Hohai University Nanjing, China


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Presentation transcript:

Hohai University Nanjing, China

Agenda Location About us Academics Campuses International cooperation

Location Nanjing

About Us A comprehensive university focusing on both research and teaching A state level university directly under the administration of the Ministry of Education, China A top university on the state “211 Project” 有悠久历史的综合性大学!于1915年;是一所以水利为特色,工科为主,理、工、经、管、文、法多学科协调发展的教育部直属全国重点大学。 我觉得你应该把这句话分成几句,如她是国家教育部直属大学,她以水利为特色、理、工、商、法综合发展。 英文中应该强调商科的发展而不是经济和管理学科的发展,这二者用词一样吗?

History 1915: Hohai Civil Engineering School 1952: East China Technical University of Water Resources 1985: Hohai University Close relationship with the Ministry of Water Resources and Ministry of Education.

Academics One of the 55 universities in China who have graduate schools 15 colleges and schools: Hydrology & Water Resources , Water Conservancy & Hydropower Engineering, Civil Engineering, Business, Public, Administration, Science, & Law, etc. 有悠久历史的综合性大学!于1915年;是一所以水利为特色,工科为主,理、工、经、管、文、法多学科协调发展的教育部直属全国重点大学。 我觉得你应该把这句话分成几句,如她是国家教育部直属大学,她以水利为特色、理、工、商、法综合发展。 英文中应该强调商科的发展而不是经济和管理学科的发展,这二者用词一样吗?

Academics (continued) Strength in water resources related disciplines with a focus on engineering, also covering business, science, and liberal arts 6 Post Doctorate programs, 38 PHD Programs, 124 Master Programs, 18 Engineering Master programs, MBA program, and 48 Undergraduate Programs 17 state and provincial key disciplines, 9 state and provincial key laboratories, and 6 state and provincial engineering research centers

Research Institutes State Geotechnical Engineering Research Center; State Key Research Center of Efficient Usage of Water Resources & Engineering Safety Joint Research Center of City Environment and Sustainable Development, Ministry of Education Nanjing Geosynthetic Material of Civil Engineering Research Center National Research Center of Resettlement

Key Laboratories State Key Laboratory of Hydrology-Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering State Key Laboratory of Water Resources Development and Utilization Key Laboratory of Geotechnical Engineering, Ministry of Water Resources

Application 21 state-level science and technology awards Yangtze River Three Gorges Project South to the North Water Transfer Project Layout Design of the Harbor and Water Intake and Outlet of Guangdong Nuclear Power Station Engineering Technology and Construction Management of Shanghai-Nanjing Expressway Project Xiaolangdi Dam Resettlement Project

The Three Gorges Dam Project Budget: 10.2 Billion USD Resettlement Budget: 5 Billion USD

South-To-North Water Transfer

Xiaolangdi Dam Resettlement Project Budget: 3.5 Billion USD Resettlement: 1 Billion USD

Rankings Hydrology and Water Resources, the 1st Hydraulic Structure, the 2nd Geotechnical Engineering, the 3rd Geological Surveying, the 4th Public Administration, the 12th Sociology, the 16th Business Administration 14th Management Science & Engineering 16th Applied Economics 19th

Faculty and Student Faculty: One academician on the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 12 academicians are appointed as PHD advisors, 3 “Yangtze River Scholars” 253 professors and 575 associate professors 209 PHD advisors Students: over 30,000 registered students, of whom 8700 are graduate students 师生规模:现有教职工3000余名,其中正副教授780余名,博士生导师139名。在校学生3万余名,其中研究生4361名,本科生17868名。 ( 2003年底) 学科:有5个博士后流动站,30个博士点,70个硕士,16个工程硕士专业学位及MBA学位授权点,46个本科专业。 有广泛的国际交流和合作: 与20多个国家和地区的近50所大学建立了校际协作关系。

Campuses 图片三 有 三个教学基地:校本部、江宁校区和常州校区。 校本部位于古都南京。校园绿树成荫,花香四季,环境幽雅,是江苏省“花园式高校” 图片三

The Main Campus 校本部位于南京市鼓楼区,占地面积1829亩

Jiangning Campus 江宁校区占地863亩

Changzhou Campus 常州校区占地436亩

International Cooperation Faculty exchange programs; Joint research studies; Visiting scholars; Student exchange programs; Joint degree programs; Joint consulting; Joint training; 合作的层面: 校际的合作……姐妹学校的缔结 学院之间的合作:教师、学生和项目

International Cooperation International Training and Research Center of Hydrology, Water Resources and Environment, UNESCO International Training Center for High Level Professionals of Water Resources Sino-Dutch Cooperative Research Center for Geo-Environmental Engineering Sino- France Cooperative Research Center of Environmental Geo-Mechanics Sino-German Institute of Water Resources Management

International Cooperation Cooperation with over 50 universities of 20 countries Cooperation with many international organization: UNESCO, IAEA, WB, IFSAM, IAHR, etc Joint Degree Programs: HHU-USTL, HHU-UNSW, HHU-UNI, HHU-UWB

Thank you! Hohai University www.hhu.edu.cn