主,我感謝祢/ I Thank You, Lord 主啊!每當我思量生命的旋律, 喜樂的歌,夜裡愛的樂曲。


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Presentation transcript:

主,我感謝祢/ I Thank You, Lord 主啊!每當我思量生命的旋律, 喜樂的歌,夜裡愛的樂曲。 我心充滿驚嘆讚美,因祢美妙的恩典。 主,感謝祢,我感謝祢。 Lord, when I think upon the music of my life, Your songs of joy, your love songs in the night, I’m filled with wonder and with praise at the beauty of your grace. I thank you, Lord, I thank you, Lord.

當我們聚集這屋內,祢的聖所, 當我唱讚美詩 和信心的頌歌, 我要向祢高舉我心,我充滿希望感激。 主,感謝祢,我感謝祢。 And when I gather in this house, your sacred place, and when I sing the hymns and anthems of my faith, I’m filled with hope and gratitude as I lift my heart to you. I thank you, Lord, I thank you , Lord.

哦!我怎能停止歌唱? 我怎能停止高聲頌讚主? 因基督是天地主宰,我怎能停止歌唱? 我怎能不讚美我主? O, how can I keep from singing? How can I keep from lifting up my voice? Since Christ is Lord of heav’n and earth, how can I keep from singing? How can I help but praise the Lord?

我怎能不讚美基督,我救主, 當祂為我如此犧牲? 我要頌揚祂聖名永不靜默, 神的愛使我自由歌頌! How can I keep from praising Christ, My Savior, when he has done so much for me? I will exalt his name and not be silent, God’s love has set my music free !

神的愛使我自由歌頌! 今當我思想受祝福的人生中, 深如森林,榮耀充滿天空, 如黎明應許的陽光,日暮夜空的月亮, 主,感謝祢,我感謝祢。 God’s love has set my music free ! Now when I think upon the blessings of this life, the forest deep, the glory of the skies, the promise of the rising sun and the moon when day is done, I thank you, Lord, I thank you , Lord.

當我定睛我眼中所疼愛的人, 或是我凝視 天上閃爍的星辰, 喜樂讚美充滿我心,我要稱頌祢聖名。 主,感謝祢,我感謝祢。 And when I look into the eyes of those I love, Or when I gaze upon the starry night above, my heart is filled with joyful praise, and I bless your holy name. I thank you, Lord, I thank you , Lord.

哦!我怎能停止歌唱? 我怎能停止高聲頌讚主? 因基督是天地主宰,我怎能停止歌唱? 我怎能不讚美我主? O, how can I keep from singing? How can I keep from lifting up my voice? Since Christ is Lord of heav’n and earth, how can I keep from singing? How can I help but praise the Lord?

How can I help but praise the Lord ? 我怎能不讚美我主? 我要讚美主! How can I help but praise the Lord ? I will praise the Lord!

We gather now to worship You 喜樂讚美的呼召 A Call to Joyful Praise 上主,至高掌權 祢榮耀當稱頌 我們今齊來敬拜祢 讚美祢聖名 O God, who reigns on high, Your glory we proclaim. We gather now to worship You and praise Your name.

當喜樂歌唱 來到主面前 歌頌讚美 進入祂的門 當歡喜感恩 進入祂的院 哈利路亞 向主歌唱 向主歌唱 用新歌向主歌唱 X 2 Come before the Lord with joyful singing. Come into His gates with tuneful praise. Come into His courts with glad thanksgiving Alleluia sing to the Lord, Sing to the Lord, Sing to the Lord a new song.

我們是與主 立約的子民 我們是羔羊的兒女 我們受造 為要讚美主 我們是恩典樂器 我們是讚美交響曲 哈利路亞 We are the people of the covenant. ( We are the children of the Lamb.) We are made for alleluias We are instruments of grace. We are a symphony of praise! Alleluia!

當喜樂歌唱 來到主面前 歌頌讚美 進入祂的門 當歡喜感恩 進入祂的院 哈利路亞 向主歌唱 向主歌唱 用新歌向主歌唱 Come before the Lord with joyful singing. Come into His gates with tuneful praise. Come into His courts with glad thanksgiving Alleluia sing to the Lord, Sing to the Lord, Sing to the Lord a new song.

歌頌神,來高唱哈利路亞 來向主歌頌,唱和散那 哈利路亞 唱 ─ Sing to God. Sing, sing an alleluia. Sing unto the Lord. Sing, hosanna. Alleluia Sing ─

All people, come with joyful singing! Come with joyful singing. 當喜樂歌唱 來到主面前 x 3 萬民當齊來喜樂歌唱! 齊來喜樂歌唱 哈利路亞! Come before the Lord with joyful singing. x 3 All people, come with joyful singing! Come with joyful singing. Alleluia !