我要耶穌 I Need Jesus.


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Presentation transcript:

我要耶穌 I Need Jesus

in times of deep distress 我深知道, 我真需要耶穌 I need Jesus my need I now confess 在憂愁時, 無朋友像我主 No Friend like Him in times of deep distress

我甚歡樂, 因我得到耶穌 雖有人願獨挑重擔 但我要耶穌 I need Jesus the need I gladly own 雖有人願獨挑重擔 但我要耶穌 Though some may bear their load a-lone Yet I need Jesus

I need Jesus; I need Jesus Need Him in the sun-shine hour 我要耶穌, 我要耶穌 I need Jesus; I need Jesus 我每日需要耶穌 I need Jesus every day 光明時日我要祂 Need Him in the sun-shine hour Chorus 1 of 2

when the storm clouds lower 黑雲滿佈我要祂 Need Him when the storm clouds lower 每日在我生命中 Every day a-long my way 我需要耶穌 Yes, I need Jesus Chorus 2 of 2

when paths of life are dim 我需一友, 有能力像耶穌 I need Jesus I need a Friend like Him 在幽暗中, 祂必引導保護 A friend to guide when paths of life are dim

when foes my soul as-sail A-lone, I know I can but fail 我靈與敵相攻時需要主 I need Jesus when foes my soul as-sail 我知靠自己必失敗 故我要耶穌 A-lone, I know I can but fail So I need Jesus

I need Jesus; I need Jesus Need Him in the sun-shine hour 我要耶穌, 我要耶穌 I need Jesus; I need Jesus 我每日需要耶穌 I need Jesus every day 光明時日我要祂 Need Him in the sun-shine hour Chorus 1 of 2

when the storm clouds lower 黑雲滿佈我要祂 Need Him when the storm clouds lower 每日在我生命中 Every day a-long my way 我需要耶穌 Yes, I need Jesus Chorus 2 of 2

He is the sinners' Friend 自生至死, 我必需要耶穌 I need Jesus I need Him to the end 無人像主, 祂是罪人朋友 No one like Him He is the sinners' Friend

在急難時, 我更需要耶穌 因主是慈愛和真實 我需要耶穌 I need Jesus no other Friend will do 因主是慈愛和真實 我需要耶穌 So constant, kind so strong and true Yes, I need Jesus

I need Jesus; I need Jesus Need Him in the sun-shine hour 我要耶穌, 我要耶穌 I need Jesus; I need Jesus 我每日需要耶穌 I need Jesus every day 光明時日我要祂 Need Him in the sun-shine hour Chorus 1 of 2

when the storm clouds lower 黑雲滿佈我要祂 Need Him when the storm clouds lower 每日在我生命中 Every day a-long my way 我需要耶穌 Yes, I need Jesus Chorus 2 of 2