如何活得更好 (3):基督徒婚姻 how to live better (3): christian marriage


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Presentation transcript:

如何活得更好 (3):基督徒婚姻 how to live better (3): christian marriage 2012年3月11日,王文堂牧師 申命記#28,申 21-25章

你認為,以下何者項對一個人的幸福影響更大? 財務狀況 婚姻狀況 3/11/2012 Warren Wang 你認為,以下何者項對一個人的幸福影響更大?  財務狀況  婚姻狀況

3/11/2012 Warren Wang 如果你有孩子,你更希望他在哪方面成功?  在事業上成功  在婚姻上成功

3/11/2012 Warren Wang 美國的婚姻指數 1970 1980 1990 2000 2008 成人結婚率 (20-54歲) 78.6 69.1 62.4 61.0 57.2 認為自己的婚姻很幸福者 (18+) 67.0 67.5 65 62 初次婚姻完整者 (20-59歲) 77.4 71.5 n/a 59.9 61.2 在婚姻中出生的子女 89.3 81.6 72.0 66.8 60.3 與親生已婚父母同住的子女 68.7 64.2 62.6 60.5 婚姻指數 76.2 70.8 65.5 62.0 指數降低

3/11/2012 Warren Wang 個案一:為新婚的妻子著想 新娶妻之人不可從軍出征,也不可託他辦理什麼公事,可以在家清閒一年,使他所娶的妻快活。 (申命記 24:5) If a man has recently married, he must not be sent to war or have any other duty laid on him. For one year he is to be free to stay at home and bring happiness to the wife he has married. (Deut. 24:5)

3/11/2012 Warren Wang 個案二:在戰爭中保持婚姻的尊嚴 你出去與仇敵爭戰的時候,耶和華你的神將他們交在你手中,你就擄了他們去。若在被擄的人中見有美貌的女子,戀慕她,要娶她為妻,就可以領她到你家裡去。 她便要剃頭髮,修指甲,脫去被擄時所穿的衣服,住在你家裡哀哭父母一個整月,然後可以與她同房。你作她的丈夫,她作你的妻子。(申命記21:10-13)

3/11/2012 Warren Wang 一、婚姻的奧秘 你們作丈夫的,要愛你們的妻子,正如基督愛教會,為教會捨己…為這個緣故,人要離開父母,與妻子連合,二人成為一體。這是極大的奧秘,但我是指著基督和教會說的。(以弗所書5:25, 31-32) 丈夫與妻子,如同基督與教會,這乃是婚姻的奧秘。

* 附:婚姻的意義 婚姻的起源 The Origin of Marriage: 3/11/2012 Warren Wang * 附:婚姻的意義 婚姻的起源 The Origin of Marriage: 耶和華神說:「那人獨居不好,我要為他造一個配偶幫助他。」The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” (Gen. 2:18) Marriage was ordained by God. God himself married the first couple, Adam and Eve. God declared everything he created good--until he saw the lonely Adam. God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone, I will make a helper suitable for him.” It is God’s will for man and woman to be companions in a marriage situation.

婚姻中的人物 The Persons in Marriage: 3/11/2012 Warren Wang 婚姻中的人物 The Persons in Marriage: 耶和華神就…造成一個女人,領他到那(男)人跟前。 Then the Lord God made a woman…and he brought her to the man.(Gen. 2:22) There are three persons in a marriage: God, husband and wife. As husband and wife draw near to God, they draw near to each other as well.

3/11/2012 Warren Wang 神 亞當 夏娃

婚姻的祝福 The Blessings of Marriage: 3/11/2012 Warren Wang 婚姻的祝福 The Blessings of Marriage: 因此,人要離開父母,與妻子連合,二人成為一體。For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. (Gen. 2:24) The most satisfying blessings come from a loving relationship. When husband and wife become one, they are united physically, emotionally and spiritually. The holy trinity, Father, Son and Spirit, is in a perfect state of union. When husband and wife are united in love, many blessings will follow.

婚姻的委身 The Commitment of Marriage: 3/11/2012 Warren Wang 婚姻的委身 The Commitment of Marriage: 既然如此,夫妻不再是兩個人,乃是一體的了。所以,神配合的,人不可分開。So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.(Matt. 19:6) Marriage is meant to last for a lifetime. When husband and wife take their wedding vows, they promise God that they are committed to each other as long as they shall live.

婚姻的尊嚴 The Sanctity of Marriage: 3/11/2012 Warren Wang 婚姻的尊嚴 The Sanctity of Marriage: 婚姻,人人都當尊重,床也不可污穢;因為苟合行淫的人,神必要審判。Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral. (Heb. 13:4) Marriage must be kept holy and pure. In all circumstances, husband and wife should remain faithful to each other. No ex-marital affairs are allowed in a marriage.

婚姻的責任 The Responsibilities in marriage: 3/11/2012 Warren Wang 婚姻的責任 The Responsibilities in marriage: 你們作妻子的,當順服自己的丈夫,如同順服主。你們作丈夫的,要愛你們的妻子,正如基督愛教會,為教會捨己。Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and give himself for her. (Eph. 5:22, 25) While husband and wife are to mutually respect and love each other, the husband is given the responsibility to lead his family, and the wife is expected to submit to his leadership. He in turn will protect and provide for his family, love his wife as Christ loves the church, even lay down his life for her.

婚姻的使命 The Mission of Marriage: 3/11/2012 Warren Wang 婚姻的使命 The Mission of Marriage: To build a Christian home 建立基督化的家庭 To raise godly offspring 養育敬虔的後代 To be an evangelistic unit 成為福音的單位

二、婚姻的三要素 盟約:婚姻是一個神聖的約定 婚禮一開始,牧師歡迎親友: 3/11/2012 Warren Wang 二、婚姻的三要素 盟約:婚姻是一個神聖的約定 婚禮一開始,牧師歡迎親友: 各位親友,我們聚集在神的面前,來敬拜祂,並且來見證亞當與夏娃所立的婚約…Dear friends, we are gathered in the presence of God, to worship him and to witness the marriage covenant of Adam and Eve…

婚約 The Marriage Covenant: 3/11/2012 Warren Wang 婚約 The Marriage Covenant: 我張亞當,娶你林夏娃為我的妻子,從今以後,無論是好是壞,是富有是貧窮,是健康是疾病,我都會一生愛你,珍惜你,這是我對你的應許。 I, Adam Chang, take you, Eve Lin, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, as long as we both shall live, and so I pledge my promise to you.

3/11/2012 Warren Wang 婚約乃是神的盟約 因耶和華在你和你幼年所娶的妻中間作見證。她雖是你的配偶,又是你盟約的妻(wife by covenant),你卻以詭詐待她。 (瑪拉基書 2:14) 她離棄幼年的配偶,忘了神的盟約(the covenant she made before God)。(箴言2:17)

3/11/2012 Warren Wang 愛:不自私,不求自己的益處 你們作丈夫的,要愛你們的妻子,正如基督愛教會,為教會捨己…為這個緣故,人要離開父母,與妻子連合,二人成為一體。這是極大的奧秘,但我是指著基督和教會說的。然而,你們各人都當愛妻子,如同愛自己一樣。妻子也當敬重他的丈夫。(以弗所書 5:25, 31-33) 愛是…不求自己的益處。(哥林多前書13:5)

3/11/2012 Warren Wang 尊重:從神的眼光看你的配偶 又當存敬畏基督的心,彼此順服。你們作妻子的,當順服自己的丈夫,如同順服主…你們各人都當愛妻子,如同愛自己一樣。妻子也當敬重他的丈夫。(以弗所書 5:21-22, 33) 你們作丈夫的,也要按情理(知識)和妻子同住;因他比你軟弱,與你一同承受生命之恩的,所以要敬重他。這樣,便叫你們的禱告沒有阻礙。(彼得前書 3:7)

3/11/2012 Warren Wang 三、培育成功的兒女 成功的靈命 成功的人格 成功的婚姻 成功的事業

四、我們的家 教會是單身者及再度單身者(single and single again)的家; 教會是已婚夫婦的家; 3/11/2012 Warren Wang 四、我們的家 教會是單身者及再度單身者(single and single again)的家; 教會是已婚夫婦的家; 教會是有孩子的家庭的家; 教會是我們的家!

有益的教會 The Beneficial Church 3/11/2012 Warren Wang 有益的教會 The Beneficial Church 以基督為中心 Christ-centered 以聖經為根據 Bible-based 以宣教為顧念 Mission-minded