Assignment for Lesson Eight 名字________________


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Presentation transcript:

Assignment for Lesson Eight 名字________________

Writing/Typing Section

Answer the following questions realistically 你最近怎么样? 你什么时候起床? 上课的时候,你的中文老师教你做什么?

你会用中文做什么? 睡觉以前你做什么?

Fill in blanks (one character per blank, no repeats) 李友起床以___就吃早___。 白英爱早上七点就___床了﹐可是她早上四点才睡觉。 李友和同学们___餐厅一边吃午餐﹐一___练习说中文。

李友___中文写了一___日记和一___信。 开___白英爱觉得中文很难﹐___来﹐她不觉得难了。 到白英爱的宿舍___时候﹐她正___做功课。

Write a diary, detailing your daily activities Write a diary, detailing your daily activities. Be sure to include the following words. 早上,上午,中午,下午,晚上,教室,以后,以前,就,上网,节,一边,回,电脑,用

Speaking Section

Imitate the sounds given and record as accurately as possible. Tā zhèng zài sùshè de cāntīng chī zǎo cān. Wǒ xīwàng nǐ xǐhuān zhègè yīnyuèhuì. Chúle zhuānyè kè, wǒ hái děi shàng diànnǎo kè. Tā gàosu wǒ tā yǐjīng zhīdào kǎoshì de shì le. Tā xiàkè yǐhòu jiù zài wǎngshàng liáo tiār.

Click on the speaker icons for A, listen carefully and then do the following: a. Transcribe what you hear in Pinyin including tones. b. Translate what you hear into English. c. Respond/Answer the questions in Pinyin. d. Record your answers by using the blank speaker icons for B.

Example A. ni_hao_! (Hello!) Transcribe and translate 2. B. ni_hao_! Respond and transcribe in Pinyin record your response here.

Make a Voki avatar!

NOTE How to type tone marks on a regular keyboard: (Do not leave out tone marks! Do not use numbers or hand-written marks for tone marks!): 1). Use ‘–‘ (the dash) for high tone (traditionally known as the 1st tone) 2). Use ‘/’ (forward slash) for the rising tone (traditionally known as the 2nd tone) 3). Use ‘_’ (underscore) for the low tone (traditionally known as the 3rd tone) 4). Use ‘\’ (backward slash) for the falling tone (traditionally known as the 4th tone). 5). Use nothing to stand for no tone (also known as neutral tone). (ex. Zhong-guo/)