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Presentation transcript:


英语专业四级考纲对写作题的测试要求 (1)要求根据所出的题目和列出的写作提纲或图表、数字统计表等(也附有写作提纲)写一篇200词左右的短文。 做到内容切题、完整、条理清楚,文章结构严谨,语法正确,语言通顺恰当。 考试时间35分钟。 (2)写便条: 要求根据提示写大约50--60词的通知、便条、请贴等。 要求格式正确,语言得体。 考试时间10分钟。 测试目的: 按照教学大纲的要求测试学生在基础阶段末期用英语书面表达思想的能力。

英语专业四级写作的评分标准 作文的评分标准   (1)文章内容切题、丰富,文章通顺,表达清楚。   (2)行文流畅。   (3)组织严密,逻辑性强。   (4)句型多样化,句法结构正确。   (5)用词得体、恰当、丰富。   (6)语法正确。   (7)拼写及标点正确,书写整洁。

写作时间安排(建议) 作文的写作时间:35分钟 审题: 1~2分钟; 组织素材, 细节和关键词: 4~5分钟; 起草: 20~25分钟; 审题: 1~2分钟; 组织素材, 细节和关键词: 4~5分钟; 起草: 20~25分钟; 修改定稿: 4~5分钟。

卷面设置 作文的排版应该不多于2/3,不少于1/3,要留有余地,不要将卷面写得密密麻麻。 字体不要过大或过小。字迹要工整。 基本框架为三段论。 每段开头都应该有缩进,留有两个单词的位置。

写作步骤 第一步 审题: 是讨论说明型(discussion)还是辩论型(argumentation)(确定其一) 第二步 构思:确定观点,以及拓展观点 (一分为三) 第三步 提纲: 经典三段式(磨刀不误砍柴工 引言段( 50字)话题引入+众说纷纭+我方观点 主体段(100字)一分为三+逻辑顺序+事实说话 结论段( 50字)重申主体+顺带提醒+提出展望

第四步 写作:严格按照提纲结构行文,写的时候注意(1)多使用同义词或同义表达方式替换避免词汇的过度重复;(2)如何使句子结构多样化(简单句,并列句和复杂句的交替使用,适当将句中非谓语结构、介词短语、从句等位置多样;插入语、同位语的运用等等);(3)句子与句子之间衔接词的运用,表示上下文逻辑关系表达方式的使用。

一些问题 1、审题不清楚; 2、结构不完整,比如,开头缺少铺垫,结尾缺少总结段; 3、比例失调,最常见的是,第一段不够概括,篇幅过长;第二段过于简略;第三段继续阐述某些观点,或者开始新话题; 4、主题句没有对段落进行明确的、适当的限定,结果段落内容不能紧扣主题; 5、第一段没有明确提出中心思想,赞成什么、反对什么,或对某个问题有什么看法,导致观点不鲜明,中心思想不突出。

审题 审题材和体裁 议论文要有论点和论据 要审题目: 1.审文章的中心论点或中心主题 2.审试卷提示,即试卷上的提示性话语。

Education as a lifelong process People need to be educated in order to develop their potentials and push the society onwards. Some people simply see education as going to schools; whereas most people view education as a lifelong process. In my point of view, education is of great significance to a society. I would like to explain it in the following two points. 跑题

Travel broadens the mind(2001年真题) 跑题种种 讲述井底之蛙的故事 介绍外出旅游的准备工作 发展旅游业与当地经济的关系 出国留学的利弊 开头:Traveling is like reading a book. It makes a wise man better, but a fool worse.

专四写作要采取三段式 不按段落要求来写就要扣分 如2008年专四作文题目 The Benefits of Volunteering You are to write in three parts. In the first part, state specifically what your opinion is. In the second part, support your opinion with appropriate details. In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks. 不按段落要求来写就要扣分

A MAJOR ADVANTAGE/DISADVATAGE OF ADVERTISING ON TELEVISION 建议同学们在下笔之前,先在草稿纸上列好写作提纲,即你的论点,你准备分哪几点来论证你的论点,以及你的结论等等,确定提纲中的关键词及各要点间的逻辑,整理自己的思路,对自己所想到的内容进行组织和全面安排。 对要讨论的问题,该涉及的内容,所需的事实、例证、阐述、说明和总结等,在头脑中形成一个整体的构思。写作提纲的确立有助于你明确写作思路,完善写作逻辑。 We see advertisements on television every day. Some people think that TV advertising brings us benefits, but others don’t think so. What is your opinion? Topic: A MAJOR ADVANTAGE/DISADVATAGE OF ADVERTISING ON TELEVISION

Outline sample Introduction: Thesis:TV is the most effective medium for advertising. Body: A. TV is the most popular medium that reaches almost every family.         a. Computers:expensive,not needed by every family.         b. Newspapers and magazines:not subscribed by every family.   B. TV commercials are best remembered with sound,pictures and actions.         a. Newspapers and magazines:words but no sound and actions.         b. Radios:sound but no pictures and actions.     C. TV commercials are rarely missed.         a. Arranged between hot shows.         b. Appearing at best time of day.         c. Seen at random. Conclusion:To achieve the best effect of advertisements,business organizations should promote their products and services on TV.

确定主题句 主题句:文章全文、或每个段落的总结观点。 1.能保证作文不跑题,使作文看起来立意清晰,观点明确。 2. 主题句能帮助你制定写作思路。 (全文主题句、分论据的主题句) 我们提倡专业四级作文中,每段、以及各个分论据都应该要有一个主题句,使得段落分明,观点清晰,逻辑清楚。 态度要鲜明(建议选择相对容易的立场) 文章主题句更适宜放在第一段,根据专业四级英文写作的特点,要在第一段中即要立场鲜明地提出自己的观点。

举例: 2008年的作文题目:the benefits of volunteering You are to write in three parts. In the first part, state specifically what your opinion is. In the second part, support your opinion with appropriate details. In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.

那么第一段的主题句可以设置为: 1、 In my opinion, there are two reasons to volunteer: feel good about yourself while helping others; build your portfolio. 第二段的分论据的主题句可设置为: 2、On one hand, volunteering makes you feel good about yourself on a purely selfish level. 3、On the other hand, from a professional standpoint, volunteer is a great way to add to your portfolio. 最后结尾段的主题句: 4、So it is time for you to participate in more volunteer work to help others as well as help yourselves.

组织段落 段落的组织主要是通过扩展句对主题句的支持或说明来进行的。 常见的段落展开方法有列举、举例、比较和对比、因果、叙述、归类、下定义等。

举例:2007年专业四级写作 Is It Wise to Make Friends Online Nowadays the Internet has become part of people’s life , and million of young people have made friends online. Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: Is It Wise to Make Friends Online You are to write in three parts. In the first part, state specifically what your opinion is. In the second part, support your opinion with one or two reasons. In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.

第一段:开点明现象,引出问题,描述当今网上交友的普遍性。提出自己的观点,赞成网络交友还是反对网络交友。 建议句式:It is an undeniable fact that…;It is widely/ generally/ universally held/ believed that…等。 Is It Wise to Make Friends Online? Making friends online has increasing grown in popularity in the last years and now and then we hear some appalling stories of disasters as a result of it. As far as I am concerned, it is wise / not wise to make friends online as there are potential dangers to it.

第二段:阐述问题,具体地阐述你赞成或反对网络交友的理由。 每个论据的论证由三部分组成: 主题句+扩展句+结论句。 主题句要有高度的扩展性。 扩展句是对主题句进一步阐述或说明的句子,可以运用举例说明、比较对比法、因果法、类比法、分类法等展开说明,两到三句即可。 结论句是对段落进行总结的句子,可以采用重申主题、提出解决问题的方案或呼吁号召等方式。 段落之间要有层次逻辑之外,段落内部,也要层次分明。表示层层递进的时候,我们要使用一些诸如“第一、第二、第三”“首先、其次、最后”“更重要的是……最重要的是……”之类的表达,使得文章条理清晰。

First of all, Some people's dependence on online relationship can build up a risk of having potential psychological problems. (主题句)People can be easily attracted to online life and those who are lonely, depressed or not satisfied with their real lives can easily develop an addiction to the "perfect” online life , as they can make up life stories. Too much addiction can gradually affect one's abilities and functions in the real world. (扩展句)Gradually the addicts become isolated from others and unconcern with people or events around them(结论句). In addition, cyber relationships have the magical power of destroying the intimate relationships between family members and friendships . Teenagers of the generation of Instant Messaging are also too keen to their online friends to care about their relation ships with their parents.

结尾段:再次强调你的观点和你赞成或反对网络交友的意义。 1.承接上文,再次提及你赞成或反对网络交友的原因。 2.提出限制或赞成网络的意义 3.提出一种号召性的语言——用only by doing sth. can sb. do…做结尾,用在文章结尾表示一种号召。 In conclusion, though people are finding it entertaining to make friends online ,it dose harm in several ways .Too much trust and dependence on cyber life can cause net addiction that may lead to several psychological disorders or physical problems . Moreover, relationships in real life have been affected by online relationship(反对网络交友的原因). Extreme cases indicate the most dreadful consequences caused by cyber criminals(反对网络交友的意义). As making friends online still spreading its attractions, people need to be aware of these dangers and take proper actions to protect themselves and their life(号召).

四、连贯 一是指文章在内容上是连贯、统一的,文章中所有的句子都是为全文的中心服务的。 二指的是表达上的连贯。文章的段落之间、段落中各句子之间要有一定的衔接。段落结构和句与句之间的衔接应遵照一定的顺序。段落之间的连接也应符合逻辑。这样使文章连贯紧凑,自然流畅,层次分明,脉络清晰。 获取连贯主要有三种方法:一是内容上的连贯,二是使用代词或有意地重复一些词,三是使用关联词语。

代词的使用 On the one hand, private schools can meet the special needs of the society or the particular requirements of people. On the other hand, they often bring people extra burden because of comparison and competition.   When asked to decide whether we should have a society without private schools or a society with private schools, I will not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.

关联词的使用(部分) 1. Different students learn English for different purposes. Most of the students learn English because they need to read English textbooks or journals and attend English lectures, (while)(Meantime)(in comparison with) a few students use it to talk to English-speaking visitors, attend seminars, or write letters and reports.(表并列) 2. Many people applaud / welcome this new development while others have expressed their concern about this.(表转折) 3. Bird flu and SARS are two typical examples that environmental destruction may threaten our life. (Besides)(Furthermore)(Moreover), forest destruction, water and air pollution result in decrease of planting land and unpleasant weather.(表递进)

4. Serious as the problem seems, we can come up with some measures to deal with it. (First of all)(To begin with)(Previously)(表开始), the authorities should adopt the policy of “sustainable development”. (What’s more) (Additionally)(Besides)(in the second place)(表递进), every citizen should realize the seriousness of the problem and make concerted efforts to protect our environment. (In addition) (moreover)(what is more important)(in particular)(表强调), planting trees helps improve and beautify the environment. 5. One method is to conserve and save our energy. (For instance) (as an illustration)(a good example of...)( take the case of) 表举例some countries have a daylight saving system to use less electricity for lighting. (And)(While) Some have enforced serious penalties on overuse of electricity, water, and farming land. (By these means)(accordingly)( thus) (as a consequence)表结果; the using of energy resources could be slowed down.

五、语言表达 (一) 词汇 1. 选用自己熟悉的词,力求简洁、准确 2. 尽可能不要连续、重复地用一个词。 另外,还应注意以下方面: (1) 根据使用场合选用确切的语言形式。 large—— big (2) 选词清晰,使用通俗易懂的词语 learn ascertain (3) 使用有具体含义的词语。 walk , run , rush ——go , come friendly , generous ,kind ——good。

(二)句子 1.不要出现任何的拼写或语法错误 2.要注意句型的多样化。 (简单句,并列句和复杂句的交替使用,适当将句中非谓语结构、介词短语、从句等位置多样;插入语、同位语的运用等等) We entered the office of the rubber factory. We met the director , and he called a guide to show us around the plant . When we entered the office of the rubber factory , we met the director , who called a guide to show us around the plant . 恰当地使用熟知的句型或直接引用名句、谚语,活用名人名言等

六、检查修改 1. 检查是否切题 2. 检查语言的连贯性,上下文是否通畅,过渡词语使用是否恰当。 3. 再逐句检查语法,主、谓一致性,时态、语态、语气、习惯搭配等使用是否准确。单词的正确拼写;字母大小写和标点符号;数的一致性(包括主语与谓语以及名词与其限定语的单复数一致性); 指代关系(包括指代的一致性和代词的选用);动词形式(时态、语态、语气)等方面。 4. 检查大小写、拼写等。


八、高分密招 1.在考场中,常常感到无话可说,该怎么办? 对策一:逆向思维法。 The Advantage and Disadvantage of TV 可以去联想一些具体的电视节目: 如《 新闻联播》——开拓视野,了解世界。 如暴力片和色情片——对儿童的身心健康发展不利。 对策二:正说反说法。 “如果这样,就会怎么样; 如果不这样,又会怎么样”。

2.在写作中,遇到不会表达的词语该怎么办 对策一:用近义词代替。 “10年”: decade, ten years等 “增加”:ascend,increase, go up, rise, grow, jump, climb等 “认为”:think, agree, claim, maintain, argue, believe, hold, suggest, view…as, regard…as, consider…(as) “目前,最近” :nowadays, these years, recently, lately, currently, at present 对策二:考虑用其上义词或下义词来代替。 上义词是对事物的概括性、抽象性说明;下义词是事物的具体表现形式。 poisonous gases:carbon oxide一氧化碳 / carbon dioxide二氧化碳 mass media: TV,radio, newspaper, internet social service: part time job/ tutoring

忠告 字体可以不漂亮,但是不可以不清楚; 大小错误要扣分。句首一定要大写, 不要受网络英语的影响。“我”还是要“妄自尊大”地用“I“。 不要用口语词  (You konw. wanna. gonna. hay ……),不要用生僻词 词间只有一个空格, 段前缩进四个字符; 标点乱用要扣分(特别注意句号是实心点) 涂涂改改影响美观, 拼写错误尽量避免。

第一段看语言,第二段看结构 作文开头部分以及每一段的第一句一定要写得像英文,不要出现任何的拼写或语法错误。 卷面要赏心悦目,控制在2/3版面内为佳 语言地道,结构要有层次。

切记! ①用 恰当的逻辑词表现文章的逻辑性。 ②要注意自然段与主题句的运用,即用自然段表现出文章 的逻辑性,并在每段中用主题句说明要点,给人一目了然的感觉。 ③要注意句型结构,注意 每句的重心和句与句之间的衔接,使句意一环扣一环,避免松散。