Christ’s messages to the four churches基督给4个教会的信息


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Presentation transcript:

Christ’s messages to the four churches基督给4个教会的信息 There’re no perfect churches in the world sense 世上没有完美的教会

Review of Chapter 1 第1章回顾 Theme: The who and why of writing Revelation – Christ thru John to the seven churches (God’s kingdom on earth starting from Christ on the cross) 主题:谁,为什么要写启示录 –基督通过约翰写给这七个教会(在地上,神的国始于基督被钉十字架) Detail description of Christ- right hand with 7 stars and among 7 lampstands, dressed in long robe to his feet, gold sash on chest, who’s,was and first and last, resurrected, etc. (He’s the true author of the book) 对基督的详细描述- 右手拿着七星,在七个灯台中间,身穿长衣, 直垂到脚, 胸间束着金带, 他, 就是首先的,末后的, 复活的 ……(他才是这本书的真正作者)

7 churches = 7 church periods in church age 7个 教会 = 教会成长的7 个阶段

Open Share with us some of your school open exercises most impressed to you during your school years. 请分享你上学时印象最深的引入练习。 Share with us the experiences of looking for churches when you first came to the states. 请分享你来美时第一次寻找教会的经历。

Dig Key verses: Revelation 2:7, 11,17 and 29 关键章节:启示录 2:7, 11, 17 和 29 Read the chapter 2.读第二章 Where’s Ephesus?以弗所在哪里? Describes the one, who talked to the angel of Ephesus church. 描述对以弗所教会的使者说话的人。 What has the church done correctly? Hard work, perseverance, won’t tolerate false apostle. 教会做了哪些正确的事情? 努力工作, 坚定不移, 不容忍自称为使徒却不是使徒的人。

Ephesus church continued 以弗所教会续 What’s the wrong with this church even they’ve done all the good things? Hint:first love. 这个教会做了这么多好事,但她做错了什么吗?提示: 起初的爱心 What’s first love?什么是起初的爱心? Ask ourselves ,too about this issue. 同样的问题, 问问我们自己。 What’s the suggestion to correct it? Remember, repent, and do.如何纠正? 回想, 悔改和行动. What’s the caveat if we don’t repent? 如果我们不悔改,警告是什么?

Ephesus church continued.. 以弗所教会续.. What’s the warning if we don’t do the corrective action? Lose.. 对我们不纠正自己的行为,有什么警告? 失去… What’s one more thing this church did it correctly? Hate Nicolaitans’ practices.还有一件教会做对了, 那是什么? 恨恶尼哥拉一党人的行为. For those overcome (first love), what has been promised to them?  得胜的人(起初的爱), 会得到什么应许? What’s Ephesus church said to be? Church with loss of First Love. 怎样形容弗所教会? 失去起初的爱的教会

Smyrna church 士每拿教会 How was Christ described as? First/last, resurrected. 怎样描述基督? 首先的/末后的, 复活的。 What was significant about this church? Afflicted and poverty, yet rich. 这个教会有什么特点? 患难贫穷, 却富足。 What did they go through? Jewish pretenders persecution.他们经历过什么? 犹太人的迫害。 What will they face? In prison and persecuted for 10 days. 他们将要面对什么?被下在监里, 受患难十日。

Smyrna continued 士每拿教会续 What was the word for this persecuted church? Faithful till death 有什么寄语给这受迫害的教会?至死忠心. What will be rewarded? Life crown有什么奖赏? 生命的冠冕. What will be promised if they overcome their challenges? Second death. 如果战胜这些挑战,他们会得到什么奖赏? 第二次的死. So, what is Smyrna said to be? Suffering church.怎样形容士每拿教会? 受磨难的教会.

Pergamum continued 别迦摩教会续 What else other than holding on to Balaam’s teaching, did the church do? Nicolaitans 教会除了服从巴兰的教训, 还做了什么?尼哥拉一党 What did they need to do? Repent.他们需要做什么? 悔改. If they didn’t, what would happen to them? sword of the mouth 如果他们不悔改, 有什么后果? 口中的剑. If they do, what would be promised to them? hidden manna, white stone 如果他们悔改, 基督对他们的承诺是什么? 隐藏的吗哪, 白石

Thyatira church 推雅推喇教会 What was described about Christ? Eyes with blazing fire, feet like burnish bronze. 书中是怎样描述耶稣的? 眼目如火焰, 脚象光明铜. What did they do right? Deeds,love,faith, service and perseverance, did more than at first. 他们作了哪些正确的事? 行为,爱心,信心,勤劳,忍耐. 比起初所行的更多. What did they do wrong? Jezebel’s teaching成他们有什么做的不对? 耶洗别的教导. What would the Lord do to them? cast her to a bed together with, strike kids dead.主会怎样对他们? 使她卧病在床, 杀死她的党羽.

Thyatira church continued 推雅推喇教会续 Why did the Lord do so? Search hearts & minds. 为什么主要这样作? 察看人肺腑心肠. For those who didn’t do this practice, what would they be promised to? No other burden but be faithful till he comes.对那些不从的会怎样?没有别的担子加给他们, 但要持守已经有的,直等到他来. What other promise was for them? rule and morning stars.还有其他什么样的应许? 权柄, 晨星.

Pergamum 别迦摩教会 What was Christ described as? 2-edged sword.书中是怎样描述耶稣的? 两刃利剑. Where was this church? Satan’s throne.教会在哪? 撒但的座位. In spite of their location, what did this church do? Truth to his name. 尽管居所如此, 这个教会做了什么? 坚守他的名. Even when Antipas was persecuted for his faith, what did this church do? 当安提帕因他的信仰被迫害的时侯, 教会做了什么? What did they do wrong in the eyes of the Lord? Accepting Balaam’s teachings.在主的眼里,他们有什么做的不对? 服从巴兰的教训。

Ephesus以弗所教会 Tree of life: Genesis 2:9 ( to eat of the tree of life: restoration of perfection fellowship between God and men)生命树: 创世记 2:9 (吃树生命树的上果子: 回归人和神完美的关系) Nicolaitans teaching: teaching in a compromise with the pagan practices, enable Christians to take part without embarrassment in social and religious activities. II Pet. 2:15, Jude 11尼哥拉的教导: 教导人向异端妥协,使基督徒的社交和宗教活动没有约束.

Smyrna 士每拿教会 Crown of life: crown given to those who went thru persecution James 1:12 – more crowns as crown of righteousness II tim 4:8, crown of glory I pet 5:4, incorruptible crown 生命的冠冕: 冠冕给那些经历迫害的. 雅各书1:12 更多的公义的冠冕 提摩太后书 4:8 荣耀的冠冕 彼得前书 5:4 永不衰残的冠冕 彼得前书 5:4

Pergamum别迦摩教会 Satan’s throne: Official center of the emperor worship in Asia.撒但的座位:亚西亚省的首府,敬拜凯撒的中心。 Antipas: martyr of Asia, tradition had it that he was roasted to death in a kettle during Domintian reign. 安提帕: 亚西亚的殉道者, 据传在豆米仙统治时期说被用铜锅烤死 Balaam teaching: Balaam advised the Midianite women how to lead the Israelites astray (num 25:1-2; 31:17 and Jude 1), here it means the corrupted teaching of deceiving the believers to compromise with worldliness (things scarified to idols, fornication – acts 15:20,29)巴兰的教导:巴兰教导米甸的妇女怎样引诱以色列人误入歧途(民数记25:1-2; 31:17 和犹大书 15:20, 29), 在这里的意思是误导信徒随从邪恶的风俗(拜偶像, 奸淫).

Pergamum 别迦摩教会 Nicolatians: Nico- means conquer in Greek. Its teaching is “victory of the people”, like humanism. This teaching in the book of Revelation is to enable Christians to take part in social and religious activities without embarrassment, but it attached by Peter in (II Pet 2:/11 and Jude 11) 尼哥拉: Nico-在希腊文中意为“征服”。尼哥拉意为“人民的胜利”, 如“人文主义”。在启示录一书中,尼哥拉的教训是:基督徒可以无所限制地参与社交(当地风俗)与(其他)宗教的活动。这教训已被彼得抨击。(彼得前书 2:11 和犹大书 11) Hidden manna: heavenly food available to those who overcomes (ps 78:24) in contrast to dirty food of the Balaamites.隐藏的吗哪: 给得胜者天上的粮食(诗篇78:24), 与之对照的是巴兰追随者肮脏的食物。 White stone: tokens for Messianic banquet for the purpose of admission (my name as in Is 62:2, 65:15) 白石: 进入弥赛亚宴会的凭据 (我的名见赛62:2: 65:15)

Thyatira推雅推喇教会 Jezebel: I ki 16:31; 2 ki 9:22,30-37, prominent woman who undermined loyality to the Lord by promoting tolerance to pagan practices. Fornication.. Things sacrificed to idols.耶洗别: 列王记上 16:31;列王记下 9:22, 30-37,此女纵容异端行为,破坏对神的忠心。 Bed: disease as appropriate punishment for sins (I cor. 11:29-30) 床: 患病作为对人犯罪的适当惩罚. (哥林多前书 11:29-30)



Pergamos or Pergamum





Christ is described as in chapter one: 在第一章基督被描述成: Who’s, was and is to come (eternal) 昔在、今在、以后永在的神 Love us –how he used his own blood to redeem us. 爱我们-如何用他的宝血救赎我们。 Make us be part of his kingdom and priests. 使我们成为他王国的国民和祭司。 Will come back in the clouds 将会驾云回来 When coming back, he’ll be seen by all, even those who hate him 当他回来时,众目要看见他,连恨他的也要看见他 Beginning and ending 开始和结束 Almighty 全能