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Presentation transcript:


Integrative Background America’s Ethnic / Immigrant Background Teaching Staff Common Planning Time Standardized Rubrics, Benchmarks & Grading Teaching Staff Consistency: Formative & Summative Assessment Data Driven Teaching Adjustments

综合背景 1 美国的民族/移民背景 教学人员共同规划时间 标准化量规,基准及分级 师资队伍的一致性:描述性评价和总结性评价 数据驱动的教学调整

Integrative Background 2 Original Source Documentation Small Group Interactive Critical Thinking (IRAC) Information Literacy / Interaction Living History: Students Own Stories Personalize Lesson

综合背景 2 原始记录 小群体互动 批判性思维 信息素养/互动 亲历历史:学生自己的故事 个性化课程

Lesson Objectives学习目标 Students will: 学生们将学会以下内容: Understand how the Bill of Rights relate to the U.S. Constitution权利法案与美国宪法的关系 Understand why the Bill of Rights were written权利法案产生的原因 Understand Majority v. Minority Rights多数人权利与少数人权利 Understand the “Nationalization” of the Bill of Rights 权利法案的“国家化”推广过程 Understand Vocabulary related to the US Constitution / Bill of Rights 与美国宪法、权利法案相关的词汇

Preamble to the Constitution “We the people of the United States in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” “我们美国人民,为了组织一个更完善的联邦,树立正 义,保障国内安宁,提供共同防务,增进全民福利和确保自由带来的幸福,以及为了我们自己和我们的后代,特制定并建立了美利坚合众国本宪法。“

WRITE ONE PARAGRAPH IN RESPONSE TO EACH OF THE ABOVE Quick Write快速写作 WHAT IS LIBERTY? / WHAT IS FREEDOM? 什么是自由权利?什么是自由? Rights of the Majority v. Rights of the Minority 多数人权利与少数人权利 WRITE ONE PARAGRAPH IN RESPONSE TO EACH OF THE ABOVE 请各写一段话作为对上述两条的回应

QUICK WRITE DISCUSSION快速写作讨论 WHAT IS LIBERTY? / WHAT IS FREEDOM? 什么是自由权利?什么是自由? Rights of the Majority v. Rights of the Minority 多数人权利与少数人权利

DEFINITION定义 LIBERTY-freedom from unjust or undue Government Control 自由权利:免于不公正或不当的政府控制的自由 FREEDOM– Capacity to exercise Choice. 自由:有行使选择的能力 JUSTICE– Upholding of fair treatment. 正义: 获得平等对待的权利

CENTRAL QUESTION核心问题 HOW WILL LIBERTY / FREEDOM BE SAFEGUARDED WITH A STRONG CENTRAL GOVERNMENT?建立一个强有力的中央政府对保障自由权利有什么作用? The Constitution is a brief and general document meant to be static which established that future generations would continue to define its meaning and application. 为求稳定,宪法是一个简要、宏观的法律,注定需要后世人们继续对其意义和应用进一步地定义与补充。

Federalists vs. Antifederalists Antifederalists反联邦主义者 supported the Constitution支持宪法草案 opposed the Constitution反对宪法草案 believed that the Constitution made the national government too strong and states too weak认为宪法草案赋予国家政府过多权力,而州政府过弱 wanted a strong national government and weaker state governments 渴望一个有力的国家政府和权力较弱的州政府 believed in the need for a strong executive branch强调强有力的权力执行机构的必要性 thought that the President had too much power认为总统权力过大

Formation of the Bill of Rights 权利法案的形成 • Federalists, such as Alexander Hamilton, were against the Bill of Rights, claiming it was unnecessary since all state constitutions already had a bill of rights.以亚历山大 汉密尔顿为首的联邦主义者反对权利法案,声称这样的立法是没有必要的,因为各州宪法已经都有了各自的人权保护法案 Alexander Hamilton: Against the Bill of Rights反对权利法案 Thomas Jefferson: Favored the Bill of Rights支持权利法案

Issue: The Selling of the Constitution ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION V. A CONSTITUTION Individual State Supreme Governments Southern States Richer (Agrarian Society) THE FEDERALIST V. ANTI-FEDERALIST Strong Executive v. Weak Executive CENTRAL GOVERNMENT V. INDIVIDUAL STATES National Supreme Government

问题:宪法的“行销” 联邦条令 还是 宪法? 独立的州最高治理权 南部州较富裕 (农业社会) 联邦支持者和联邦反对者 强有力的权力执行机构 还是 弱的权力执行机构 中央政府 还是 分立的州政府 国家最高治理权

Bill of Rights Amendment I – Freedom of speech, press, religion, peaceable assembly, and to petition the government. Amendment II – Right to keep and bear arms. Amendment III – Protection from quartering of troops. Amendment IV – Protection from unreasonable search and seizure. Amendment V – Due process, double jeopardy, self-incrimination, private property. Amendment VI – Trial by jury and other rights of the accused. Amendment VII – Civil trial by jury . Amendment VIII – Prohibition of excessive bail, cruel punishment. Amendment IX – Declares that other rights not listed may be protected. Amendment X – Grants residual power to the states and to the people.

人权法案 修正案I – 言论,新闻,宗教,和平集会,以及向政府请愿的自由 修正案II – 保存和持有武器的自由 修正案IV – 避免无理的搜查和侵占 修正案V – 过程正义,一罪不受两审,自证其罪,私人财产权 修正案VI – 被陪审团审判以及被指控者的其他权利 修正案VII – 陪审团进行民事审判 修正案VIII – 禁止过度假释,残酷刑罚 修正案 IX – 声明未列的其他权利也可能被保护 修正案X – 赋予剩余的权力给州和民众

Small Group Activity Is It Constitutional? Name_______________________________   Is it Constitutional? Each situation below is based on a real challenge to the First Amendment. Predict how you think the Supreme Court or the appropriate Federal District Court ultimately ruled: is the speech in question protected or unprotected by the Constitution? Circle your response and briefly explain your reasoning. 1. Hustler Magazine published a parody of a liquor advertisement in which Rev. Jerry Falwell described a drunken encounter with his mother in an outhouse. Falwell sued for libel. Hustler Magazine’s parody was PROTECTED OR UNPROTECTED by the First Amendment.

小组讨论 以下情况遵从宪法吗? 姓名_______________________________ 以下情况遵从宪法吗?   以下情况遵从宪法吗? 下列情况基于一些挑战第一修正案的真实案例。请预测高等法院或者相关的联邦地区法院最终如何判定: 此情况是否受宪法保护? 圈出合适的描述并简要说明您的道理。 1. 行骗者杂志发表了一个酒类广告的滑稽模仿,其中教士Jerry Falwell描述了和他的母亲在室外厕所醉酒后的相遇。教士Jerry Falwell以诽谤罪起诉了改杂志。 骗子杂志的滑稽模仿是/否受第一修正案的保护。

Is it Constitutional? 2. Congress makes it a crime to send or display indecent/obscene material on-line in a way available to minors. The law is CONSTITUTIONAL OR UNCONSTITUTIONAL.   3. A Jehovah’s Witness objected to New Hampshire’s state motto—“Live Free or Die”—on his license plate. Because the saying went against his conscience, he did not believe the state had a right to force him to advertise something the state believes in, but he does not. When the state discovered he had covered up the motto on his license plate, they prosecuted him. The Jehovah’s Witness’s action was PROTECTED OR UNPROTECTED by the First Amendment. 4. The state of New York “Son of Sam Law,” requires book publishers to turn over to the state, any proceeds from a book written by any person convicted of a crime, related to or about that crime. The law is intended to prevent the infamous “Son of Sam” killer (who was in discussions with book publishers at the time) and other convicted criminals from making money off of their crimes.

以下情况遵从宪法吗? 2. 国会把在网络上向未成年人发送或展示淫秽材料定为有罪。 这项法令是符合/不符合宪法的。  3. 一位耶稣见证人教教徒反对他的新罕布什尔州车牌照上的座右铭-”不是自由地活着就是死亡“。由于这个提法和他的信念相抵触,他认为州政府没有权力强迫他传播他不赞同但是州政府赞同的东西。当州政府发现他将车牌照上的这句话遮住了后,起诉了他。  这位耶稣见证人教教徒的行为是受/不受第一修正案保护的。 4. 纽约州”山姆的儿子法令“, 要求出版商上交任何罪犯写的有关其罪案的书的所得。此项条令旨在防止臭名昭著的”山姆的儿子”杀人犯(在当时出版的一本书中详述)和其他已经判决的罪犯利用他们的罪案盈利。

Vocabulary / Key Terms词汇表 Magna Carta—1297 自由大宪章 Mayflower Compact—1620 五月花协议 English Bill of Rights—1689 英国人权法案 Virginia Constitution—1776 (June) 弗吉尼亚宪法 Declaration of Independence—1776 (July) 独立宣言 Articles of Confederation—1781 联邦法案 Federalist Papers—1787-1788 联邦主义者论文集 US Constitution—1787 美国宪法 French Declaration of Rights of Man—1789 法国人权宣言 U. S. Bill of Rights / Rule of Law—1791 美国人权法案 Justice, Liberty, Posterity 公正,自由,繁荣

Formation of the Bill of Rights 人权法案形成 • James Madison wrote the first ten amendments in 1791, which are known as the Bill of Rights. James Madison于1791年写了头10个修正案,统称为人权法案 James Madison, author of the Bill of Rights and 4th President of the United States. James Madison为人权法案作者以及美国第4届总统。

Bill of Rights Perspective WHAT WAS THIS “LIBERTY AND FREEDOM”? Was the Concept of “FREEDOM” new and the reality of it untested? Did Women have the vote? Did slavery still exist? Were Rights of Workers Protected? Who could vote and participate in this new Government? Who was considered a ‘MAN’? Was this “Liberty entrusted to a government of the rich and powerful”….? (Howard Zinn); Charles Beard

人权法案视角 “自由权利和自由”指的是什么? “自由“的概念是新的,其实际内容是未经实践测试过的,对吗? 过去妇女有选举权吗?过去奴隶制存在吗? 过去工人的权利有保障吗? 谁会投票和参与新的政府?谁会被算为一个成人? 这个自由是由一个富有和权力阶层的政府掌控吗?(Howard Zinn) Charles Beard

Quick Talk Select one of the following questions and discuss for 5 minutes. Should Women have been given the right to vote? Should Slavery have been abolished? Should Government benefit only the rich and powerful?

快速讨论 从以下问题中任选一个,讨论5分钟: 妇女是否应该给予投票权? 奴隶制是否应该取消? 政府是否应该仅让富有和权力阶层受益?