YANG, Jintian Chinese Academy for Environmental Planning


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Presentation transcript:

YANG, Jintian Chinese Academy for Environmental Planning 重点区域大气污染防治 “十二五”规划 China’s Twelfth Five Years Plan on Air Pollution Prevention and Control in Key Regions 2018/11/11, beijing YANG, Jintian Chinese Academy for Environmental Planning Disclaimer: The views expressed in this document are those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), its Board of Directors, or the governments they represent. ADB does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this document, and accept no responsibility for any consequence of their use. By making any designation or reference to a particular territory or geographical area, or by using the term “country” in this document, ADB does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

China is suffering from heavy air pollution 大气污染非常严重 China is suffering from heavy air pollution WHO Guideline WHO Guideline , 2010 , 2010 颗粒物是中国最主要的大气污染物,2010年PM10平均浓度达79μg/m3, 约为世界卫生组织指导值4倍 PM10 concentration (79μg/m3) is 4 times of WHO guideline value.

Regional air pollution is a big challenge 区域性大气污染形势严峻 Regional air pollution is a big challenge 区域性复合型污染特征逐渐显现 区域PM2.5浓度高达50μg/m3 灰霾天数超过100天 O3超标时间增多 Regional air pollution complex, characterized by photochemical smog and haze, is emerging High PM2.5 concentration (50μg/m3) >100 days of haze in key regions Increasing O3 exceedance van Donkelaar et al., 2010

Plan launched to address air pollution issues 启动规划以改善区域空气质量 Plan launched to address air pollution issues 2010年5月,国务院办公厅转发 了环境保护部等部门《关于推 进大气污染联防联控工作改善 区域空气质量指导意见的通知》 “统一规划、统一监测、统一 监管、统一评估、统一协调” In May 2010, state council issued the instruction on regional air pollution control, drafted by MEP and other 8 ministries. “Unified” planning, monitoring, supervision, evaluation, and coordination is highlighted

规划编制过程 Milestones 前期准备 Preparation 编制规划文本 Compiling 修改完善 Modification 2010年5月,启动规划编制 Kick-off 2010年5-12月,规划编制指南,培训 Training courses 2011年2-3月,“三区”7省实地调研 Field research 编制规划文本 Compiling 2011年4-8月,与地方对接,编制规划初稿 Drafting 2011年9月2日,召开第一次部长专题会 1st MEP thematic meeting 2011年9月,修改,形成征求意见稿 Finalizing the draft for comments 修改完善 Modification 2011年9月27日,第一轮征求意见 1st Comments collecting 2011年10-12月,修改文本,审核整理重点工程项目 Adapting, filtering major projects 2011年12月31日, 第二次部长专题会 2nd MEP thematic meeting 2012年1月18日,第二轮征求意见 2nd Comments collecting

Areas of concern: 3 regions + 10 city cluster 规划范围:三区十群 Areas of concern: 3 regions + 10 city cluster 3个重点区域和9个城市群共12 个区域,涉及17个省(区、市) 总面积118万平方公里,占国土 面积的12% 占全国42%的人口,67%的 GDP和约一半的大气污染物排 放 12 areas in 17 provinces 1.18 million km2, 12% of China’s land area 42% Population, 67% GDP, and ~50% emissions of China

Overview of the plan approach 规划总体思路 Overview of the plan approach 以改善大气环境质量为核心 实施多污染物协同控制 注重空气质量模型运用 强化空气质量管理机制创新 Objective: to improve air quality Strategy: joint control of multi-pollutants Analysis tool: air quality model (CMAQ) Innovation: adjusted air quality management system

General target of the plan 规划目标: General target of the plan 至2015年 SO2、NOX、烟尘和工业粉尘排放量明显下降,挥发性有机物污染防治工作全 面展开 环境空气质量显著改善,PM10、SO2、NO2年均浓度分别下降10%、10%、8% 京津冀、长三角、珠三角区域PM2.5年均浓度下降6%,O3年超标天数下降10% 建立健全区域大气污染联防联控机制 By 2015 Significantly lower emissions of SO2, NOX and PM, and boost VOCs emissions control. Notably air quality improvement, annual average concentration of PM10、SO2、 NO2 declined by10%、10%、8% 6% decline of PM2.5 Concentration, and 10% less days of O3 nonattainment in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, YRD and PRD Mechanism for joint prevention and control of regional air pollution

End-of-pipe emission control 规划重点任务 Important aspects included in the plan 一、统筹区域环境资源 优化产业结构与布局 Industrial structure and locations 二、加强能源清洁利用 控制区域煤炭消费总量 Cleaner energy and cap of coal consumption 明确区域控制重点,实施分区分类管理 四大 任务 优化能源结构,控制煤炭使用 严格环境准入,强化源头管理 改进用煤方式,推进煤炭清洁化利用 加大落后产能淘汰,优化工业布局 四、创新区域管理机制 提升联防联控管理能力 Management mechanism and capacity building 三、实施多污染物协同控制 全面改善区域空气质量 End-of-pipe emission control of multi-pollutants 建立区域大气污染联防联控协调机制 深化工业污染治理,大力削减主要污染物排放总量 积极推行促进污染防治的经济政策 强化机动车污染防治,有效降低尾气污染物排放 全面加强联防联控的能力建设 加强扬尘污染控制,深化面源污染管理

强调多污染物、多污染源的共同控制 Multiple pollutants and emission sources of concern

SO2排放控制 SO2 emissions 深化电力行业SO2治理 全面实施烧结机烟气脱 硫 强化工业窑炉、工艺尾 气烟气SO2治理 烟气脱硫效率达90%以上 全面实施烧结机烟气脱 硫 烟气脱硫效率达70%以上 强化工业窑炉、工艺尾 气烟气SO2治理 开展燃煤工业锅炉SO2 治理 20蒸吨以上锅炉全部脱硫, 效率达70% Coal-fired power plants Remove >90% of SO2 emissions Sintering machines Remove >70% of SO2 emissions Industrial kilns and processes Industrial boilers Remove >70% of SO2 emissions from boilers ≥ 20 t/h

NOX emissions from stationary sources 20万千瓦以上机组烟气脱 硫效率达70%以上 加强水泥行业NOX治理 日产2000吨以上生产线: 低氮燃烧 日产4000吨以上生产线: 低氮燃烧 + 烟气脱硝 积极开展锅炉、烧结机 等烟气脱硝示范工程 Coal-fired power plants Remove >70% of NOx emissions from units ≥ 200MW Cement kilns LNB for all kilns ≥ 2000t/d LNB + SCR/SNCR for all kilns ≥ 4000 t/d Industrial boilers and sintering machine Conduct pilot studies for NOX emission control technologies

PM emissions from industrial sources 工业源颗粒物排放控制 PM emissions from industrial sources 重点控制部门 燃煤电厂、水泥、钢铁 实施新的排放标准 燃煤电厂:2011年发布 钢铁:已征求意见 水泥:准备修订 推动工程改造 推广使用袋式除尘器 加强无组织尘排放管理 Key sectors Coal-fired power plants, cement industry, iron & steel industry New emission standards Power plants: issued in 2011 Iron & steel industry: waiting for approval Cement industry: to be amended PM control technologies to be implemented To promote fabric baghouse To enhance management to reduce fugitive dust

PM emissions from boilers 锅炉颗粒物排放控制 PM emissions from boilers 提高煤炭使用效率 推动集中供热 淘汰小型燃煤锅炉 改善燃煤质量 加强洗煤和配煤 推进锅炉烟尘治理 推动使用天然气 进行高效除尘改造 To increase energy efficiency Promotion of central heating Replacement of small boilers by larger one To improve coal quality Development of coal washing and coal blending system To reduce PM emissions from the stacks Promotion of natural gas Implementation of control technologies with higher PM removal efficiency

VOCs emissions: industrial processes 重点控制部门 石油化工 有机化工 医药化工 塑料制品生产 处理工艺 泄漏检测与修复技术 原料、产品密闭储存 工艺气体回收利用 废气末端处理(焚烧或 吸收) Key sectors Petrochemical industry Organic chemical industry Pharmaceutical industry Plastic products industry Major technologies Leakage Detection And Repair (LDAR) Sealed storage of raw material and products Recycle of process gas Incineration/absorption of exhaust gas

VOCs emissions: other sources 表面涂装和溶剂使用 的部门 推广水性涂料和油墨 密闭作业 建立废气收集和净化系 统 加油站、储油库和油 罐车 全部进行油气回收治理 改造 Painting and using of solvent Replacement of oil-based paints and solvents by water- based ones Enclosed operation chamber A system to collect and incineration/absorb waste gas Gas stations, oil storage tanks and tankers All facilities with hermetical oil gas recovery system before 2014

Mobile sources emissions: on-road vehicles 移动源污染防治:机动车 Mobile sources emissions: on-road vehicles 新车 加快颁布实施国家第Ⅴ 阶段机动车排放标准 完善型式核准制度 在用车 环保标志发放率在2015 年达到85%以上 完善检验与维修制度 加速淘汰黄标车 New vehicles Phase in Stage Ⅴ Emission Standards Improve the type approval regulation In-use vehicles Above 85% vehicles receive environmental protection label by 2015 Improve I/M program Accelerate the scrappage of yellow-sticker vehicles

Oil and off-road vehicles 移动源污染防治:油品和非道路移动源 Oil and off-road vehicles 推动油品低硫化 车用汽油:2013年达50ppm 车用柴油:2014年达50ppm 普通柴油:2013年7月前达 350ppm以下 非道路移动源污染防治 实施国家第Ⅲ阶段非道路移 动机械排放标准 实施国家第Ⅰ阶段船用发动 机排放标准 “绿色港口”建设和码头移 动源污染防治工程 Oil desulfurization Gasoline: 50ppm by 2013 Diesel for motor vehicles: 50ppm by 2014 Diesel for other use: <350ppm by Jul, 2013 Off-road emissions control Stage III emissions standards for off-road machineries Stage I emissions standards for vessel engines “Green Harbor” projects

Fugitive dust and other area sources 扬尘和面源污染防治 Fugitive dust and other area sources 施工扬尘 加强工地管理 道路扬尘 加强道路清扫 堆场扬尘 建设密闭料场 覆盖或喷洒稳定剂 秸秆焚烧 推进秸秆资源化利用 Dust from construction field Promotion of good practice of construction field management Dust from paved roads Intensify road cleaning Dust from stock piles Construction of storage hoppers Cover or stabilize Biomass open burning Promotion of technologies to convert biomass into manure and energy

Part of proposed projects 污染治理工程(部分) Part of proposed projects 工业部门除尘设施改造 1.7亿千瓦火电机组 600条水泥生产线 500台烧结机 7000台燃煤工业锅炉 工业部门VOCs污染治理 十大行业,共3000个治理项 目 淘汰黄标车 400万辆黄标车 …… Retrofitting PM control equipment 170GW power units 600 cement kilns 500 sintering machines 7000 industrial boilers Industrial VOCs emission control 3000 projects in 10 industrial sectors Phasing out of yellow- sticker vehicles 4 million vehicles ……

AQ improvement: Annual PM2.5 concentration 规划区域范围内PM2.5年 均浓度平均下降约4μg/m3 Average annual PM2.5 concentration in the 12 regions could decline by ~4μg/m3 中国东部其他地区的 PM2.5浓度也将有一定程 度下降 The measures would lower PM2.5 pollution over other areas in eastern China as well

AQ improvement: O3 exceedance Hours of O3 exceedance, 2010 Hours of O3 exceedance, 2015 大部分地区O3超标小时数有所降低,少数城市可能略有升高 Hours of O3 exceedance could decline in most area, despite a little increase in some individual cities 由于VOCs的排放信息较少,此分析结果存在一定的不确定性 Uncertainty due to lack of accurate VOCs emissions information

成本和效益 Costs and benefits 8类重点工程项目,投资需求3450亿元 新增SO2、NOX、PM、VOCs年减排能力分别为185 万吨、370万吨、150万吨和160万吨 环境空气质量改善所减少的社会经济损失约20000亿 元 8 categories of major projects, total investment accounts for 345 billion RMB Capable of mitigate 1.85 MT of SO2, 3.7 MT of NOX, 1.5 MT of PM and 1.6 MT of VOCs annually 2 trillion RMB lost will be reduced after the plan is implemented

进一步的工作 Future efforts 增强污染物排放信息的统计能力 进一步研究VOCs控制技术和政策 增强环境监测和污染物排放在线监测能力建设 More accurate emissions information VOCs, off-road mobile sources, fugitive dust, ... Measures to control VOCs emissions Air quality monitor and CEMS

谢谢! Thank you! YANG, Jintian Deputy chief engineer Chinese Academy for Environmental Planning yangjt@caep.org.cn