Building a professional social service system of social assistance


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Presentation transcript:

Building a professional social service system of social assistance Disclaimer: The views expressed in this document are those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), its Board of Directors, or the governments they represent. ADB does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this document, and accept no responsibility for any consequence of their use. By making any designation or reference to a particular territory or geographical area, or by using the term “country” in this document, ADB does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. Building a professional social service system of social assistance 动画 (基本) 注意:此视频模板针对 Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 进行了优化. 在 PowerPoint 2007 中,视频元素将会播放,但与视频栏重叠的任何内容都将在幻灯片放映模式下被视频覆盖. 在 PowerPoint 2003 中,视频将不会播放,但视频的标牌框架将保持不变,就像静态图像一样. 视频: 在每次切换幻灯片后自动播放. 时长 15 秒. 无缝地无限循环播放. 若要添加幻灯片或更改版式: 若要添加新的幻灯片,请在“开始"选项卡上的“幻灯片"组中,单击“新建幻灯片"下方的箭头,在“动画背景主题"下方单击,然后选择所需版式. 若要更改现有幻灯片的版式,请在“开始"选项卡的“幻灯片"组中,单击“版式",然后选择所需版式. 其他动画元素: 您插入的任何动画元素都将从切换幻灯片并且背景视频开始播放后开始. East China Normal University:Zhong Renyao

The introduction of social assistance in our country the implementation of social assistance The introduction of social assistance in our country Source of Data : Ministry of Civil Affairs < 2014 statistical bulletin of social service development>

The number of social assistance recipients Units:10 thousands

The situation of social assistance in 2014 Type Households (million) People(million) Fiscal spending A total of fiscal expenditure (billion) The central government subsidies (billion) The percentage of the central government subsidies(%) urban minimum living standard guarantee 10.261 18.77 72.17 51.888 71.9 rural minimum living standard guarantee 29.436 52.072 87.03 58.26 66.9 Rural five -guarantees 5.291 18.98

Medicaid in 2014 The medicaid supported 91.19 million person-time, including 11.066 million inpatient assistance, 12.887 million outpatient service assistance, funding 67.237 million people’s participation of medical insurance and cooperative medical care . Medical assistance funds reached 25.26 billion Yuan. 18.02 billion Yuan are used for inpatient assistance, 2.4 billion Yuan for outpatient service assistance, and 4.84 billion Yuan for supporting people’s participation of medical insurance and cooperative medical care. The average value per person-time reached 1628 Yuan, 186 Yuan, 72 Yuan respectively. Special medical assistance towards servicemen reached 4.746 million person-tune. The average value per capita is 661.8 Yuan, and the total reached 3.14 billion Yuan.

Temporary assistance in 2014 Temporary assistance reached 6.507 million households in 2014. Categorized by rural/urban areas: urban households was 3.335 million, rural households was 3.172 million; Categorized by household registration: local permanent household was 6.315 million, the non-local permanent household was 192,000; Categorized by assistance types: the cash assistance was 5.339 million household-times, the emergencye assistance was 1.168 million household-times. The total annual expenditure of temporary assistance was 5.76 billion Yuan.

Community services in 2014 Community service guidance center, 918 . The number of community service agencies reached 311,000. the coverage rate of community service organization was 45.5%. The numbers of different types of agencies are: Community service guidance center, 918 . Community service center, 23,088 . Community service station, 120,188 . service outlets in cities and towns, 309,000. Community volunteer service organization, 109,000.

Social organization in 2014 606,000 social organizations with 682.3 million employees. Social organization Private non-enterprise units Total 310,000 292,000 Industrial and commercial service 34099 Business service 5915 Education 11412 163681 Health 10060 23404 Social service 44630 Culture 14148 Law 3270 42244 Agriculture and rural development 60202 Science and technology service 15110 Occupation and industry organization 19867 Ecological environment 398

Social work in 2014 Social service agencies reached 1.668 million with 12.51 million employees. Children's Services: there were 525,000 orphans, including 94000 living in institutions and 432,000 living in families. Providing assistance to 170,000 street children all the year round. Disability Services:there were 16,389 agencies providing services for the disabled and providing jobs to 47.9 million workers with disabilities.

Ⅱ. The Change of Environment Social assistance requires interventions of professional social services.

Characteristics of poverty in the new stage Complicated reasons of poverty: physical conditions, expense, unemployment; Intergenerational transference of poverty: rigidification of social mobility, solidified stratification; Extension of poverty: economic adjustment and upgrading, which weaken labor-intensive industries; Problems of ‘new types of poverty’: the unemployed, people living from paycheck to paycheck, getting into poverty repeatedly; Differentiation in needs for assistance: the reasons of being poor are complicated, which require different ways and methods to overcome poverty.

Direction of social assistance reform Break the vicious circle of intergenerational transference of poverty. Prevent vicious labor competition. Avoid the vicious circle of social assistance expenditure.

Changing the philosophy of social assistance From providing assistance to the poor to preventing poverty; From receiving assistance passively to self-development; From survival assistance to survival, development and opportunity support; From in-cash assistance to a combination of cash and in-kind assistance; From single assistance provider to multiple providers; From providing assistance of same level to providing assistance according to different needs.

Professional social services in social assistance Ⅲ. Strategies and Ideas Professional social services in social assistance

Matching the needs of social assistance and professional social services: key issues What kind of professional social services are needed? Who can provide these services? How to provide these services? Roles and responsibilities of government?

(1) ‘who need services?’ & ‘what kind of services do they need?’ 1.Classification of poor people " age and health" "level of poverty and probability of getting rid of poverty" 2.Identification of service needs "professional services aiming at securing survival" "professional services aiming at promoting development" "professional services aiming at providing opportunities"

(2) 1.Nature of providers 2.Services " who provide services?" & " What kind of services can they provide?" 1.Nature of providers Profitable Non-profitable Charitable & Voluntary 2.Services Daily care Capacity building Social support and social inclusion

(3) "how to provide services?" Model of government purchasing services in America Model of government outsourcing services in France Model of government purchasing services and community participation in Singapore … Which model is more suitable for China?

(4)Roles and responsibilities of government how to guarantee the quality of services How to define the roles of government and how to transfer the function of government is a prerequisite for sustainable and healthy development of professional social services. The government needs to ensure the quality services , allow greater space for the development of non-governmental sectors, make clear and confine the area and degree of governmental intervention. " How to conduct assessment and supervision" " How to guide and cultivate the development of non- governmental organizations through policymaking"


社会救助的专业化社会服务体系构建 华东师范大学:钟仁耀 动画 (基本) 注意:此视频模板针对 Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 进行了优化。 在 PowerPoint 2007 中,视频元素将会播放,但与视频栏重叠的任何内容都将在幻灯片放映模式下被视频覆盖。 在 PowerPoint 2003 中,视频将不会播放,但视频的标牌框架将保持不变,就像静态图像一样。 视频: 在每次切换幻灯片后自动播放。 时长 15 秒。 无缝地无限循环播放。 若要添加幻灯片或更改版式: 若要添加新的幻灯片,请在“开始”选项卡上的“幻灯片”组中,单击“新建幻灯片”下方的箭头,在“动画背景主题”下方单击,然后选择所需版式。 若要更改现有幻灯片的版式,请在“开始”选项卡的“幻灯片”组中,单击“版式”,然后选择所需版式。 其他动画元素: 您插入的任何动画元素都将从切换幻灯片并且背景视频开始播放后开始。 社会救助的专业化社会服务体系构建 华东师范大学:钟仁耀

一、制度实施 我国社会救助及相关情况介绍 数据来源:民政部《2014年社会服务发展统计公报》

历年社会救助人数 单位:万人

2014年社会救助情况 类型 户(万) 人(万) 财政支出 各级财政总计(亿元) 中央财政补助(亿元) 中央财政补助占比(%) 城市低保 1026.1 1877 721.7 518.88 71.9 农村低保 2943.6 5207.2 870.3 582.6 66.9 农村五保 529.1 189.8

2014年医疗救助 医疗救助9119万人次,其中住院救助1106.6万人次,门诊救助1288.7万人次,资助参保参合6723.7万人。 医疗救助资金252.6亿元,其中住院救助180.2亿元,门诊救助24亿元,资助参保参合48.4亿元。住院救助、门诊救助、资助参保参合水平分别达到人次均1628元、186元、72元。 医疗补助优抚对象474.6万人次,人均补助水平661.8元,各级财政共支出优抚医疗补助资金31.4亿元。

2014年临时救助 2014年临时救助650.7万户次。 按户籍性质分类:城市家庭333.5万户次,农村家庭317.2万户次; 按属地分类:当地常驻户口631.5万户次,非当地常驻户口19.2万户次; 按救助类型分类:支出型临时救助533.9万户次,应急型临时救助116.8万户次。全年支出临时救助资金57.6亿元。

各类社区服务机构31.1万个,社区服务机构覆盖率45.5%。其中: 2014年社区服务 各类社区服务机构31.1万个,社区服务机构覆盖率45.5%。其中: 社区服务指导中心918个 社区服务中心23088个 社区服务站120188个 城镇便民、利民服务网点30.9万个。 社区志愿服务组织10.9万个。

社会组织60.6万个,吸纳社会各类人员就业682.3万人。 2014年社会组织 社会组织60.6万个,吸纳社会各类人员就业682.3万人。 社会团体 民办非企业单位 共计(个) 31.0万 29.2万 工商服务业类(个) 34099 商业服务业类(个) 5915 教育类(个) 11412 163681 卫生类(个) 10060 23404 社会服务类(个) 44630 文化类(个) 14148 法律类(个) 3270 42244 农业及农村发展类(个) 60202 科技服务类(个) 15110 职业及从业组织类(个) 19867 生态环境类(个) 398

2014年社会工作 社会服务机构166.8万个,职工总数1251.0万人; 儿童服务:全国共有孤儿52.5万人,其中集中供养孤儿9.4万人,社会散居孤儿43.2万人。全年救助生活无着流浪未成年人17.0万人次。 残疾人服务:残疾人提供服务的机构16389个,吸纳残疾职工47.9万人就业。

二、救助环境转变 社会救助需要专业化社会服务介入

新时期贫困的特点 贫困致因复杂化:身体、支出、失业等; 贫困代际转移化:社会流动僵化、阶层固化; 贫困风险扩大化:经济调整与升级,造成 “去密集型”产业结构; “新贫”问题:待业人群、月光族、返贫现象; 救助需求与程度差异化:“致贫”原因复杂化导致的“去贫困化”方式、途径的多样化。

切断 “贫困代际恶性循环” 防止“劳动力竞争恶性循环” 避免“救助支出恶性循环” 社会救助改革的指向 切断 “贫困代际恶性循环” 防止“劳动力竞争恶性循环” 避免“救助支出恶性循环”

救助理念的转向 从 事后补救 向 事前预防转向 从 被动受助 向 自我发展转向 从 保障生存 向 生存、发展与机会转向 从 资金救助 向 资金、物质与服务转向 从 单一主体 向 多元主体救助转向 从 同一标准 向 分类施救 转向

三、构建的基本思路 社会救助中的专业化社会服务

需要哪些专业化社会服务? 谁来提供哪些专业化社会服务? 怎样提供这些专业化社会服务? 政府的角色与职责? 救助需求与专业服务匹配中 关键问题的探讨 需要哪些专业化社会服务? 谁来提供哪些专业化社会服务? 怎样提供这些专业化社会服务? 政府的角色与职责?

(一)贫困人群与需求层次甄别 “谁需要服务”、“需要哪些服务” (一)贫困人群与需求层次甄别 “谁需要服务”、“需要哪些服务” 1.贫困群体划分 “年龄和健康”角度 “贫困程度与脱贫可能”角度 2.服务需求甄别 “保障生存型专业化服务” “促进发展型专业化服务” “提供机会型专业化服务”

(二)专业社会服务主体与功能定位 “谁提供服务”、“提供哪些服务” (二)专业社会服务主体与功能定位 “谁提供服务”、“提供哪些服务” 1.主体性质 营利型 非营利型 慈善自愿型 2.服务内容 日常照料型 能力发展型 支持融合型

(三)专业社会服务的介入机制分析 “怎样提供服务” (三)专业社会服务的介入机制分析 “怎样提供服务” 美国的政府购买模式 法国的政府外包模式 新加坡政府购买与社区参与模式 等等 哪种模式更适合中国?

(四)政府角色与职责 “如何保证服务质量” (四)政府角色与职责 “如何保证服务质量” 如何界定政府角色、转变政府职能,是实现 专业社会服务持续健康发展的前提保证。 在社会力量和专业社会服务参与社会救助的 过程中,政府既要保证服务的质量,还要在限 制自身干预范围的同时给予社会力量的发展更 大的空间。 “如何实施评估与监督” “如何通过政策制定来引导和培育社会力量发展

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