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Presentation transcript:

Thomas E. Rajewski CPI 工程服务公司. This presentation focuses on the use of CP-1009-68 in traditional ammonia refrigeration systems. Traditional ammonia refrigeration systems are defined as those that utilize a flooded evaporator.

环烷烃油 – 弱点 润滑性不良 含碳量高 低粘度指数 易挥发 容易氧化 芳香剂含量高 必须经常换油 在氨中有较高的溶解度 Many ammonia refrigeration applications use naphthenic mineral oils in ammonia refrigeration system. The primary reason that these fluids are used is not that they perform well; instead it is because they are inexpensive, or cheap. This slide illustrates the many weaknesses of naphthenic mineral oils in ammonia systems. The structure of naphthenic mineral oil contains many unsaturated components and hetero-atoms. These portions of the molecule give naphthenic oil its solvency properties with HCFCs. Unfortunately, they also contribute to its weakness in ammonia applications. The wide molecular weight range of the naphthenic oil results in a high degree of carryover, excessive oil usage and poor system performance.

环烷烃油 – 强项 含蜡量低 低倾点的特性 The one strength of naphthenic mineral oils is that the low paraffinic content of these fluids results in a naturally low pour point, eliminating the need for additives, and further reducing the cost of the fluid.

环烷烃油的结构 CH2 - CH2 R - C CH - CH2 - S - CH = CH - CH3 N H This slide illustrates a typical composition for a naphthenic mineral oil. The source of crude oil determine who much of each is present and the consistency between lubricants often varies. The naphthenic basestock is susceptible to thermal and oxidative degradation due to the high structure seen on the left, and also the double bonds (sited of hydrogen un-saturation) located throughout the molecule. These are weaknesses within this molecule allow them to break down in a compressor when high temperature (>80 degrees C) and hostile chemicals are encountered. In addition, the presence of hetero-atoms can be seen in the molecule with the presence of nitrogen and sulfur.

在氨的应用上理想的润滑剂 在空压机中的油的残留 对空压机较好的润滑性 溶解度低 极低或几乎没有携出量 减少磨损 有较清净的系统,无油泥 允许慢慢替换原有的润滑剂 在以氨为冷媒的冷冻压缩应用上,与其它的油及弹性体均相溶 减少换油周期及成本 If naphthenic mineral oils cause so many problems, what would be the ideal, or perfect lubricant for use with ammonia? First, the lubricant must stay in the compressor. This reduces the cost of make-up oil and ensures that the oil does not foul the evaporator. Low solubility with the refrigerant ensures the most effective compression possible for the compressor. In addition to staying in the compressor, the product must be a good lubricant. It must prevent any wear to the bearings, and not contribute to or /eliminate any sludge build up in the system like naphthenic mineral oils. It must not incur any special operating or handling procedures to use the product, and it must be compatible with the existing system in every respect. Lastly, the ideal lubricant should save the consumer money and work to maintain his equipment.

CP-1009-68, 半合成油 – 缺点 在氨的应用上几乎没有发现什么缺点 The product that is recommended by CPI for use in ammonia refrigeration applications is our CP-1009-68. This product meets all the requirements of the ideal lubricant slide, and can be described as the ideal lubricant for this application.

CP-1009-68 – 强项 极好的润滑性 低挥发性 极低的携出量 无碳和油泥的沉积 从系统中清除油泥 极低倾点 延长换油周期 优越的抗剪力稳定性 在正负转子之间改善油的密封性 高苯胺点 能与弹性体相溶 This slide outlines the advantages of CP-1009-68 in an ammonia refrigeration system. This product is able to solve all of the shortcomings of the naphthenic mineral oils without imposing a significant cost penalty for the user.

符合需求 CP-1009-68 基础油的优越性 高粘度指数 卓越的温度稳定性 低携出量 更好的抗剪力稳定性 在转子与转轴之间良好的密封性 使系统更清洁 So, how does CP-1009-68 fill the requirement of being the ideal product for use in ammonia refrigeration systems. The first reason is the basestock. The basestock is the key to successful lubrication and stability. A superior basestock will not carryover, or result in sludge formation.

石油精炼过程 环烷烃油 链烷烃油 加氢裂解的“半合成”油 This slides compares the refining process of mineral oils to the CP-1009-68 basestock. The are three major ways which mineral oil basestocks are derived. The first method, which is used to produce naphthenic basestocks, involves a two step distillation process. First the crude oil is subjected to a atmospheric distillation, followed by a vacuum distillation. When manufacturing naphthenic mineral oil it is important not to over-refine the basestock, as most of the chemicals which are easily refined out of the oil, such as hetero-atoms and aromatic structures, are the same materials which give naphthenic mineral oils their solvency properties. The second method of manufacturing mineral oil basestocks is the method used to produce paraffinic mineral oils. This method also involves the two step distillation used in the naphthenic manufacturing process, but in addition, uses an additional solvent wash to remove many of the hetero-atoms and aromatics, as well as a hydrogen ‘finishing’ step to reduce the amount of unsaturated molecules. Hydrogen finishing typically uses low pressure (700 psi) hydrogen. The third method of manufacturing a basestock is the method used to manufacture the CP-1009-68 basestock. This process results in the formation of a semi-synthetic basestock that is superior to the naphthenic and paraffinic basestocks in many respects.. In this method, several additional steps are added to further refine the product. In addition, in place of hydrogen finishing, two stages of hydrogen cracking (3000 psi) are used to produce a product that has performance characteristics that closely match many synthetics. 加氢裂解的“半合成”油

原油裂解 原油 液化石油气 气油 航空燃料 煤油 燃油 柴油 锅炉及加热炉用油 重质燃油 润滑油 柏油

符合需求 高粘度指数 卓越的温度稳定性 低携出量 更好的抗剪力稳定性 转子与转轴间良好的密封性 较清净系统 CP-1009-68 基础油的优越性 高粘度指数 卓越的温度稳定性 低携出量 更好的抗剪力稳定性 转子与转轴间良好的密封性 较清净系统 CP-1009-68 offers superior temperature stability. This means that the fluid will not excessively thin out with increased temperature. This results in a product which continues to lubricate the bearings. Proper lubrication of the bearings extends the life of the equipment, as well as the life of the oil, as improper lubrication can result in heat formation that leads to oil breakdown.

粘度/温度关系图 粘度 温度 聚合焕烃 CP-1009 环烷烃油 烷基苯 As you can see in this slide, the viscosity index or VI of CP-1009 more closely resembles that of the synthetic fluid, PAO, than it does that of mineral oils. 聚合焕烃 CP-1009 环烷烃油 烷基苯 温度

符合需求 CP-1009-68基础油的优越性 高粘度指数 卓越的温度稳定性 低携出量 更好的抗剪力稳定性 转子与转轴间良好的密封性 较清净系统 Another way that the CP-1009 proves itself to be the ideal fluid for use in ammonia refrigeration is in the carryover rate. High carryover leads to fouling of the evaporator, greatly reducing the efficiency of the system. Naphthenic mineral oils by their very nature contain a large percentage of low molecular weight fractions which are easily volatilized, or carried over. The basestock for CP-1009 contains none of these lighter fractions. This greatly reduces the vapor pressure, and subsequent carryover rate of the product in an ammonia refrigeration application.

ISO-68 冷冻油的挥发性 % 重量损失 2 1.5 1 0.5 CP-1009 -68 链烷烃油 环烷烃油 损失 (22 Hrs. @ 100°C) % 重量损失 2 1.5 1 0.5 This chart graphs the comparative carryover rate, or volatility of different oils. The test is conducted by placing a fixed amount of oil in a thin film with a metal catalyst. After approximately one day, the samples are re-weighed for percentage weight loss. The carryover rate for the CP-1009 is roughly one third of a paraffinic mineral oil, and one sixth the weight loss of an equivalent naphthenic mineral oil in this test.

ISO 68 冷冻油与氨的溶解度 溶解度百分比 70°F 115°F 1.7 2 2.3 2.6 2.9 CP-1009 1.9 1.7 2 2.3 2.6 2.9 CP-1009 1.9 聚合烯烃油 2.1 链烷烃油 2.6 环烷 烃油 2 CP-1009 2.1 聚合烯烃油 2.2 链烷烃油 2.78 环烷烃油 2.9 溶解度百分比 70°F 115°F Another mechanism for carryover that is often ignored is mutual attraction, or solubility. If a lubricant and refrigerant have a mutual attraction, this can result in the refrigerant ‘pulling’ the lubricant into the system with it as it discharges from the compressor. Solubility can also impact the resulting viscosity and subsequent ability to properly lubricate. Improper lubrication results in heat formation and contributes to lubricant breakdown. The graph illustrates that at saturation conditions, the CP-1009-68 has the lowest solubility of any of the tested fluids, including a PAO based synthetic lubricant.

粘度与时间的函数 粘度, cSt 160 140 120 100 80 60 环烷烃油 链烷烃油 CP-1009-68 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 14,000 14,500

符合需求 CP-1009-68基础油的优越性 高粘度指数 卓越的温度稳定性 低携出量 更好的抗剪力稳定性 转轴与转子之间的密封性 较清净的系统(Panel Coker Photo) Lastly, the CP-1009 can e considered the ideal lubricant for use with ammonia due to its stability. Better shear stability means that the product does not breakdown as a result of the thermal stresses placed on the product in a rotary screw compressor, as the oil is squeezed between two opposing rotors. The lack of any ‘weak spots’ in the basestock also result in a resistance to attack from the ammonia. When lubricants breakdown in the presence of ammonia they form sludge like deposits which can plug orifices and piping. The CP-1009 does not breakdown in the presence of ammonia and runs clean for the life of the lubricant.

CP-1009的主要属性 较好的氧化稳定性 长时间保持粘性 优良的油水分离特性 低倾点 -39°C (-38°F) The overall key property of the CP-1009 in an ammonia refrigeration system is that it is stable. It does not break down due to thermal, chemical or oxidative pressure. This results in a fluid that maintains its viscosity for a long period of time, producing consistent results.

CP-1009的主要属性 更好的氧化稳定性 长时间保持粘性 优良的油水分离特性 低倾点 -39°C (-38°F) In addition to a high degree of stability, the stable basestock of the CP-1009 ensures effective separation from water. The stability also means that the average drain interval is extended to approximately every 18 months. Lastly, when lubricant needs to be removed from the system, the low pour point of the CP-1009 ensures that the operator can remove this quickly and efficiently.

破乳化性 -乳化特性 粘度, cSt @ 40°C 100 H. 中性 极性, % 环烷烃油 29-22-29(60) 0.6 - 2.0 环烷烃油 29-22-29(60) 0.6 - 2.0 SR 链烷烃油 (1) 35-30-15(30) 0.5 - 0.8 SR 链烷烃油 (2) 41-38-1(10) 0.1 - 0.3 CP-1009 40-40-0(5) Nil The reason that CP-1009 separates so effectively from water can be seen in this table. The table outlines the result of ASSTM D-1401 testing for water separation. The third row of numbers reflects the amount of emulsion formed with he various lubricants, and the amount of time that was needed for separation. As you can see, all of the solvent refined paraffinic and naphthenic mineral oils have very long separation times and all form emulsions. In comparison, the CP-1009 separate completely within 5 minutes from water, and forms no emulsion. The reason for this superior result is seen in the third column. All of the other fluids tested contain varying amounts of polar or aromatic compounds (hetero-atoms). In addition to reducing the stability of the product, these components also reduce the ability of the product to separate from water! * ASTM D-1401 – 测量油水乳化量,以50:50混合 - 测量油水分离时间 (分)

RBOT -- ASTM D-2722 RBOT抗氧化试验结果 This is a table of comparative RBOT results. RBOT testing, or ASTM D-2722, measures the amount of time that a fluid resists oxidation. The fluid is placed in a steel vessel and pressurized at an elevated temperature for an extended period of time. At the onset of oxidation, the pressure in the vessel will drop, indicating that the oil has become oxidized. Again, the life of the fluid can be directly correlated to the presence of polar contaminants in the basestock. (0.5% 抗氧化剂)

低温粘度特性 CP-4600(聚合烯烃) CP-1009-68 (半合成) 环烷烃油 温度, °C 100,000 50,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 5000 3000 2000 CP-4600(聚合烯烃) CP-1009-68 (半合成) 环烷烃油 粘度, cP 温度, °C -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0

BTU/Hour/Square Foot/°F 在热传导中油膜的影响 油膜厚度 ml 油膜厚度与热传导的百分比 0.0 0.75 100 80 60 40 20 1.50 2.25 3.20 4.00 This graph illustrates one of the most critical values that exist in an ammonia system; the impact of oil film on heat transfer in the evaporator. One millimeter of oil, approximately the thickness of a compact disc, can reduce the efficiency of the system by up to 25%. This loss needs to be made up with additional run time (if possible) or will be lost as warmer evaporator temperatures in a single pass system. 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 无油膜时的热传导系数 BTU/Hour/Square Foot/°F

CP-1009-68 优点 低挥发性 低携出量 清净运作 低溶解度 优越的润滑 Overall, the CP-1009 is a product that can solve all of the problems associated with standard mineral oils in ammonia refrigeration systems. It stays in the compressor, lubricates effectively and operates cleanly for extended periods of time.

优点 降低全年的购油成本 低消耗量 减少能源成本 无油泥於积 降低维护成本 减少停机时间 无碳的沉积 符合最新的环保要求 There are several benefits to the customer for using this type of product. It lowers his maintenance on his equipment and results in machinery which operates more effectively. Most importantly, it saves them money in oil costs, operating costs and maintenance costs!

CP-1009的推广 对于产品的知识的了解发展出一套销售的科技 由低携出量而节约成本 较干清的运作环境 精炼的方法 基础油的品质 让客户获利 延长的换油周期 减少滤蕊的更换 较少的停机时间 较干清的运作环境 在阀门上无粘着现象 These are the key steps to effectively selling CP-1009 to the end user. First, you need to be knowledgeable in the product, and how this product differs from other products in the market. Also, you need to be able to communicate how these differences can benefit them as users of the product. Second you need to be able to explain, and get the customer to be aware of how the CP-1009 saves them costs overall. Lastly, once a customer has experience in using the CP-1009, they will be able to see for themselves how the lubricant provides a cleaner operating system.