason today’s church has as little impact as it does on the transformation of society. Three aspects of paternalism in the missions of the last 200 years are presented here. The people who were being served by the relatively more affluent Western missionaries were often seen as poor and unable to lift themselves out of their poverty without outside help Because the missionaries’ view of the poverty of those being evangelized and discipled, new Christians were sometimes not taught the biblical obligation of stewardship. As a result, many believers in the non West believe that they don’t have enough to give to God for the extension of His Kingdom. Many of the models for evangelism and discipleship were built from institutional bases (schools, hospitals, etc) that were not sustainable without outside resources. As a result, many non Western Christians think that the only way to bring transformation to their communities is with outside help. Last Updated 7/07

Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Unintentional Sin of God’s People 神子民的无心的罪 I s a i a h 5 8 以赛亚书 58章 Methodologies: Small Group Activity Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Read Isaiah 58:1-5 in small groups As you read, you can substitute the word “fast” for its equally valid meaning of “worship.” How would you summarize what God is saying these 5 verses in one sentence? Review responses- Israel didn’t understand how God wanted them to worship Him. They misunderstood true fasting or true worship Last Updated 7/07

Unintentional Sin of God’s People Isaiah 58 神子民的无心的罪 以赛亚书 58章 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Unintentional Sin of God’s People Isaiah 58 神子民的无心的罪 以赛亚书 58章 “You cannot fast as you do today and expect your voice to be heard on high.” 你们今日禁食,不得使你们的声音听闻于上 Key Verse: 4b 主题经节:4下半节 Methodologies: Discovery Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: You cannot worship me as you are worshipping me and expect me to respond. Explain the context – Israel thought it was seeking God by going through religious activities. such as fasting, praying, and dressing in uncomfortable clothing. God tells Isaiah to get the people’s attention like a trumpet blast would and tell them how He wanted them to worship. Last Updated 7/07

Unintentional Sin of God’s People Isaiah 58 神子民的无心的罪 以赛亚书 58章 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Unintentional Sin of God’s People Isaiah 58 神子民的无心的罪 以赛亚书 58章 v 1-5 Unacceptable Worship 1-5节 不被接纳的敬拜 Methodologies: Discovery Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: This was not an acceptable way to worship God Why not? Isn’t this similar to what we do now? Last Updated 7/07

Unintentional Sin of God’s People Isaiah 58 神子民的无心的罪 以赛亚书 58章 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Unintentional Sin of God’s People Isaiah 58 神子民的无心的罪 以赛亚书 58章 1-5节 Unacceptable Worship 不被接纳的敬拜 v 6-7节 Acceptable Worship 蒙悦纳的敬拜 v 8-9a节 Promise of Healing 医治的应许 Methodologies: Discovery Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Read verses 6 – 7 God tells Israel (and us) that true worship comes as we demonstrate His love. This demonstration is at two levels. Vs 6 - Correcting systemic injustice – can only be done by policy makers Believers must be in these positions of influence to advocate for these changes Vs 7 - Every believer responding to serve – the general body of Christ. True worship is being an ambassador for shalom. When we worship God in the way that He asks, He will bring the healing we desire Vs 8-9a Last Updated 7/07

Unintentional Sin of God’s People Isaiah 58 神子民的无心的罪 以赛亚书 58章 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Unintentional Sin of God’s People Isaiah 58 神子民的无心的罪 以赛亚书 58章 v 1-5 节 Unacceptable Worship 不被接纳的敬拜 v 6-7节 Acceptable Worship 蒙悦纳的敬拜 v 8-9a节 Promise of Healing 医治的应许 v 9b-10a节 Acceptable Worship蒙悦纳的敬拜 v 10b-12节 Promise of Healing 医治的应许 Methodologies: Discovery Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: God repeats the same theme in a second couplet. Read these verses and compare the symmetry with Vs 6-9a Last Updated 7/07

Unintentional Sin of God’s People Isaiah 58 神子民的无心的罪 以赛亚书 58章 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Unintentional Sin of God’s People Isaiah 58 神子民的无心的罪 以赛亚书 58章 v 1-5 节 Unacceptable Worship 不被接纳的敬拜 v 6-7节 Acceptable Worship 蒙悦纳的敬拜 v 8-9a节 Promise of Healing 医治的应许 v 9b-10a节 Acceptable Worship 蒙悦纳的敬拜 v 10b-12节Promise of Healing 医治的应许 v 13节 Acceptable Worship 蒙悦纳的敬拜 v 14节 Promise of Healing 医治的应许 Methodologies: Discovery Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: In this third couplet, God lets Israel (and us) know that religious activity (honoring the Sabbath) is not wrong, but desired. But by implication of what goes before, it must come as a partner with the demonstration of His love. This chapter shows us how our healing (the transformation of our broken communities) comes. It is through true worship – a combination of the demonstration of His love to our neighbor, and what we often call prayer and praise. Last Updated 7/07

Irreducible Worship 最低程度的敬拜 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Irreducible Worship 最低程度的敬拜 “He did what was right and just. He defended the cause of the poor and needy…. Is that not what it means to know me? declares the Lord.” (Jeremiah 22:15-16) “…你的父亲岂不是也吃、也喝,也施行公平和公义吗?那时他得了福乐。他为困苦和穷乏人伸冤,那时就得了福乐。认识我不在乎此吗?这是耶和华说的” (耶利米书 22:15-16) “He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8) “世人哪,耶和华已指示你何为善。祂向你所要的是什么呢?只要你行公义,好怜悯,存谦卑的心,与你的神同行” (弥迦书 6:8) Methodologies: Discovery Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: We see the concept of irreducible worship reflected in James 1:27 – pure and perfect religion – to care for orphans and widows There are many other things that we do – that aren’t bad * Memorize Scripture * Have daily devotions Live a pure life * Other examples Yet, this is not the true worship God longs for. This true worship is stated in other words in Micah 6:8 (Read aloud together) Last Updated 7/07

Unintentional Sin Leviticus 4-5 无心的罪 利未记 4-5 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Unintentional Sin Leviticus 4-5 无心的罪 利未记 4-5 4:13 – 21 Community Sin 社区团体的罪 4:22 – 26 Leadership Sin 领袖的罪 4:27 – 31 Individual Sin 个人的罪 Methodologies: Discovery Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Do you think that Israel in Isaiah 58 was aware of its giving God unacceptable worship? Probably not, but it was sin nevertheless. When we don’t worship God with true worship, we are sinning because we are not obeying His command to love. Fortunately God provides a solution to this unintentional sin at three levels – the community, leaders, and the people. Last Updated 7/07

Response to Unintentional Sin 对无心之罪的回应 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Response to Unintentional Sin 对无心之罪的回应 Leviticus 4-5 利未记 4-5章 Methodologies: Discovery Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: In Leviticus 4 and 5, God provides the solution Last Updated 7/07

Response to Unintentional Sin Leviticus 4-5 对无心之罪的回应 利未记 4-5 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Response to Unintentional Sin Leviticus 4-5 对无心之罪的回应 利未记 4-5 Awareness 认知 Methodologies: Discovery Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: The solution comes in the following steps The first step in our healing is being made aware of our sin. That is what Isaiah was charged with doing. He was to make Israel aware that they were not meeting God’s intentions for worship. Last Updated 7/07

Response to Unintentional Sin Leviticus 4-5 对无心之罪的回应 利未记 4-5 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Response to Unintentional Sin Leviticus 4-5 对无心之罪的回应 利未记 4-5 Awareness 认知 Offering / Repentance 献祭/悔改 Methodologies: Discovery Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Once aware of their sin, the people were responsible for a sacrifice which indicated their awareness of and sorrow for their disobedience. Because of Christ’s sacrifice for us, we don’t need to sacrifice. But, we must repent of our disobedience in order to make the sacrifice valid for us. Last Updated 7/07

Response to Unintentional Sin Leviticus 4-5 对无心之罪的回应 利未记 4-5 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Response to Unintentional Sin Leviticus 4-5 对无心之罪的回应 利未记 4-5 Awareness 认知 Offering / Repentance 献祭/悔改 Atonement / Forgiveness 赎罪/饶恕 Methodologies: Discovery Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Third, we must live differently. We must turn from disobedience to living as God commands as a demonstration of our repentance. Last Updated 7/07

Response to Unintentional Sin Romans 12:1-2 对无心之罪的回应 罗马书 12:1-2 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Response to Unintentional Sin Romans 12:1-2 对无心之罪的回应 罗马书 12:1-2 transformed… 所以,更新而变化 … Transformation = Changed behavior 更新变化 = 行为上的改变 Behavior that reflects God’s will 反映出神旨意的行为 Methodologies: Discovery Bible Exploration Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: This turning is a version of transformation. Transformation is change. The change required is change that reflects obedience to God’s commands. Last Updated 7/07

Personal Application 个人应用 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Personal Application 个人应用 Reflection 反思 Awareness, repentance, forgiveness 认知, 悔改, 饶恕 Methodologies: Application Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Let’s follow this pattern. We are now aware. Let us repent and receive forgiveness. Then, let us be transformed. Reflect on this question. What is one aspect of God’s big agenda that should be more a part of yours? What aspects of God’s Big Agenda are not currently a part of my agenda? 神宏大议程的哪方面现在 不在你的议程当中? Last Updated 7/07

Personal Application 个人应用 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Personal Application 个人应用 反思 认知, 悔改, 饶恕 Action Plan行动计划 Plan for a step toward changed behavior 向更新的行为跨前一步的计划 Methodologies: Application Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Decide on one practical and realistic thing you can do this week to demonstrate your repentance and move you more in line with God’s agenda. Write what you will do on a piece of paper. Last Updated 7/07

Personal Application 个人应用 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Personal Application 个人应用 反思 认知, 悔改, 饶恕 行动计划 向更新的行为跨前一步的计划 Commitment 委身 Commit yourself to action 在行动上委身自己 Methodologies: Application Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Silently commit to the Lord that you will do what you have planned Last Updated 7/07

Personal Application 个人应用 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Personal Application 个人应用 反思 认知, 悔改, 饶恕 行动计划 向更新的行为跨前一步的计划 委身 在行动上委身自己 Share and Pray 祷告分享 Share your plan and pray for each other 分享你的计划并彼此代求 Methodologies: Application Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Next you will take a few minutes to share your plan with the person beside you and pray for one another! Last Updated 7/07

Corporate Application 团体应用 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Corporate Application 团体应用 反思 认知, 悔改, 饶恕 行动计划 向更新的行为跨前一步的计划 委身 在行动上委身自己 祷告分享 分享你的计划并彼此代求 Methodologies: Application Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Turn to another person and share with them what you have committed to do and allow them to share with you Pray for each other. Last Updated 7/07

The Role of the Church 教会的角色 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes The Role of the Church 教会的角色 Opening Slide Personal Introduction – If another trainer is training for the first time. Trainer Name Ministry 培训者的名字 事工 Last Updated 7/07 80

Role of the Church Review 教会角色的复习 Role of the Church in Society - VC Lesson Trainer Notes Role of the Church Review 教会角色的复习 How big is God’s agenda? 神的计划又多大? What is NOT included in God’s agenda? 什么没有包括在神的计划中? What scripture summarizes God’s full agenda? 哪段经文总结神的整个计划? What should be the agenda of the Church? 教会的计划该是什么呢? What scripture describes the role of the Church?哪段经文描述教会的角色? What is one word for the “fullness of Christ”? 哪个词可以基督的丰满? What is the end-work of all church leaders? 教会领袖的终极工作是什么? How does Paul tell us unity is achieved? 保罗告诉我们合一是如何成就的? Methodologies: Peer Learning/Reviewing and Reinforcement Illustrations: Identified by ** in the contents notes. Content: Review the answers to these content questions for Role of the Church lesson review Allow time to share testimonies from the personal applications of this lesson application. Emphasize the critical importance of bringing application to what is being learned. The heart of a child that is asked to obey, but does not and nothing happens – child’s heart becomes hardened to the request of the parent. What happens when you preach and the people in your church don’t apply what you are teaching? Their hearts are hardened to truth. It is so critical that we bring our church members to application of what is being learned. Last Updated 7/07