FAIR Facilitated Admission International Recruitment


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Presentation transcript:

FAIR Facilitated Admission International Recruitment University of Toronto Scarborough November 2014 Canada

Why Canada? High standard of living Safe, peaceful and friendly High quality education Competitive tuition and living cost One of the most attractive immigration countries in the world

Why Toronto?

Why Toronto?

Why Toronto? Canada’s largest city: 6 million (GTA) Canada’s capital of business, education technology, and culture Offers 1/6 of Canada's jobs The world’s most multicultural city

Why University of Toronto?

Why University of Toronto? U of T Ranking Worldwide Canada Ranked by University Reputation 20 1 Times (2014) QS University Rankings 17 QS (2013) Library Investment Index 3 (in North America) ARL (2012) Most beautiful campus 6 The Telegraph

Why University of Toronto? 世界大學排名--多倫多大學 v.s. 台灣大學 World University Ranking University of Toronto National Taiwan University 2014 20 142 2013 21 134 2012

Why University of Toronto? Founded in 1827, with 187 years history Alumni in 174 countries  Educated two Governors General and four Prime Ministers of Canada  Affiliated with ten Nobel laureates  Insulin, electron microscope, artificial cardiac pacemaker, designed and invented by UofT

St. George Scarborough Mississauga

One University - Three Campuses Scarborough (UTSC), St. George, and Mississauga (UTM) All three campuses offer same U of T degrees. Each campus has been selected to specialize in particular areas: Co-op programs and the Fair Program are only offered at UTSC

University of Toronto – Scarborough (UTSC)

What is FAIR @ UTSC Four-Year University Education at UTSC 8-Week Language and Acculturation Program

Special Designed for students from Taiwan What is FAIR @ UTSC Special Designed for students from Taiwan Conditional offer: language and 4 year UTSC study 8 week Language and Acculturation Program (LAP) No IELTS / TOEFL results are required Student must meet required GSAT result (General Scholastic Ability Test)

世界級的頂尖名校之一,加拿大的第一學府。 簡化申請進入多倫多大學的流程 多倫多大學士嘉堡校區特設【大學之道專案】 接受台灣高三學生申請 大學之道 Facilitated Admission International Recruitment 多倫多大學— 世界級的頂尖名校之一,加拿大的第一學府。 簡化申請進入多倫多大學的流程 多倫多大學士嘉堡校區特設【大學之道專案】 接受台灣高三學生申請 士嘉堡校區 學士學位科系。

特色 大學之道 Facilitated Admission International Recruitment 免托福,雅思成績 2. 以高中(一,二年級)成績(包括英聽測驗成績) 、 學測成績、 學校推薦函等資料、 多倫多大學暑期學術先修課程的結業證書 (UTSC Language & Acculturation Program ) , 就可以直接申請進入多倫多大學士嘉堡校區。

多倫多大學士嘉堡校區大學科系入學的申請手續。 大學之道 Facilitated Admission International Recruitment 申請兩階段: 多倫多大學士嘉堡校區大學科系入學的申請手續。 二. 為期八週的暑期學術先修課程(LAP) 以及大學生住校的生活體驗

暑期學術先修課程 LAP—Language and Acculturation Program 目標— 提高學業上英文方面聽、說、理解和寫作能力 幫助學生了解多倫多大學的教學方針 建立有效的學習方法 善用多倫多大學提供的多元教學資源

暑期學術先修課程 LAP—Language and Acculturation Program 課程內容包括— 英文聽,說,讀,寫能力加強-- 學校資源使用 如何撰寫報告,準確用字和清楚表達 教育平台的運用 閱讀理解和分析能力的增長 多媒體報告 學術性專業用詞及文章的理解和使用 俚語,學術用語,專業用詞的詞彙學習 熟悉並應用標準的北美用語及註釋系統 團體討論合作能力的建立 體驗大學教授授課 課外活動—熟悉生活環境與文化融入

U of T Scarborough Offers More Than 180 Degree Programs Bachelor of Science (BSc.) Computer & Mathematics Sciences Biological Sciences Physical & Environmental Sciences Psychology Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Management Bachelor of Arts (BA) Anthropology Arts, Culture and Media Human Geography Philosophy English

Flexibility to combine disciplines Undecided? Can explore options Bachelor of Arts (BA) Flexibility to combine disciplines Undecided? Can explore options Focus on “Experiential Learning” Programs offered: The Arts Humanities Social Sciences

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) U of T’s largest selection of business specializations Professional designations: CPA (CA, CMA), CGA, CHRP Programs offered: Accounting Economics Finance Human Resources Marketing Information Technology Strategic Management

Bachelor of Science (BSc) Integration across disciplines Strong research focus: Learn from the best researchers Research opportunities in undergrad Program offered: Life Sciences Computer, Mathematical and Statistics Physical & Environment Sciences

Combined Degree with Engineering (BSc & MEng) Professional Master Degree in Engineering Civic Engineering. Chemical Engineering The student from Physical & Environmental program would apply in the 3rd year to be allowed to take two Master courses in the 4th year The total length of this combined degree program is 5 years.

Home to U of T Co-op Programs 50+ Co-op options in Sciences, Business and Arts. Co-op work is paid working experience. Average annual payment in business co-op $37,000. Students graduate with a 4-year degree and gain 8-12 months paid Canadian work experience.

Co-op : co-operative 建教合作 學生簽證…工作簽證 2014 年2月12日加拿大移民局發布新的國際留學生的規定<請參照移民局網站並隨時有更正可能>(http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/study/work.asp) ,並於2014年6月1日正式實施 1.凡在加拿大政府認可的教育機構就讀學位、文憑或者證書為目的的學術、職業或者專 業訓練的學生簽證持有者 ,無須額外申請校外工作簽證,每週可合法打工20小時。學校放假期間,則可全職打工。 2. 只有特定的教育機構可以申請建教合作的工作簽證。 3. 畢業後90天,學生簽證即到期、無效。 在加拿大念書的國際學生,就有機會在加拿大工讀。 只需要提出申請,就可以在校內和校外一邊工作一邊唸書。 Citizenship and Immigration Canada加拿大移民局(CIC) 提供給國際學生的打工方式 1.校內工讀(Working On Campus) 2.校外工讀(Working Off Campus) 3.實習及建教課程(Co-op and Internship Program) 4.畢業後的工作(Working After Graduation)

Fees 費用 暑期學術先修程(LAP)— 2015年學費為$10,500加幣,共八週課程。 費用包括 --學費 住宿費 機場接機費 健康保險費 書本費 文化、學術、社交活動費

Fees 費用 大學學費 2014-2015學年(9月–5月) 國際學生普通學科的學費約為$35,283加幣。 大學學費 2014-2015學年(9月–5月) 國際學生普通學科的學費約為$35,283加幣。 學費每年會有調整,於每年六月公佈。 部分科系 (企業管理,電腦科學)從二年級開始收取較一年級 稍高的學費。 (參考 www.fees.utoronto.ca ) 建教合作科系的學生需繳納$710加幣到$1,176加幣的建教合 作科系輔導費。 多倫多大學学费(每年約) $35,000+ 生活費 (每年,約) $12,000 匯率$1 加幣 = 27 新台幣

Fees 费用 3. 其他費用 住宿費--2014–2015年度 (9月–5月),共計八個月的住宿費如下: 聯體墅雙人臥室: $5,394加幣 (約675加幣/month) 聯體別墅單人臥室: $7,285加幣 (約910加幣/month) 公寓式單人臥室: $7,960加幣 (約995加幣/month) 特殊急用—每年$900加幣 書本及學習用品費--$1,400加幣 大學醫療保險計劃(國際學生必須購買)--約$900加幣(學雜費已含)

Competitive Tuition Fees & Living Expenses (in US$) Average 平均 (皆換算成美金) Tuition 學費 Living & Other 生活費及雜費 Total Budget 總估計 UK 英國 Cambridge劍橋 $ 32,000 $ 23,520 $ 55,520 US 美國 Cornell 康乃爾 $ 47,286 $ 17,100 $ 64,386 CA 加拿大 Toronto多倫多大學 $ 31,000 $ 16,500 $ 47,500

Life of UTSC

Life of UTSC

English test / interview How to Get There? Regular route through OUAC: TOEFL 100 / IELTS 6.5 UTSC FAIR Applicants English test / interview 8 weeks summer study

How to Apply? Submit online application English exam and interview (if required) Pay 8-week program fee in full within 10 days after UTSC official letter of offer is issued. July – August 8 Weeks LAP program

報名流程 每年9月1日開始,到11月30日截止(今年延到2015/1/31) 學生應在報名截止日期前上網報名填寫個人基本資料,並繳交加幣$200 ( http://www.utsc.utoronto.ca/~fair/utsc/ ) 在11月30日前用國際快遞寄上其他申請文件資料以備審核: (今年延到2015/1/31) FAIR-UTSC Office of the Registrar, Room AA129 University of Toronto Scarborough 1265 Military Trail Toronto, Ontario M1C 1A4

申請文件 所有文件必須用英文正本或中文翻譯並公證 1. 高中一、二年級全部成績, 須顯示學生分數(百分比) 2. 英聽測驗成績(英文版) 3. 校方推薦函 4. 其他對申請有利的參考文件(拷貝本) 另外, 二月及七月需繳交全英文之 台灣學測成績單 高中三年正式成績單 , 畢業證書