Ethical Issues on Animal and Human cloning


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Presentation transcript:

Ethical Issues on Animal and Human cloning

Introduction Human cloning is the creation of a genetically identical human being, human cell or human tissue.

Cloning Cloning produces cells that are genetically similar to each other (have the same DNA). This prevents an organ (or cells) made through cloning from being rejected.

Types of Cloning There are two types of cloning: Therapeutic cloning is the use of (stem) cells for medicinal or research purposes. Reproductive cloning would be using (stem) cells to create cloned humans.

Two methods of cloning Embryo cloning - remove a cell from an embryo for developing into a separate embryo. Adult cell cloning - replace DNA/nucleus from a cell by another.

Two methods of cloning Embryo cloning – do not know the characteristics of the offspring. Adult cell cloning – characteristics are almost the same as the nucleus donor.

Advantages of animal cloning Can produce animal with a desired trait, for Protein products, organs Proliferate endangered animals

Cloning Humans

Cloning – two kinds Reproductive cloning – an embryo is created and implanted into a woman’s womb to bring it to term. Therapeutic cloning – an embryo is created in order to obtain cells from it.

Why clone human? Just an ‘unconventional’ means of reproduction In vitro fertilization Surrogate mother Adoption

Why clone human? Study human development Produce spare parts Test for genetic defect Increase chance of pregnancy Produce two children at the same time

Why clone human? Preserve traits and talents Extension of life in unusual circumstances One spouse sterile Homosexual marriage

Positive points of therapeutic cloning Cloned embryos provide : Brain cells for disorders like Parkinson and Alzheimer’s disease Pancreatic islet cells for diabetes

Positive points of therapeutic cloning Cloned embryos provide : Nerve cells for spinal cord damage Blood and bone marrow cells for blood cell disorder

Why not perform reproductive cloning? Eugenic – to maximize certain traits intentionally Reduce genetic diversity Use as substitute for organ Clone may have reduced life expectancy Clone may be abnormal

Why not perform reproductive cloning? Lack of self-identity Replaceable Dominated by the ‘father’ or ‘mother’

Why not perform reproductive cloning? Upset traditional family relationship Twin of the cell donor? Relationship with its brother and sister Relationship with spouse of the cell donor

Please consider ...... Would the views of animal and human cloning differ among people with different religious beliefs? Is embryo a living human? Since the use of stem cells for therapeutic cloning is still in experimental stage, would the use of cells from embryo be acceptable? How about using the embryos left over after in vitro fertilization? 二、「胚胎幹細胞研究」之佛法觀點   九十六年七月十九日下午,中大哲研所李瑞全所長與中大前校長的劉全生女兒劉安華(Jennifer A. Liu)來訪。劉安華曾是李瑞全所長的學生,目前在美國加州大學柏克萊分校攻讀博士,研究有關幹細胞研究的倫理問題,特來詢問有關幹細胞研究之佛法觀點。   昭慧法師向其分析:佛教分胎藏為八位,精卵和合雖然就是生命的開始,但是畢竟屬於前階段,大致來說,精卵和合一個月內,軀幹尚未長成。科學家所設定摘取幹細胞的時限,是受精十四天之內,是時胚胎還沒有神經傳導功能,因此沒有覺知痛苦的能力。   但這並不表示:佛教因此熱烈贊成胚胎幹細胞的研究。十四天內的胚胎,因為還沒有痛的覺受,所以不能把摘除胚胎幹細胞,拿來跟殺害七、八月的胎兒或成人相比,但生命畢竟是有很強烈的生之欲求,摘除胚胎幹細胞,終止了胚胎的生命,對這個生命還是會帶來震撼的。因此以佛教觀點,不致於強烈地將摘除胚胎幹細胞看作是「殺人」,但是也不主張這是「完全不涉及殺生」的行為。   此外,昭慧法師也從佛教倫理學的「中道」原則,分析該如何面對這個議題:   從另一個面向來看,例如動物實驗,這些被用來實驗的貓、狗、猿猴等動物,比起一團胚胎幹細胞,覺知痛苦的感受能力更強,但世俗一般對胚胎幹細胞的價值還非常重視,對動物實驗卻大都抱持無所謂的態度。以佛法的角度來看,兩者都不値得鼓勵;然而從覺知能力或痛覺的程度來說,殘忍的動物實驗帶給動物的痛苦,遠甚於胚胎幹細胞所承受的壓力。所以或許動物實驗的倫理問題,較諸胚胎幹細包會更為嚴重,這是佛法與世俗不同的看法。   不論動物實驗或胚胎幹細胞的研究,法師認為:從佛法的中道立場來看,不妨永遠都表示反對,以給予從事相關工作的科學家一定的道德壓力。因為一旦須要面對反對壓力,科學家才會認真思考替代方案。例如胚胎幹細胞研究,因為面對強大的倫理爭議,才不得不絞盡腦汁來想:是否可能用成體幹細胞來取代?或能否從臍帶血、胎盤組織等來擷取幹細胞?可是動物實驗一向都被認為理所當然,道德壓力不夠大,科學界自然就毫不在意,也不願費心思考替代方案。   因此以佛教倫理學看待任何一個應用議題,除了護生的理念之外,還要顧及中道原則:『在諸多因緣裡,選取相對最好的方案。』在運動過程中,永遠不能只有「零」及「一百」,例如動物實驗及胚胎幹細胞的研究,不能因為達不到最理想的目標,就什麼都不做,相對來說,能做到多少就算多少,永遠給予壓力,讓他們良心不安,這就是中道智慧。 

Please consider ...... Is reproductive cloning a violation of natural birth? How about the cloning of a beloved one who dies accidentally? How about cloning for sterile couples? Under what circumstances do you want to make a copy of yourself?

Is adult human DNA cloning moral? Some talents seem to be genetically influenced. Musical ability seems to run in families. Cloning using the DNA from the cell of an adult with the desired traits or talents might produce an infant with similar potential. Yes ?

A heterosexual couple in which the husband was completely sterile could use adult DNA cloning to produce a child. An ovum from the woman would be coupled with a cell from the man's body. Both would contribute to the child: the woman would provide the "factory" for creating cells; the man would provide the "genetic information." They might find this more satisfactory than using the sperm of another man. Yes ?

Two lesbians could elect to have a child by adult DNA cloning rather than by artificial insemination by a man's sperm. Each would then contribute part of her body to the fertilized ovum: one woman would donate the ovum, which contains some genetic material in its mitochondria; the other woman the nuclear genetic material. Both would have parts of their bodies involved in the conception. They might find this more satisfactory than in-vitro fertilization using a man's sperm Yes ?

There is no guarantee that the first cloned humans will be normal There is no guarantee that the first cloned humans will be normal. The fetus might suffer from some disorder that is not detectable by ultrasound. They may be born disabled. Disorders may materialize later in life. Such problems have been seen in other cloned mammals. There is no reason to assume that they will not happen in humans. No ?

Cells seem to have a defined life span built into them Cells seem to have a defined life span built into them. "Dolly" was created from a cell that was about six years old; this is middle age for a ewe. There were some indications that Dolly's cells were also middle-aged. She was believed to be, in essence, about six years old when she was born. She was expected to live only for five years, which is shorter than the normal life span of 11 years. If this is also true of humans, then cloned people would have a reduced life expectancy. The cloning technique could take many years off their life. [These fears proved to be unfounded. "Dolly" has grown into a comfortable middle age with signs of normal aging for her age.] No ?

Dolly was conceived using a ewe's egg and a cell from another ewe's body. It is noteworthy that no semen from a ram was involved. If the technique were perfected in humans, and came into general usage, then there would be no genetic need for men. All of the human males could be allowed to die off. [The author of this essay is a male and does not think kindly of such a future. However, some readers might not object to this eventuality.] No ?

Large scale cloning could deplete genetic diversity Large scale cloning could deplete genetic diversity. It is diversity that drives evolution and adaptation. It prevents an entire species from disappearing because of susceptibility to a disease. [It is doubtful that cloning would ever be used at a level to make this a significant threat.] No ?

Some people have expressed concern about the effects that cloning would have on relationships. For example, a child born from an adult DNA cloning from his father would be, in effect, a delayed twin of one of his parents. That has never happened before and may lead to emotional difficulties. No ?

More Cloning? A third type of cloning called replacement cloning is a theoretical possibility, and would be a combination of therapeutic and reproductive cloning. Replacement cloning would entail the replacement of an extensively damaged, failed, or failing body through cloning followed by whole or partial brain transplant. Never been attempted… that we know of.