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The hygiene & Safety of Food and Beverage

PPT 模板下载: 行业 PPT 模板: 节日 PPT 模板: PPT 素材下载: PPT 背景图片: PPT 图表下载: 优秀 PPT 下载: PPT 教程: Word 教程: Excel 教程: 资料下载: PPT 课件下载: 范文下载: 试卷下载: 教案下载: PPT 论坛: Introduction to the Hygiene & Safety of Food and Beverage

Learning Goal 1. 了解餐飲業經營屬性、飲食變革與未來 發展。 2. 了解餐飲衛生安全的工作目標、實施現 況及落實要點。

前言 Introduction For consumers, the most important with regard to daily necessities is the safety of the food material, because it involves human health, as a professional chef must ensure that the production of food is safe and healthy. This chapter will introduce the food safety status of international and domestic situation, after learning of the reader to be able to establish a correct concept, and further promote food safety standards improved. 【味全 TV 】食品安全的世界趨勢 5/16

Section1 餐飲業特質、變革與趨勢 Attributes, Changes & Trends of Food and Beverages Service 6/16 Catering, providing food service industry, belongs to the service industry, including restaurants, feeding, delivery of food, to be etc. In addition to the chef, there are waiters, delivery staff and other practitioners. Interior Design – Top 10 Food Trends

8/16 In 2011 Ministry of Economic Affairs Statistics Department ( 經濟部統計處 )on the wholesale, retail and food and beverage industry in the base zone selection survey results results show that in catering business base in the northern most (66.85%), followed by the south (17.28%), the central third (14.91%). While the northern Taipei with 36.03% majority, percent, followed by New Taipei City. Catering distributed phenomenon in line with the tendency of the population distribution of about 60.8% by the end of ─2010 resident population is concentrated. municipalities, and a continued focus of the trend towards the Living in five north; the northern part of the resident population is currently 46.3% of the country's ( 行 政院主計處 DGBAS, 2011) In the restaurant industry overall revenue opinion, the last five years show a turnover of catering industry to maintain stable growth trend. Many caterers in the manner of the composite, in order to attracted more tourists. Another means of to attract more tourists is the brand management (品牌經營). Changes and Trends

9/16 In future the situation in the world with a 2020 global trend, including the world by the trend of economic integration( 全世界經濟的統合 ), population aging( 人口高齡化 ), digital technology and network technology, the advent of bio-economy era, standardization trend, new cultural trend formation( 數位技術以及網路技術 ). In response to these trends, the current practice and the restaurant industry will be facing the prospect of the development of the world as the main motive, family style restaurant ( 家庭式餐館 ), fast food, pizza and other groups catering to introduce overseas brand marketing and promotion. In order to arouse the attention and concern of foreign restaurants will facilitate the modernization and internationalization of output overseas.

10 Section2 餐飲衛生安全目標、現況及落實 Goals, Currents Status & Implementation of Foodservice Sanitation and Safety Food and beverage sanitation is problem the people are most concerned about dining out, whether the fresh ingredients, whether the tableware disinfection and cleaning of the environment, and therefore to manage restaurant food hygiene and safety and quality, the maintenance of national health, food hygiene problems are based on the provisions of 「 THE ACT GOVERNING FOOD SANITATION 」 ( 食品衛生管理法 ) and shall comply with good hygiene practices in food provisions of the relevant professional food and beverage industry.

Goal and Current Status If we want to changes in the environment, so that all countries in the management of food safety is even more thought to do to: 1.The ultimate goal: Reduction provided so that consumers feel unclean food, with or reduce the manufacturing conditions inadequate food to prevent cross-contamination. 2.comply with the HACCP system: 1960 : HACCP concept initiation, space food import the design, manufacture. 1973: US FDA applied to management of low-acid canned foods, reduce botulism poisoning, for food safety management of the first. 1989: The United States Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria (US NACMCF) signed seven principles of HACCP in food production, namely HACCP guidelines. 11/16

12/ :European Union ( 歐盟,EU) announcement of aquatic plants must adopt HACCP quality control standards. 2000: American Meat factory full implementation of HACCP system, Taiwan amendments released "Food Sanitation Management Law", the food industry must comply with "good food hygiene practices" ( 食品良好衛生規範 GHP), food category designated by the announcement and should establish a "food safety control system (HACCP). " 2005: International Standards Organization (ISO) announcement Food Safety Management System Standard ISO 22000: 2005, HACCP as one of its elements.

13/16 Implementation 1.Run the legal enforcement of management method. 2.Methodical: HACCP, GMP( 優良產品製造規範 ), GHP( 食品良好衛生規範 ). 3.The establishment of the system: certified HACCP, GMP, GHP. 4.The self-management: emphasis on the importance of industry self-quality control.

1. 請列出我國食品安全管理組織相關之行政部門 ( 中 央政府與地方組織 ) 與管理職責 2. 請寫出何謂「風險管理」在食品衛生安中有何重 要性 3. 甚麼是「 Lab-grown foods 」 、「 LeftoverSwap 」 食品追溯管理相關系統,請說明之 ( 本題可由網 路查詢解答,請寫出網址 ) 甲

乙 1. 說明何謂 - 食品良好衛生規範 2. 說明何謂 - 即食食品 3. 說明何謂 - 團體膳食 4. 說明何謂 - 膳食服務評 5. 說明何謂 - 自助式餐飲服服務

丙 1. 請說明食品安全管理體系 (food safety management system) 的重要性與建立的目的與意義 號 請寫 ISO 和 ISO 9001 二者間的差異 號 請寫 HACCP 和 ISO22000 二者間的差異 號 請寫 GHP 、 GMP 、 SGS 三者間的差異