Module 10 Spring Festival


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Presentation transcript:

Module 10 Spring Festival 第3课时

Warming up drinking calling Look at the following pictures and say what they are doing. drinking calling

dancing cooking writing

painting climbing singing

Write the -ing form of the given words. write sit begin visit study lie stop see bring talk swim get take have writing, sitting, beginning visiting studying lying stopping seeing bringing talking swimming getting taking having

Review Affirmative Negative Interrogative I am going I am not doing Am I doing? You are going You aren’t doing Are you doing? He, she, it is going He/she/it isn’t doing Is he/she/it doing? We are going We aren’t doing Are we doing? They are going They aren’t doing Are they doing?

Language practice 1. Are you getting ready for Spring Festival? 2. What’s your mother doing? 3. She’s cleaning the house. 4. I’m eating jiaozi.

Grammar 一般现在时与现在进行时的对比 什么情况下用 一般现在时呢?

1. 表示现在的状态: He’s twelve. 2. 表经常或习惯性的动作: I get up at 6:30 every day. She’s at work. 2. 表经常或习惯性的动作: I get up at 6:30 every day. He reads English every morning. 3. 表主语具备的性格和能力等: She likes noodles. They speak French. 4. 普遍真理、自然规律和客观事实: Two plus four is six. The moon goes around the earth. Birds fly.

5. 谈论籍贯、国籍等: 6. 谈论时间表、旅程表等: 7. 询问或者引用速记、通知或新近接到的 笺内容: Where do you come from? I come from China. I come from Guangzhou. 6. 谈论时间表、旅程表等: What time does the film begin? The football match starts at 8 o’clock. Tomorrow is Thursday. 7. 询问或者引用速记、通知或新近接到的 笺内容: What does that notice say? What does Ann say in her letter? She says she’s coming to Beijing next week. Shakespears says, “Sweet are the uses of adversity.”(莎士比亚说: “苦尽甘来。”)

什么情况下用 现在进行时呢?

He is building his own house. 1. 表示说话时正在发生或者进行的动作。 2. 表示在现在相对较长一段时间内正在进 行的动作,但是说话那一刻不一定在做。 We are preparing for Spring Festival. I am writing a letter. We are enjoying our trip. ⊙难点区别:也许大家认为用一般现在时也可以, 但是要注意的是, 这些动作在说话时候不一定正在进行或发生,但说话的这一刹那包括在一段较长的时间内。) He is building his own house. David is teaching English and learning Chinese in Beijing.

【构成不同】 对比两种时态,我们可以得出以下结论: 现在进行时由“助动词 be (am, is / are) + V-ing” She is doing her homework now. 一般现在时(be动词是is, am, are), 行为动词是 V原形+s/es . Are you a teacher? 你是教师吗? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. 是的,我是。/不,我不是。 He plays football every day.

现在进行时与always连用时, 往往含有赞扬厌恶责备等感情色彩。 He is always thinking of himself more than others. 他总是考虑自己多于别人。 She is always changing her clothes. 她总是变化着她的衣着。

⊙表示的是某种状态的动词, 用一般现在时。一般不说 I am knowing, 而说 I know。 常见的这类动词有: want, like, hate, know, see, hear, believe, understand, seem, think, suppose, remember, need, love, realize, mean, forget, prefer, have, belong ⊙在there和here引起的句子中, 常用一般现在时代替现在进行时。     Here comes the bus.     There goes the bell.

【时间状语不同】 常与一般现在时连用的时间状语有: always, often, usually, sometimes, usually, never, every day/week/month/year, on Sunday(s)/ Monday(s)/in the morning/afternoon/ evening, now, today every day, every week, on Sundays, three times a week… I write to my uncle every month. 常与现在进行时连用的时间状语有: now, at the moment。另外, 以Look, Listen等开头的祈使句常常是现在进行时态的句子。 Listen! Who is singing over there?

Ask and answer What are they doing? They are making big red lanterns.

What are they doing? They’re cleaning the house. They’re buying things.

What is he/ she doing? She is sweeping the floor. He is cooking the meal in the kitchen.

What are they doing? They are having dinner in a restaurant.

What are they doing? They are watching TV. They are playing games.

What are they doing? They’re learning a lion dance.

Work in pairs A: They are watching TV. Students A: Choose a picture. Say what the people are doing. Students B: Guess which picture Students A is describing. A: They are watching TV. B: Is it Picture 4? A: Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

Write questions and short answers. Lingling’s mother / learning a lion dance? —Is Lingling’s mother learning a lion dance? — No, she isn’t. 1. Lingling’s mother / cleaning the house? Is Lingling’s mother cleaning the house? Yes, she is.

2. Lingling’s father / making lanterns? 3. Lingling’s aunt / cooking the meal? —Is Lingling’s father making lanterns? —No, he isn’t. —Is Lingling’s aunt cooking the meal? —No, she isn’t.

4. Lingling’s grandma / sweeping the floor? —Is Lingling’s grandma sweeping the floor? —No, she isn’t. 5. Daming and Betty / learning a lion dance? —Are Daming and Betty learning a lion dance? —No, they aren’t.

6. Lingling’s family / getting ready for Spring Festival? —Are Lingling’s family getting ready for Spring Festival? —Yes, they are.

Write questions and answers about the pictures in Activity 1. — What’s the boy doing? — He is using a computer.

Complete the passage At the moment, we (1) ________________ (get ready) for Spring Festival. We (2) _____________ (clean) the house and we (3) _____________ (sweep) the floor. My mother (4) _________ (cook) a meal. My father doesn’t (5) ______ (work) today. are getting ready are cleaning are sweeping is cooking work

We always (6) _____ (buy) new clothes for Spring Festival We always (6) _____ (buy) new clothes for Spring Festival. We always (7) ____ (get) presents from our family and friends. Spring Festival finishes at Lantern Festival, and we often (8) ____ (eat) yuanxiao on that day. buy get eat

Around the world Christmas and Father Christmas

Christmas and Father Christmas Christmas is the most important festival in most Western countries. Children usually like Christmas a lot because of Father Christmas, Santa Claus. He is a fat man with long white beard and he wears a red suit. He visits people on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, and gives presents to children, so they love him very much.

Module task: Writing a letter about Spring Festival to a foreign student Ask and answer questions about what you and your family are doing for Spring Festival at the moment. —What are you and your family doing for Spring Festival at the moment? —My mother is cooking.

Writing Food Presents Traditions Write notes about your Spring Festival. Use the headings to help you. Getting ready Food Presents Traditions

go shopping for presents have a traditional family dinner Getting ready Food Presents Traditions go shopping for presents buy lots of food give new clothes eat jiaozi get lots of food ready give hongbao buy new clothes have a traditional family dinner

Write a letter to a friend saying: What you’re doing for Spring Festival at the moment. What you usually do.

Use your notes in Activities 6and 7. Dear … Here in China it’s Spring Festival and we’re getting ready. My mother is … Usually we … and we … Tell me about a festival in your country. Best wishes, ______ (your name)

A possible version Dear Linda, Here in China it’s Spring Festival and we’re getting ready. My mother is cleaning the house and my father is helping her. Usually we have a big family dinner and we watch a special TV programme in the evening to celebrate the festival. Tell me about a festival in your country. Love from, Lucy

Homework Try to make a summary on this module and even this book to find out what you have learned.

Thank you