主愛有多少 主恩有多深 祂甘願捨命 為救人靈魂 每當我思想 我心感恩


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Presentation transcript:

主愛有多少 主恩有多深 祂甘願捨命 為救人靈魂 每當我思想 我心感恩 How great is God’s love 主愛有多少 主恩有多深 祂甘願捨命 為救人靈魂 每當我思想 我心感恩 How great is God’s love How great is God’s love? How deep is His love? Oh, He gave His life, to save the whole world; How great is God’s love? How deep is His love? Each time I ponder, my heart gives thanks.

天地有多麼高 兩極有多麼遠 救主的慈愛 也有多大 永恆有多麼長 無限有多麼廣 救主的恩典 也有多深 天地有多麼高 兩極有多麼遠 救主的慈愛 也有多大 永恆有多麼長 無限有多麼廣 救主的恩典 也有多深 As high as the heavens, Are above the earth, So great is the love of out Savior. Wide as east is from west Far as north is from south, So great is the grace of out savior.