云计算:Cloud computing 王仲远 关于云计算更多内容,请参见:


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Presentation transcript:

云计算:Cloud computing 王仲远 2008-03-29 关于云计算更多内容,请参见: http://idke.ruc.edu.cn/news/2008/cloud-computing.htm http://www.wangzhongyuan.com/archives/328.html

Outline Stories Background Web 2.0, Grid Computing and Cloud Computing Cloud Computing Cases Future

The First Story TVs PCs 4+ billion phones by 2010 [Source: Nokia] PDAs 当您和您的智能手机、笔记本电脑、电视以及网络进行持续互动的时候,云计算的真实能力将得以展现,,所有这些设备将联合起来共同为您服务。举个简单的例子:现在是下午2点,TOM的行程表上显示您将在下午6点登上去往多伦多的班机。此时,您的智能设备将分析出您本次旅行所需要的所有信息,并提前把它们汇总后汇报给您——多伦多地区的天气预报、您所乘坐航班的最新情况、基于最新路况推荐的去机场的最佳路线等等。显然,这个例子说明,云服务的本质就是广泛、主动、高度个性化。这是一个巨大的进步。 PCs 4+ billion phones by 2010 [Source: Nokia] PDAs

The Second Story Manage Contact Work Share Google Charts Bob Share Google Charts

如果说上面那个例子还不足以说明云计算所带来的革命性变革的话,那么下面这个例子就会告诉大家,云计算还意味着什么。 我觉得我们实验室在移动路网以及个人数据空间上的研究,将来都可以融进云计算的变革中

Outline Stories Background Web 2.0, Grid Computing and Cloud Computing Cloud Computing Cases Future

Web Services, Resources Eliminated Timeline Amazon.com COBOL, Edsel COBOL Edsel ARPANET Internet Web Awareness Web as a Platform Web Services, Resources Eliminated Darkness 1969 1982 1959 1996 1997 2001 2004 2006 Dot-Com Bubble Web 2.0 Web Scale Computing



It’s All About Ideas

What do these companies have in common? And here is a number of other companies that have built exciting applications on the web…. Smartsheet.com 是一个task manager的网站 Powerset是搜索引擎领域的后起之秀,它有一个宏伟的目标:依靠比谷歌更智能的搜索引擎,成为网络搜索市场最耀眼的明星。经过两年默默无闻的发展,Powerset最终提供了“自然语言”技术,让用户可以更方便地和搜索引擎交流,这似乎让它离目标近了一步。 Powerset表示,所谓“自然语言”搜索,即用户可键入更为直接的问题,这和谷歌、雅虎、微软以及其他搜索引擎所使用的“关键词”有所不同。 Powerset is a Silicon Valley company building a transformative consumer search engine based on natural language processing 一家硅谷公司,改革搜索引擎,改革成基于自然语言处理的 BigSafeBox:安全并且免争议地备份你的数据。很容易为你的有价值的数据设置自动备份 BigSafeBox is the safe and hassle-free way to backup your data. The program allows you or your organization to easily set up automatic backups of your valuable data. YouOS是一个由WebShaka制作的实验性"网络操作系统",为一个操作系统在网页上现代作业系统的桌面环境复制品,使用Javascript与远端的伺服器通讯。youos完全在浏览器中提供了了看起来很象操作系统的东西 GigaVox Media公司专为播客和视频网络日志制作者提供基于互联网的制作和分销平台,该公司也希望步Twitter的后尘。“与其他处于起步阶段的公司一样,我 们渴望成为下一个YouTube。” the company that created healthcare single sign-on (SSO), announced today that strong third quarter market demand for single sign-on, user provisioning, clinical workstations and virtualized remote access solutions resulted in 6 new customers and 34 existing customers expanding their relationship with Sentillion. sign on v. 签约雇用, 开始广播 Rozmic Spam and Virus Firewall is an automated security service that protects your Internet communications from spam and viruses. Rozmic垃圾邮件与病毒防火墙是一个自动的安全服务,它保护你的Intetnet通信不受垃圾邮件和病毒的侵害。

Outline Stories Background Web 2.0, Grid Computing and Cloud Computing Cloud Computing Cases Future

What is a Grid Resource sharing Coordinated problem solving Computers, storage, sensors, networks, … Sharing always conditional: issues of trust, policy, negotiation, payment, … Coordinated problem solving Beyond client-server: distributed data analysis, computation, collaboration, … Dynamic, multi-institutional virtual orgs Community overlays on classic org structures Large or small, static or dynamic

Not A New Idea Late 70’s – Networked operating systems Late 80’s – Distributed operating system Early 90’s – Heterogeneous computing Mid 90’s - Metacomputing Then the “Grid” – Foster and Kesselman, 1999 Also called parallel distributed computing

Why is this hard/different? Lack of central control Where things run When they run Shared resources Contention, variability Communication Different sites implies different sys admins, users, institutional goals, and often “strong personalities”

Theory -> Practice

Grid Computing 2.0? Grid Computing Cloud Cloud Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing WIKIPEDIA: Cloud computing is a new (circa late 2007) label for the subset of grid computing that includes utility computing and other approaches to the use of shared computing resources. Cloud computing is an alternative to having local servers or personal devices handling users' applications. News Blog: Cloud computing, the notion of outsourcing hardware and software to Internet service providers, is showing the classic signs of disruptive technology--it's not good enough for the masses yet, but it has clear potential to shake things up. Forrester: Cloud computing is a new IT outsourcing model…cloud computing is looking like a classic disruptive technology. 云计算看上去像一个典型的突破性技术

The Architecture of Cloud Computing The architecture behind cloud computing is a massive network of "cloud servers" interconnected as if in a grid running in parallel, sometimes using the technique of virtualization to maximize computing power per server. A front-end interface allows a user to select a service from a catalog. This request gets passed to the system management which finds the correct resources, and then calls the provisioning services which carves out resources in the cloud. The provisioning service may deploy the requested stack or web application as well. User interaction interface: This is how users of the cloud interface with the cloud to request services. Services catalog: This is the list of services that a user can request. System management: This is the piece which manages the computer resources available. Provisioning tool: This tool carves out the systems from the cloud to deliver on the requested service. It may also deploy the required images. Monitoring and metering: This optional piece tracks the usage of the cloud so the resources used can be attributed to a certain user. Servers: The servers are managed by the system management tool. They can be either virtual or real.

Upon Cloud Computing Cloud storage: it is a model of networked data storage where data is stored on multiple virtual servers Hosted by third parties, Hosting companies operate large data centers Cloud services: Web services offered via cloud computing.

Cloud Computing, Grid Computing and Web2.0 Cloud computing as being a complement to grid computing, focusing more on scalable, on-demand, Web 2.0-type applications The architecture of Cloud Computing certainly could handle a lot of the batch workloads traditionally associated with grid computing.

Company/Lab Clouds ~

Outline Stories Background Web 2.0, Grid Computing and Cloud Computing Cloud Computing Cases Future

Google & IBM Google and IBM Announce University Initiative to Address Internet-Scale Computing Challenges (Cloud Computing) CMU, Stanford, Berkeley, California, Maryland, Washingtong will be involved

Cloud Computing Architecture Apache Virtual Machine Virtual Machine Virtual Machine Virtual Machine Tivoli Monitoring Agent Open Source Linux with Xen In late 2007 information technology giants Google and IBM announced a joint venture aimed at addressing “the emerging paradigm of large-scale distributed computing,” also known cloud computing Data Center – System x Virtualized Infrastructure based on Open Source Linux & Xen Monitoring Provisioning Baremetal & Xen VM Cloud computing infrastructure to support the academic initiative can be delivered either as hosted or onsite solution. IBM Monitoring v.6 DB2 Provisioning Manager v.5.1 WebSphere Application Server Provisioning Management Stack

Example of How the Cloud Drives Innovation Leverage Cloud’s powerful combination of Web 2.0 collaboration platform and dynamic, secure computing environment to drive business transformations. Virtualized Cloud Incubation Environment Innovation Factory 创新性地扩大了数据的来源,网络的合作伙伴,客户,研究人员和学术界 共同参与 加速产品上市时间,为新产品开发协作技术,以共同创造和聚集迅速反馈对新产品 降低贸易壁垒,它是由杠杆云提供孵化环境,让各种新的原型 Expand sources of innovation with a network of partners, customers, researchers, and academia Speed time to market for new offerings by exploiting collaboration technology to co-create and gather rapid feedback on new offerings Lower barriers to IT by leveraging Cloud to provide incubation environment for new prototypes

Examples of Cloud Computing Workloads Web 2.0 applications Provide rich user experience including real-time global collaboration Enable rapid software development Software to scan voluminous Wikipedia edits to identify spam Organize global news articles by geographic location Data-intensive workloads based on scalable architectures, such as Google’s MapReduce framework Financial modeling, real-time speech translation, Web search Next generation rich media, such as virtual worlds, streaming videos, Web conferencing, etc. New services can be created and published via a completely integrated Eclipse-based environment

Amazon EC2 Is… A Web service that provides resizable compute capacity in the cloud. Designed to make Web-scale computing easier for developers. A simple Web service interface that provides complete control of your computing resources

Amazon EC2 Benefits You Because It: Reduces the time required to obtain and boot new server instances to minutes Quickly scales capacity, both up and down, as your computing requirements change Changes the economics of computing: Pay only for capacity that you actually use

Microsoft:WebStudio WebStudio is an infrastructure to provide large-scale Web data management and processing capabilities. It provides an integrated development environment (IDE) for use in quickly prototyping and conducting experiments at Web-scale.

Microsoft Virtual World

Microsoft’s Cloud Services Windows Live Services Windows Live services also underscore Microsoft’s desire to become the manager for a user’s data wherever it is located.

Microsoft’s Cloud Storge Windows Live Services Windows Live SkyDrive SkyDrive is also available now in 38 countries/regions (but not in China) Bill Gates: “When you think storage, think Windows Live”

Outline Stories Background Web 2.0, Grid Computing and Cloud Computing Cloud Computing Cases Future

Growing confrontation between Google and Microsoft !

Disruptive Technology Enterprise to Personal

Disruptive Technology Enterprise to Personal Desktop to Web Users may no longer have to be tethered to a traditional computer to use an application. Any device that can access the Internet will be able to run a cloud-based application Will not worry about storage capacity, compatibility or other concerns Without having the bother of upgrading the application version One of the biggest advantages is that a user may no longer have to be tethered to a traditional computer to use an application, or have to buy a version that’s specifically configured for a phone, PDA [personal digital assistant] or other device. It’s likely that at some point any device that can access the Internet will be able to run a cloud-based application. Application services are available, independent of the user devices and network interfaces.

Challenge & Venture Security Privacy If internet breaks down one day? For single user: Is the storage reliable? For all user: If terrorists attack several Computing Clouds… Privacy If internet breaks down one day?

Thank You! What’s your opinion?

References Web Scale Computing IBM Google Announcement on Internet-Scale Computing Web IR - History and Future Trends Software via the Internet: Microsoft in ‘Cloud’ Computing A Sunny Outlook for Cloud Computing Study: Cloud computing to brighten future of data centers http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud_computing http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/oreilly/tim/news/2005/09/30/what-is-web-20.html Google Gets Ready to Rumble With Microsoft http://www.forrester.com/Research/Document/Excerpt/0,7211,44229,00.html Grid Computing and the Globus Toolkit http://www.google.com/intl/en/options/ http://ideas.live.com/