God’s Mission and Our Mission 神的使命和我們的使命


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Presentation transcript:

God’s Mission and Our Mission 神的使命和我們的使命 Northwest Mandarin Church 西 北 國 語 教 會 Sunday, July 15, 2012 Rev. Ted Lam, 林 彬 牧師

Scripture 經節: God’s Mission 神的使命 - John 約翰3:16 “ For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” “神愛世人、甚至將他的獨生子賜給他們、叫一切信他的、 不至滅亡、反得永生。”  

Scripture 經節: Our Mission 我們的使命 - Matt 馬太28: 19-20 “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” “所以你们要去、使万民作我的门徒、奉父子圣灵的名、 给他们施浸.凡我所吩咐你们的、都教训他们遵守, 我就 常与你们同在、直到世界的末了。”  

Introduction 引言 Let Our Church Impacts Our World 誏 我 們 的 教 會衝 擊 我 們 的 世界 What is a Church? 什麼是教 會?

I. Definition and Functions of a church 教 會 的 定 義 和 功 能 1. Church is not building, rather she is a body of believer that God called them to assembly together to worship Him as a family of God. 教會不是建築物,她是神召祂的信徒聚集在一起敬拜祂。

I. Definition and Functions of a church 教 會 的 定 義 和 功 能 2. Christ himself built the church (Matt 16:18-19) 基督自己建造他的教會 (馬太16:18-19)

I. Definition and Functions of a church 教 會 的 定 義 和 功 能 3. Christ is the head of the church and He loves and die for his church. (Eph 5:22-29) 基督是教會的頭,他也愛教會,且為教會捨命。 (弗 5:22-29 )

I. Definition and Functions of a church 教 會 的 定 義 和 功 能 4. Church is the Body of Christ, and need to obey Him. (Col 1:24) 教會是基督的身體,教會要順服基督。 (歌羅西 1:24)

I. Definition and Functions of a church 教 會 的 定 義 和 功 能 5. Functions for a Healthy Church:健康教會的功能 a. Worship (Main Function) 崇拜 b. Discipleship (Teaching) 門徒 c. Fellowship (Communication / Relationship) 團契 d. Evangelism (Outreach) 佈道 e. Missions (Send Out) 宣教 f. Stewardship (Giving) 管家

How can a church impact the world How can a church impact the world? 我們的教會如何才能衝擊世界? We must go back to the basic: 我們必須回歸基本。那就是。。。

(1) Believe and grateful about God’s Mission (1) Believe and grateful about God’s Mission. 相信並且感激神的使命。 (2) Enthusiastically carry out our Mission 熱心積極的去進行神給我們的大使命

II. God’s Mission 神的使命 - John 約翰3:16 1. ‘For God 神” the greatest God 最偉大的神 2. “so loved the world 愛世人” the greatest Love 最偉大的愛

II. God’s Mission 神的使命 - John 約翰3:16 3. “that He gave 甚至賜給他們 ” - the greatest Gift 最珍貴的禮物 4. “His one and only Son 他的獨生子 ” – the greatest Son 最尊貴的獨生子

II. God’s Mission 神的使命 - John 約翰3:16 5. “that whosoever believes in Him 叫一切信他的 ” – the greatest Invitation” 最廣泛的邀請 6. “should not perish 不至滅亡 ” – the greatest Escape” 最幸運的逃避

II. God’s Mission 神的使命 - John 約翰3:16 7. “but have everlasting life反得永生 ” - the greatest Reward 無價可比的獎賞

III. Our Mission 我們的使命 - Matt 馬太28: 19-20 1. ‘Therefore go…所以你们要去” - the greatest Movement 最偉大的行動 2. “make disciples of all nations… 使萬民作我的门徒” - the greatest Mission 最偉大的 使命

III. Our Mission 我們的使命 - Matt 馬太28: 19-20 3. “baptizing them…. 给他们施浸 ” - the greatest Witness 最動人的見證 4. “teaching them to obey ….. 都教训他们遵守 ” – the greatest Lesson 最重要的教训

III. Our Mission 我們的使命 - Matt 馬太28: 19-20 5. “surely I am with you always…. 我就常与你们同在 ” – the greatest Promise ” 最珍貴的應許 to the very end of the age” 直到世界的末了。

Conclusion:結論 Here are few reflections for you to ponder: 請思考以下問題﹕ 1. God’s Mission had completed through His Son, it costs God his Son. 神的神的使命已經藉 祂的兒子完成了。 為了這使命神付出了祂兒子的代價. What does it meant to you?對你有何意義?

Conclusion:結論 Here are few reflections for you to ponder: 請思考以下問題﹕ 2. Our Mission has yet to completed. 我們的使命尚未完成. God is counted on us to have it done and Impact the world before Christ’s return. 神等待著我們去完成,在祂回來之前去完成.

Conclusion:結論 Are you willing to be part of this great commission? 你是否願意加入這大使命的行列呢?