Lean Service 中山企管 郭倉義 kuo@bm.nsysu.edu.tw 精實服務 Lean Service 中山企管 郭倉義 kuo@bm.nsysu.edu.tw
GM vs. Toyota vs. NUMMI
First Paradox Toyota Production System Generally accepted knowledge EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) Economy of Scale TPS One piece flow 混線生產
Second Paradox Set-based concurrent engineer Common practices Toyota Begin with sets of possible solution, and gradually narrowing the set Delaying decisions can make better cars faster Common practices Freeze specification quickly Toyota Delay decisions and provide their suppliers with hard specifications very late
Zara’s paradox Zara Common practice Delivery merchandises by air Use containers by surface
精實服務 中心思想 消除浪費 速度、效率 目標 藉著減少任何形式的浪費 提高任何流程的速度
Flow production Henry Ford The first person to realize the potential of FLOW Continuous flow in high production volume final assembly Same product Same Parts 1908 Model T was born 15 millions in 19 years 車價由 USD $1000 降到 300 Wikipedia.org
豐田 -- 大野耐一、新鄉重夫 1963 Continuous flow in small-lot production 福特的羅治工廠 快速換模 通用型設備 單件流程 1963 福特的羅治工廠 7,000輛 / 天 豐田汽車 從 1950 年創立,13年總共生產 2,685 輛汽車
Performance with Reduce Cost Smart Path: Cut Waste Stupid Path: Cut Service Lazy Path: Just Cut LM21: Lean Processes that Operate at Six Sigma Capability
情境一:Cut budget Across-the-board percent-reduction Requires little skills or knowledge of the work Lead to unintended consequences Cut value added works Result in poor program performance
Case: Virginia Mason Medical Center 336-bed with over 5000 employees Graduate medical education program Research center Trimming cost Cutting academic spending, research “When academics start going by the wayside, the people you want to retain start questioning whether they want to stay” CEO, Kaplan
情境二:Cut service Eliminating particular services or features Customer needs and willing to pay Competitors can supply Loss or dissatisfaction of customers base
Virginia Mason Cut services Result: “We need more.” Consolidate less profitable business lines Closed obstetrics program Closed several satellite clinics Reduced mental health provider service Renegotiated contracts with payers Examined productivity by service line Result: “We need more.” CEO, Kaplan
情境三:Cut waste Path of operating excellence Key to lean enterprise Carefully examine entire value chain Identify Wasted activity Source of variation Eliminate Smart path to cost reduction
Wal-Mart’s supply chain waste reduction 與 P&G, GE 合作 致力於消弭供應鏈的無效率作業 共用銷售紀錄 跨部門團隊 節省的成本 供應商、Wal-Mart, 顧客共享 Everyday Low Price
Henry Ford’s continuous flow assembly Cut waste of time “The easiest of all wastes, and the hardest to correct” 1913 ~ 1914, Ford doubled production with no increase of work force 1920 ~ 1926, reduced cycle time from 21 days to 2 days
Source of variation SOURCE of waste: Wastes: Ex: Waste in IT application development and maintenance SOURCE of waste: Changes to an application’s requirement Wastes: designers rework their specifications Coders wait for specification to stabilize Testers overproduce as their test environments have to be set up repeatedly Unmet requirement piled up in a large backlog McKinsey quarterly
徹底的消除浪費 Muda 製造過多的浪費 等待的浪費 搬運的浪費 加工本身的浪費 (Processing) 庫存的浪費 動作的浪費 (operator & machine movement) 製造不良品的浪費
服務業的浪費 Over-production Waiting Transportation Processing Doing work not requested by customers Waiting Reviews and approval Transportation Transporting documents Processing
Inventories Moving Defects Data, work-in-process, and completed service Moving Searching for information Defects Errors in data or documents
Waste in IT application development and maintenance Overproduction/Over-processing Fulfillment of requests that wont be used within next 3 months Unnecessary functionality Rework Changes in business requirements during development Applications bugs
Wasted motion Wasted Intellect Requests not tied to business priority Ineffective prioritization of maintenance requests Unplanned task switching Wasted Intellect Limited cross-training of developers across different applications Poor usage of employees and offshoring resources
Wasted time Inventory waste Key resources not available Developers idling because of incomplete information on the request Inventory waste Maintenance backlog Many partially completed requests
Methodology 達成『精實』的5步驟 Customer value Value stream Define it from the customer’s perspective Value stream Identify all activities used to Make a product Provide a service
Flow Pull Create a system where value is continuously added Clear away obstacles Don’t add value Clog the value stream Pull Initiate work only At the demand To the specifications of the customer
Perfection Continuously refine the process to improve Efficiency Cycle time Costs quality
1/5 Customer Value Distortion of Value American Executives financial mind-set oriented Shareholder’s view of value Not day-to-day realities of specifying and creating value for customers
Germany executives Technology oriented Proud of their process and product technology Engineer’s view of value “The customer will want it once we explain it” “The customers weren’t sophisticated enough to grasp the merits of the product”
Japanese Executives Stay-at-home-at-all-costs thinking The need of employees and suppliers took precedence over the needs of the customer 通路效率低 物價高
Voice of Customer vs. Product & service design Quality Function Deployment 品質機能展開
Challenge of traditional definition of “value” Producer: want to make what they are already making Customer: only know how to ask for some variant of what they are already getting Joint customer-producer dialogue on value
2/5 Value Stream 物與情報流程圖 Value stream map 價值溪流地圖 產品通過生產工程的全程活動 宏觀地研究流程 增加價值的作業 無增加價值的作業 宏觀地研究流程 改善整體的效益 非局部的工程改善
現狀圖 第一視圖:表示最終的顧客 第二視圖:表示 所有工程 數據方塊 庫存三角形 第三視圖:表示物流 第四視圖:表示情報流
資料處理 保險業務員 文件掃描 核保部門 每日完成件數 資格審查 風險評估 品質管制 保單評核 資料輸入
領料看板 生產看板
理想狀況圖 按複雜程度分兩條生產線 Flow production 需要『健康檢查』 不需要『健康檢查』 放棄 batch and queue
3/5 Flow 準則2: 在能流動的地方,都讓其連續流動
流動中生產 Flow production 把不同的機器,按加工順序排列 Mass production 產品一個一個地加工 Mass production 集中相同的機器,(車床、銑床‧‧‧) 以固定量的產品,一部門、一部門地加工
Flow production U型生產線 一位作業員兩台以上的機器 一人負責多個工程順序作業 多能工
Cell for manufacturing http://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PL3DBF8F02CA89C98C&v=AUPji7L9aSs Cell for assembly http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3ixAjfsABg
準則1:根據節拍時間生產 讓生產節拍與銷售節拍同步 每班可用的定時稼動時間 節拍時間 = 每班顧客需求量
實施『節拍時間』的挑戰 多能工 U型生產線 減少換模時間
U型生產線 產量:40個 / 天 產量:80個 / 天 作業時間:480 min/day 週期時間:12 min/個 使用 2 作業員 每人做 4 作業 產量:80個 / 天 週期時間: 6 min/個 使用 4 作業員
4/5 Pull Just in Time 關鍵點 問題點 將必要的物品 在必要的時候 以必要的量 到達生產線 在必要的時刻 傳送必要的資訊 對各工程『個別』指示生產計劃 前後工程各自獨立生產 理論上 各工程皆可按計畫完成 實務上
計劃趕不上變化 預測有偏差 不良或整修 事務管理的錯誤 設備故障 出勤狀況的變化 作業員能力的差異
大量生產方式 對各工程『個別』指示生產計劃 (MRP) 發生欠料、瓶頸作業時 前後工程各自獨立生產 不需要或不急用的零件,堆積如山 下游作業,亦產生零組件堆積的現象 前製程無法提供足夠的成品 但是、其它零組件『已準時』配送到現場
巨大 (A-Team) 改善前 1. 太早發出情報 (不正確) 2. 同時發給多工程 (不同期) 半成品在庫多 收貨倉庫 零件 供應商 裝配 生產計劃 2. 同時發給多工程 (不同期) 半成品在庫多 收貨倉庫 零件 供應商 裝配 車架組裝 半成品 在庫多 塗裝
Womack & Jones 1996, 2003
半成品在庫多 經營理念的改變 大量生產 精實生產 後工程 到前工程領取 徹底消除浪費 半成品倉庫 在必要的時候 必要的東西 必要的量 零庫存 製造過多的浪費 等待的浪費 搬運的浪費 (加工本身的浪費) 庫存的浪費 (動作的浪費) 製造不良品的浪費 精實生產 徹底消除浪費 零庫存 經營理念的改變 後工程 在必要的時候 到前工程領取 必要的東西 必要的量
x x x x 巨大 (A-Team) 改善對策 1. 減少情報發出點 2. 必要時發出必要情報 半成品在庫量減半 零件 供應商 收貨倉庫 生產計劃 2. 必要時發出必要情報 半成品在庫量減半 x x 零件 供應商 x 收貨倉庫 x 裝配 車架組裝 半成品 塗裝
Just In Time 理念 超級市場 Implementation 拉式生產 由後工程指示前工程 顧客(後工程) 從物架上取走2件 超級市場員工 (前工程) 才能補2件 Implementation 看板管理 情報聯絡的工具 只對製造工程最末端的『裝配線』發出生產計劃指示 由後工程 …… 看板
Womack & Jones 1996, 2003
5S 5 Steps of housekeeping 整理/常組織(Seiri, Structurise) 整顿/常整頓(Seiton, Systematise) 清扫/常清潔(Seiso, Sanitise) 清洁/常規範(Seiketsu, Standardise) 身美/常自律(Seitsuke, Self-discipline)
Not a theory, plain common sense Organize work area Maximize smooth and efficient flow of activities Reduce waste time & effort Does not sound very Excited ….
Housekeeping should lead to Kaizen Housekeeping is only a mean Ex: found excess WIP Insufficient control between production and purchasing Insufficient flexibility to cope with changes in production scheduling Housekeeping should lead to Kaizen
Does your process complicate the work unnecessarily? Are there too many forms? Does your process impede progress toward satisfying the customers? Does the size of contract require sign-off by three officers?
Dose your process actually prohibit the possibility of satisfying the customer? Does the company’s overhead make it impossible to bid on the job?
5S for Service
準則4:只將顧客訂單下給『基準節拍工程』 價值流中 無法形成連續流動 必須使用批量生產 外包商距離較遠 前工程前置時間太長
準則3:在連續流動無法向上游擴展時,使用超級市場來控制生產 週期時間很長或很短 沖壓、射出成型 外包商 距離遠,每次運一件是不切實際
服務業 – 流程再造
After Reengineering Team Approach
5/5 Perfection 改善與改革 Reduction effort, time, space, cost, and mistakes 高階 管理者 改革 kaikaku 流動改善 (價值流動改善) 工程改善 (消除浪費) 現場 人員 改善 kaizen Mura 不穩定 Muri 過載 Muda 浪費
Japanese Perceptions of Job Functions 6 Sigma Top Management Innovation Middle Management Kaizen Supervisor Maintenance QCC Workers * 今井正明 – 改善
People Engagement Leadership provide direction Leader stay engaged and connected Allow those who do the work to change their process in a formal way Front-line workers are encouraged and supported to make changes to continually improve
精實的基本思想 可以應用到各行各業 精實的工具 各行各業都會有一些不同 百聞不如一見 百見不如一做 國瑞汽車、王派榮