東莞境外專班課表 授課時間 上課時間 : 每月第三周六日上課 節數 星期六 星期日 TEA BREAK 2014 年 8/23-24


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Presentation transcript:

東莞境外專班課表 授課時間 上課時間 : 每月第三周六日上課 節數 星期六 星期日 TEA BREAK 2014 年 8/23-24 103級 東莞境外專班課表 上課時間 : 每月第三周六日上課 2014 年 8/23-24 9/20-21 10/18-19 11/15-16 12/20-21 2015 年 1/17-18 3/20-3/22(連上三天) 4/18-19 5/16-17 6/20-21 7/18-19 8/15-16 9/19-20 10/17-18 11/21-22 12/19-20 2016 年 1/16-17 2/20-21 3/19-20 4/16-17 5/21-22 6/18-19 7/16-17 授課時間 節數 星期六 星期日 一 9:00—12:00 午休時間 二 13:00—16:00 TEA BREAK 16:00—16:30 三 15:30—18:30 EMBA Required Courses 必修課程 (合計12學分)-中文授課 授課月份 學分 策略管理與財務管理 2015/5,6,7 3 產業分析與市場行銷管理 2016/2,3,4 EMBA論文(EMBA Thesis) 6 EMBA Elective Courses 選修課程-中文授課 選修課程中選6門 (合計18學分) 授課月份 學分 創新研發與專案管理 2014/8,12 2015/1 3 生物科技製造與管控 2014/9,10,11 積層製造技術與其商業模式 2015/2,3,4 製造資訊與決策分析 2015/8,9,10 模具技術與製程規劃 2015/11,12 2016/1 精實品質管理 2016/5,6,7

3/20-3/22 上課時間表 3/20 (五) 3/21 (六) 3/22 (日) 上午 09:00-12:00 08:30-12:00 午休 下午 13:00-16:00 TEA BREAK 16:30-18:30 晚餐 晚上 19:30-22:00

東莞境外專班課程概述 課程編碼 Course Code 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) 總學分數 Credits 總時數 Hours C205001 EMBA論文 EMBA Thesis 6.0 中文概述 Chinese Description 論文寫作。 英文概述 English Description Thesis writing.

東莞境外專班課程概述 課程編碼 Course Code 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) 總學分數 Credits 總時數 Hours C255002 策略管理與財務管理 Strategic and Financial Management 3.0 3 中文概述 Chinese Description 策略管理主要是幫助製造業與服務業高階管理者作決策。一般而言,這門課程主要協助學員們具有策略思維與整合能力。學員可在策略管理學習過程活學活用,更能融合所學應用於管理決策中。授課主題包括研討策略管理的本質與整體架構,瞭解組織所處環境,分析外部環境之時機和危機,剖析內部組織之優劣勢,探討企業不同層次之應對策略,整合策略的執行與治理等。本課程設計為讓初學者了解並能分析在現今市場環境下,企業所面臨的財務問題。課程涵蓋企業資本評價的基本模型,包含企業金融資產的定價模式、實體資產評價與投資專案分析、資本結構分析,以及其他企業在資金管理與財務規劃預測的相關議題。 英文概述 English Description Strategic management deals with the decision making in manufacturing and service industry at the top management level. Generally, this course provides students with strategic thinking and knowledge integration. Topics in this course include the essence and whole framework of strategic management, in what circumstances an organization has been, analyses on the opportunities and threats of external environment, the strengths and weaknesses of internal organization, application strategies of companies at different levels, implantation on integration strategies and so forth. The course develops theoretical framework for understanding and analyzing major financial problems of modern company in market environment. The course covers basic models of valuation of corporate capital, including pricing models for primary financial assets, real assets valuation and investment projects analysis, capital structure and various types of corporate capital employed, derivative assets and contingent claims on assets.

東莞境外專班課程概述 課程編碼 Course Code 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) 總學分數 Credits 總時數 Hours C255003 產業分析與市場行銷管理 Industry Analysis and Marketing Management 3.0 3 中文概述 Chinese Description 本課程之目標在於建構產業分析之思維架構及洞悉市場發展之研究能力,以因應市場之快速變遷,並介紹學生瞭解總體經濟與產業景氣分析,公司經營財務報表分析,投資標的評價與技術分析。透過研究方法之介紹及預測手法之教導並輔以個案實作以達其效。並讓學生瞭解製造業與服務業行銷的觀念和趨勢。 英文概述 English Description The objective of the course is to construct the infrastructure of industry analysis and to build up the research capability for changing market development. The fundamental analysis of macro economy and business cycle, financial statement analysis and investment valuation methods are also studied. By introducing the methodologies and forecasting tools, the case study is implied in this class. The course teaches the student marketing concepts and trends.

東莞境外專班課程概述 課程編碼 Course Code 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) 總學分數 Credits 總時數 Hours C255004 創新研發與專案管理 Innovative Product R&D Management 3.0 3 中文概述 Chinese Description 在現今產業激烈競爭與利潤微薄之階段,落實執行“突破創新” 研發流程管理以增加競爭力之唯一生存之道,但鮮少有企業真正瞭解與實際地徹底執行它。不僅工程或服務技術要創新,研發與管理思維更要突破創新,以創新構思問題解決法(TRIZ)為基礎,有效迅速解決錯綜複雜的研發、工程與管理之諸多矛盾問題。創新研發管理課程;以詳細介紹產品與服務研發流程與組織架構、產品與服務策略與規劃、確認與掌握客戶需求、產品與服務規格定義與確認、產品與服務概念開發與測試、品質與目標成本設計、產品研發流程之突破創新機會點(前端預防設計)、解決問題之創新構思問題解決法(TRIZ)等主題。TRIZ管理實務案例包含研發管理、生產管理、服務業管理、專案管理。 英文概述 English Description The aim of this course is to show how to implement TRIZ to resolve conflicts in an innovative thinking manner for product R&D management process, including product planning, concept development, system design, detail design, testing and refinement, and ramp-up production. TRIZ has been well-known as a creative and innovative thinking theory in solving engineering and technology contradictions in the last two decades. However, few studies and practical usage were proposed in Product R&D, management area. Nearly 12 real cases are discussed to demonstrate the ideas guided by TRIZ in product R&D management, engineering technology, project management, service industry management, and production management.

東莞境外專班課程概述 課程編碼 Course Code 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) 總學分數 Credits 總時數 Hours C255005 生物科技製造與管控 Manufacturing and Quality Management of Biotechnology Products 3.0 3 中文概述 Chinese Description 感測器之設計製造與驗證、感測器與機械設計、感測器之應用與測試、生物科技法規、及醫療器材品質管理體系 英文概述 English Description This course includes the following topics: design, development, and manufacturing of biosensors; mechanical design of biosensors; application and validation of biosensors; regulatory requirements of biosensors; quality management of biomedical products.

東莞境外專班課程概述 課程編碼 Course Code 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) 總學分數 Credits 總時數 Hours C255006 積層製造技術與其商業模式 Additive Manufacturing Technology and Mass Customization 3.0 3 中文概述 Chinese Description 於2009年,ASTM定義了積層製造,並將此積層製造分成七大類型,本課程將對它進行光機電原理 說明,並以商業化的積層製造系統之實例進行介紹, 同時以積層製造的應用及系統的研發為授課方向,最後以大量客製化的議題介紹其商業模式。 英文概述 English Description ASTM Committee F42 on Additive Manufacturing Technologies was formed in 2009. The myriad process names into seven standardized terms. In this course, the principle of the additive manufacturing technology in terms of its opto-electro-mechanical-system will be discussed. The application and the system development of additive manufacturing are the major topics of this course. Furthermore, the mass customization using additive manufacturing technology will be discussed.

東莞境外專班課程概述 課程編碼 Course Code 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) 總學分數 Credits 總時數 Hours C255007 製造資訊與決策分析 Manufacturing Information and Decision Analysis 3.0 3 中文概述 Chinese Description 商業智慧(Business Intelligence, BI),是企業利用現代資訊技術收集、管理和分析結構化與非結構化的企業資料與資訊,創造和累積企業知識與見解,以改善企業決策品質與採取有效的企業行動,進而提升企業各方面績效。此課程旨在說明決策理論之基本觀念,及其在真實世界裡相關決策問題之分析。使學生具備了解並建構決策問題,建構並推估決策之不確定性,以及建構並評估效用模式之能力。 英文概述 English Description Business intelligence (BI) is a business management term which refers to applications and technologies which are used to gather, provide access to, and analyze data and information about their company operations. Business intelligence systems can help companies have a more comprehensive knowledge of the factors affecting their business, such as metrics on sales, production, internal operations, and they can help companies to make better business decisions. This course provides an overview of the basic concepts of decision theory and their applications on the real-world decision problems. Students will learn about the problem identification and modeling, the modeling and estimation of the associated uncertainty, and modeling and evaluation of the utility function.

東莞境外專班課程概述 課程編碼 Course Code 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) 總學分數 Credits 總時數 Hours C255008 模具技術與製程規劃 Mold Technology and Process Planning 3.0 3 中文概述 Chinese Description 本課程不只要讓初學者熟悉模具的構造與設計,而且要讓有經驗的模具設計者也能夠以工程的方法來設計模具。內容包括(1)模具類型(塑膠模具、沖壓模具等);(2)模具基礎(模具構造、射出機、沖壓機、塑膠材料、產品等);(3)模具設計方針(佈置、澆口、流道、頂出、冷卻等);(4)模具性能(模具壽命、成形週期等);(5)案例研討(理論與實務並重) 英文概述 English Description This course is to familiarize the mold structure and mold design not only for the beginners but also for experienced mold designers with an engineering approach to design a mold. The contents include the (1) Mold types (plastic mold, press mold, etc.), (2) Basics about mold (injection machine, press machine, and products), (3) Mold design guideline (mold layout, gate, runner, ejection, mold cooling). (4) Mold performance (mold life, cycle time). (5) Case study (emphasizing on both the theoretical and practical issues).

東莞境外專班課程概述 課程編碼 Course Code 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese) 英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) 總學分數 Credits 總時數 Hours C255009 精實品質管理 A Lean and Mean Business and Quality Management 3.0 3 中文概述 Chinese Description 本課程教導學生對製造業與服務業進行精實化管理的策略與技巧。課程內容包含:造成大型企業倒閉的商務環境改變與組織內的問題;科技提昇與電子化管理對企業的衝擊;精實化企業中有效及具競爭力營運管理的要素;精實化管理的發展策略與技巧。探討競爭優勢與生產服務系統模式、經營模式之關連,包括大量客製化、競爭優勢階段性、 發展競爭優勢作為、 豐富顧客價值。本課程將使學員熟習各項品質管理的理論基礎與發展趨勢,強化理論研究與實務應用能力。首先,課程涵蓋基礎統計使學員具備研究方法與分析技術能力,了解收集、統整和分析資料。其次,討論量化的六標準差管理相關工具及專案推行流程,以系統化思維探討問題並提出有效可行的解決對策,持續提升品質及客戶滿意。最後,介紹制度面及組織管理面的全球品管概念,闡述創造魅力品質之重要理論模型及影響服務品質關鍵因素。 英文概述 English Description This course covers the strategies and techniques of managing a lean business in manufacturing and in service. The linkages between competitive advantages and production systems, competitive advantages and business models will be discussed first. Then, topics include mass customization, competitive advantage stages, developing competitive capability and maximize customer value. This class will help students familiarize themselves with the trend of theoretical basis of the quality management and strengthen their ability in both theoretical research and practical application. First, the course covers basic statistics so that students will be acquainted with research methods and analysis techniques. Second, the six sigma management tools will be reviewed and the process for its implementation will also be addressed. Finally, the system- and the organization-level quality as well as the Kano Model for attractive quality will be discussed.