第五章 结膜病 Disorder of the conjunction


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Presentation transcript:

第五章 结膜病 Disorder of the conjunction 2018/11/11

第一节 细菌性结膜炎 Bacterial conjunctivitis 2018/11/11

一、急性卡他性结膜炎 Acute catarrhal conjunctivitis 病因 Etiology 临床表现 Clinical findings 诊断 Diagnosis 治疗 Treatment 预防 Prevention 2018/11/11

二、慢性卡他性结膜炎 Chronic catarrhal conjunctivitis 病因 Etiology 临床表现 Clinical findings 诊断 Diagnosis 治疗 Treatment 2018/11/11

三、淋菌性结膜炎Gonococcalconjunctivitis 临床表现 Clinical findings 眼分泌物增多 结膜充血 ocular secretion and conjunctival hyperemia. 2018/11/11

治疗 Treatment 首先要查找致病原因,然后针对不同致病原因进行恰当治疗。 first of all,it is necessary to look for the cause,and then to give proper management according to different causes. 2018/11/11

第二节 衣原体性结膜炎 Chlamydial conjunctivitis 2018/11/11

沙眼 Crachoma 病因 Etiology 沙眼衣原体感染 infection of Chlamydia trachomatis 临床表现 Clinical findings 眼分泌物增多,结膜充血,睑结膜乳头增生,上下穹窿部结膜布满滤泡。 ocular secretion and conjunctival hyperemia.,papillary hyperplasia in palpebral conjunctiva,follicles are full of upper and lower fornical conjunctiva. 2018/11/11

后遗症与并发症 Sequela and complication 1、睑内反及倒睫 Entropion and trichiasis 2、上睑下垂 Blepharoptosis 3、睑球粘连 Symblepharon 4、实质性角结膜干燥症 Parenchymatous xerosis of conjunctiva 5、慢性泪囊炎 Chronic dacryocysititis 6、角膜混浊 Corneal opacity 2018/11/11

治疗 Treatment 包括局部用药 systemic administration 全身用药及手术治疗 operative treatment. 2018/11/11

第三节 病毒性结膜炎 Viral conjunctivitis 流行性角结膜炎 Epidemic keratocojunctivitis 病因 Etiology 病原体是腺病毒 The pathogen is adenovirus. 2018/11/11

临床表现 Clinical findings 刺激症状显著,自觉有异物感、刺痒、疼痛、畏光和流泪 appear strong irritating symptoms,such as foreign body sensation,itching,pain,photophobia and tearing etc. 耳前淋巴结肿大并有压痛 preauricular lymphadenectasis and tenderness. 同时出现角膜炎症状 at the same time,appear the symptom of keratitis 2018/11/11

治疗 Treatment 本病无特效药物 there is no specific drug for the disorder 药物治疗以局部治疗为主 mainly depends on topical treatment. 2018/11/11

第六章 角膜病 Disease of the cornea 2018/11/11

第一节 角膜炎症 Corneal inflammation 病因 Etiology 外源性、内源性、局部蔓延 exogenous.endogenous.local speading 诊断 Diagnosis 症状 实验室检查 clinical findings lab examinations 2018/11/11

治疗原则 The treatment principles 1.   去除病因 rid of pathogenic causes 2.   积极控制感染 control infection 3.   增强全身及局部抵抗力 enhance systemic and local resistance 4.   促进愈合 promote to heal 5. 减少瘢痕形成 reduce scar formation 2018/11/11

第二节 炎症 Keratitis 2018/11/11

细菌性角膜溃疡 Bacterial corneal ulcer 临床表现 Clinical findings 治疗 Treatment 2018/11/11

单纯疱疹病毒性角膜炎 Herpes simple keratitis 临床表现 Clinical findings 治疗 Treatment 2018/11/11

蚕蚀性角膜溃疡 Rodent ulcer or Mooren ulcer 临床表现Clinical findings 治疗Treatment 2018/11/11

角膜软化症 Keratomalacia 临床表现 Clinical findings 治疗 Treatment 2018/11/11

第七章 巩膜病 Scleral disorder 2018/11/11

第一节 概述 General description 原因 The cause 1. 与多种全身感染性疾病有关 Related to many systemic infectious disorders 2.   外伤或感染 The injury or infection 3. 自身免疫性疾病 Autoimmune desmosis 2018/11/11

临床特点 Clinical characteristic 治疗 Treatment 2018/11/11

第二节 表层巩膜炎 Episcleritis 一.结节性表层巩膜炎 Nodular episcleritis 二.周期性表层巩膜炎 Periodic episcleritis 2018/11/11

第三节 巩膜炎 Scleritis 一.前巩膜炎 Anterior scleritis 二.后巩膜炎 Posterior sclerits 三.坏死性巩膜炎 Necrotizing sclertis 2018/11/11