1/31 今天的学习目标 (Today’s Learning Objectives)


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Presentation transcript:

1/31 今天的学习目标 (Today’s Learning Objectives) 1. I can use the Chinese verb, 送 sòng (to give as a gift) and the noun 礼物 lǐwù (gift). 2. I can use the Chinese question particle,呢 ne at the end of a sentence to indicate an action is in progress. (It can be used in conjunction with 在 zài or 正在 zhèng zài.) Homework: 1/31 Chinese Learning log Quiz Tomorrow 2/1 (See next slide)

Wǒ mǎile yī běn shū sòng gěi tā 2/1 小考 xiǎo kǎo (Quiz) Q: What birthday gift would you like to send (give) to mom? 你要送给妈妈什么生日礼物? Nǐ yào sòng gěi māmā shénme shēngrì lǐwù A: I bought a book to give to her as her birthday gift. 我买了一本书送给她。 Wǒ mǎile yī běn shū sòng gěi tā

Dì kè: pài duì 第十四课:生日派对 Lesson Fourteen: Birthday Party

IC 教科书中的角色

你妈妈常常买什么水果(shuǐguǒ)? 你喜歡什麼生日礼物(lǐwù)? 聊天兒 你喜歡吃什麼水果(shuǐguǒ)? (苹果píngguǒ/西瓜xīguā /香蕉xiāngjiāo/梨lí) 你妈妈常常买什么水果(shuǐguǒ)? 你喜歡什麼生日礼物(lǐwù)?

Lesson 14 Dialogue 1: Let’s Go to a Party! 第十四课 对话一:我们去派对吧! Vocabulary 生词 Shēng Cí

舞会 wǔhuì (dance party; ball)

表姐 biǎojiě (older female cousin)

送 sòng (send; to give as a gift)

礼物 lǐwù (gift; present)

爱 ài (to love; to like; to be fond of)

水果 shuǐguǒ (fruit) 苹果píngguǒ 西瓜xīguā 香蕉xiāngjiāo 梨lí

花 huā (flower)

把 bǎ (measure word for bunches of things, and chairs)

本 běn (measure word for books)

Lesson 14 Dialogue 1: Let’s Go to a Party! 第十四课 对话一:我们去派对吧! Grammar 文法 wén fǎ

呢 ne Chinese Question Particle (To Indicating an Action in Progress) Q:你做什麼呢? A:我喝水呢!

呢 ne (Indicating an Action in Progress) Q:你做什麼呢? A:我喝咖啡呢!

呢 ne (Indicating an Action in Progress) Q:你做什麼呢? A:我跳舞呢!

呢 ne (Indicating an Action in Progress) Q:你做什麼呢? Q:你在做什麼呢? Q:你正在做什麼呢? A:我喝咖啡呢!

呢 ne (Indicating an Action in Progress) Q:你做什么呢? A:我看书呢! A:我在看书呢! A:我正在看书呢!

呢 ne (Indicating an Action in Progress) Q:你做什麼呢? Q:你在做什麼呢? Q:你正在做什麼呢? A:我吃________呢! A:我在吃______呢。 A:我正在吃____呢。

呢 ne (Indicating an Action in Progress) Q:你做什麼呢? A:我______呢!