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Presentation transcript:


SQL Server 2005 Reporting Service <SLIDETITLE INCLUDE=7>Title Slide</SLIDETITLE> <KEYWORDS></KEYWORDS> <KEYMESSAGE></KEYMESSAGE> <SLIDEBUILDS>0</SLIDEBUILDS> <SLIDESCRIPT> Hello and Welcome to this Microsoft TechNet session on {insert session title}. My name is {insert name} </SLIDESCRIPT> <SLIDETRANSITION> <TRANSITION LENGTH=7>Let us start this session by going into more detail on exactly what we will be covering.</TRANSITION> </SLIDETRANSITION> <COMMENT></COMMENT> <ADDITIONALINFORMATION> <ITEM></ITEM> </ADDITIONALINFORMATION> 錢曉明 資策會 資深講師

議程 SQL Server 2005 Reporting Service 新功能 Report Builder Report 的安全設計考量 組態工具 多重值參數 (Multi-Value Parameter) 運算式編輯器自動提示功能 互動式排序 ReportViewer 控制項 Report Builder Report 的安全設計考量 依登入者身份動態產生資料集

議程 SQL Server 2005 Reporting Service 新功能 Report Builder Report 的安全設計考量 組態工具 多重值參數 (Multi-Value Parameter) 運算式編輯器自動提示功能 互動式排序 ReportViewer 控制項 Report Builder Report 的安全設計考量 依登入者身份動態產生資料集 <SLIDETITLE INCLUDE= >Agenda: </SLIDETITLE> <KEYWORDS></KEYWORDS> <KEYMESSAGE></KEYMESSAGE> <SLIDEBUILDS>0</SLIDEBUILDS> <SLIDESCRIPT> [Start by telling them what you are going to tell ‘em, then each subsequent agenda item, tell ‘em what you told ‘em as well] </SLIDESCRIPT> <SLIDETRANSITION> <TRANSITION LENGTH=></TRANSITION> </SLIDETRANSITION> <COMMENT></COMMENT> <ADDITIONALINFORMATION> <ITEM></ITEM> </ADDITIONALINFORMATION>


多重值參數 (Multi-Value Parameter)


常用運算式 Visual Basic Functions =Today() =DateAdd(DateInterval.Month, 6, Parameters!StartDate.Value) Decision Functions =IIF((fields!OrderQuantity.Value)>100,"Red","Black") Page Headers and Footers =Globals.PageNumber & " of " & Globals.TotalPages =Globals!ExecutionTime


ReportViewer 控制項 無論Windows程式或是Web程式新增控制項 只要設定報表位置

議程 SQL Server 2005 Reporting Service 新功能 Report Builder Report 的安全設計考量 組態工具 多重值參數 (Multi-Value Parameter) 運算式編輯器自動提示功能 互動式排序 ReportViewer 控制項 Report Builder Report 的安全設計考量 依登入者身份動態產生資料集

是SQL Server 2005 Reporting Service所提供的End-User ad-hoc 報表設計工具 提供類似 Microsoft Excel 的操作介面 提供多種報表樣版 (table, matrix, chart) 使用者無需了解資料庫結構及開發程式語言 使用Report Builder 可進行 : 新增或修改報表 可讀取 Relational 或 OLAP 資料進行報表之設計 使用者可直接將報表公佈至報表網站

Power Users Developers Report Builder 定位 Report Consumers Report Viewer Business Users Report Builder Power Users Developers Report Designer

Report Builder 架構 Web Services 介面 Report Server SQL Server Catalog SQL Mgmt Studio Report Designer Model Designer Report Manager Report Builder Web Services 介面 Report Server Drillthrough 報表產生器 Query Generation 資料來源 (SQL Server 7.0/2000/2005, Analysis Services 2005) SQL Server Catalog

設計資料模型 (Report Model) Model Designer --透過Business Intelligent Development Studio設計及編輯模型 資料來源可以是SQL Server 或Analysis Service 上的 Database 依據Data Source View 自動產生模型 產生模型時,會自動產生下列物件的Metadata: Entity  資料表 Attribute 資料欄位 Roles Primary Key/Foreign Key 關聯 數值及日期彙總項目 報表產生器(Report Builder) --在Report Server上,依據模型產生報表

demonstration Report Builder Infinite DrillThrough (無限鑽研) DefaultDetailAttribute EnableDrillThrough

Report Builder – 可進行 DrillThrough 檢視詳細資料-

Infinite Drill 自動產生Drillthrough Reports 當User瀏覽時,根據User所在位置動態產生

Report Builder Client Report Builder 是建構在Report Server上的 Windows API 需要 .NET Framework 2.0 使用者從 Report Manager 下載安裝與執行 與 Microsoft Office 的操作介面相似 Reports範本有 Tables, Matrices, Charts 完成的報表以 RDL 格式存回到報表伺服器

Report Builder Reports Report Builder Reports 與 Report Server上的其他Report相同之處為: Report 的定義存在 RDL 中 透過相同的API 管理 透過相同的API 管控安全機制 不同之處為: Report Builder Report 執行時期動態的透過metadata自動產生查詢語法 由Report Server 上的新元件處理Query Generation

議程 SQL Server 2005 Reporting Service 新功能 Report Builder Report 的安全設計考量 組態工具 多重值參數 (Multi-Value Parameter) 運算式編輯器自動提示功能 互動式排序 ReportViewer 控制項 Report Builder Report 的安全設計考量 依登入者身份動態產生資料集

Reporting Services 授權模式 以角色為基礎的安全性設定(Role-based Security) 即是依群組來設定使用者權限 系統預設角色 項目層級 (Item Level) 內容管理員 我的報表 瀏覽者 發行者 Report Builder (SQL Server 2005 新增) 系統層級 (System Level) 系統管理者 系統使用者 使用者自訂角色

Role-based Security 項目層級 (Item Level) 系統層級 (System Level) demonstration Role-based Security 項目層級 (Item Level) 系統層級 (System Level)

Reporting Services 認證機制 IIS 安全控管 透過IIS 認證使用者連線到Report Server 預設使用Integrated Windows Authentication Report Server 虛擬目錄預設使用Windows 認證 在Web.config檔案中<system.web>元素下 <authentication mode="Windows"/> <identity impersonate="true"/> Custom or third-party authentication via security extensions is supported

角色指派 指派Windows 使用者或群組 指派角色 系統內訂角色 新增角色 複製角色 可設定安全性物件(Securable object) 項目層級(報表/資料夾/資料來源) 系統層級(共用排程/Job/伺服器安全性)

Guidelines for Securing Reporting Services 透過資料夾設定權限 共用的報表可透過Linked reports設定權限 可將Windows群組加入Reporting Services角色 特殊權限可個別設定

議程 SQL Server 2005 Reporting Service 新功能 Report Builder Report 的安全設計考量 組態工具 多重值參數 (Multi-Value Parameter) 運算式編輯器自動提示功能 互動式排序 ReportViewer 控制項 Report Builder Report 的安全設計考量 依登入者身份動態產生資料集

動態產生資料集(一) 不同登入者看到內容不同 在資料表中記錄使用者權限 ID UserID Country 1 DBServer\SalesUSA US 2 DBServer\SalesUK GB

動態產生資料集(二) 建Stored Procedure 依不同登入者ID顯示不同內容 Create PROC SalesInfo (@userid nvarchar(50)) as if CHARINDEX('Administrator', @userid)>0 select * from Sales.SalesTerritory else select T.* from Sales.SalesTerritory T join Permission P on where P.UserID=@UserID go

動態產生資料集(三) Dataset 設為Stored Procedure

動態產生資料集(四) 移除參數

動態產生資料集(五) 利用全域變數傳入使用者登入帳號

demonstration 動態產生資料集 For More Information Visit TechNet at Visit the url below for additional information <SLIDETITLE INCLUDE=7>More Information</SLIDETITLE> <KEYWORDS></KEYWORDS> <KEYMESSAGE></KEYMESSAGE> <SLIDEBUILDS>0</SLIDEBUILDS> <SLIDESCRIPT> For the most comprehensive technical information on Microsoft products visit the main TechNet Web site at Additionally visit for more information on books, courses, certifications and other community resources that related directly to this particular session. </SLIDESCRIPT> <SLIDETRANSITION> <TRANSITION LENGTH=1>There are a number other resources that are available from Microsoft</TRANSITION> <TRANSITION LENGTH=2>There are a number other resources that are available from Microsoft</TRANSITION> <TRANSITION LENGTH=4>There are a number other resources that are available from Microsoft</TRANSITION> </SLIDETRANSITION> <COMMENT></COMMENT> <ADDITIONALINFORMATION> <ITEM></ITEM> </ADDITIONALINFORMATION>


Non-Microsoft Publications <SLIDETITLE INCLUDE=4>Non-Microsoft Publications</SLIDETITLE> <KEYWORDS></KEYWORDS> <KEYMESSAGE></KEYMESSAGE> <SLIDEBUILDS>0</SLIDEBUILDS> <SLIDESCRIPT> </SLIDESCRIPT> <SLIDETRANSITION> <TRANSITION LENGTH=4>Microsoft also has instructor led courses if you prefer the classroom style environment.</TRANSITION> </SLIDETRANSITION> <COMMENT></COMMENT> <ADDITIONALINFORMATION> <ITEM></ITEM> </ADDITIONALINFORMATION> These books can be found and purchased at all major book stores and online retailers

Readiness with Skills Assessment Self-study learning tool free to anyone. Determines skills gaps. Provides learning plans. Post your Score, see how you stack up. <SLIDETITLE INCLUDE=4>Skills assessment</SLIDETITLE> <KEYWORDS>Assessment, Microsoft Learning, Certification</KEYWORDS> <KEYMESSAGE>Microsoft Learning provides a free online learning tool.</KEYMESSAGE> <SLIDEBUILDS>0</SLIDEBUILDS> <SLIDESCRIPT> Microsoft Skills Assessment is a free online learning tool. It’s an easy way for IT professionals to check their skills. You can quickly check your skills for implementing or managing Microsoft products or business solutions. Just take a short, 30-question assessment and see how well you know your stuff. The Skills Assessment includes a Personalized Learning Plan, which includes links to Microsoft Official Curriculum, specific TechNet articles, Microsoft Press books, and other Microsoft learning content. There’s also a way to measure how well you did compared with others who took the same assessment. Microsoft Skills Assessment is an expanding learning platform. Available now are assessments for Windows Server™ 2003, including security and patch management; Exchange Server 2003; Windows Storage Server; Office 2003; and Visual Studio® .NET. </SLIDESCRIPT> <SLIDETRANSITION> <TRANSITION LENGTH=4>If you want to take your skills assessment to the next level, a number of certification programs are available.</TRANSITION> </SLIDETRANSITION> <COMMENT></COMMENT> <ADDITIONALINFORMATION> <ITEM></ITEM> <ITEM></ITEM> </ADDITIONALINFORMATION> Visit

Become a Microsoft Certified Professional What are MCP certifications? Validation in performing critical IT functions. Why Certify? WW recognition of skills gained via experience. More effective deployments with reduced costs What Certifications are there for IT Pros? MCP, MCSE, MCSA, MCDST, MCDBA. <SLIDETITLE INCLUDE=4> Become a Microsoft Certified Professional</SLIDETITLE> <KEYWORDS>MCP, MCSE, MCSA, MCDST, MCDBA, MCAD, MCSD, Microsoft Learning, Certification</KEYWORDS> <KEYMESSAGE>Prove your skills of Microsoft Technologies and solutions through the certification program.</KEYMESSAGE> <SLIDEBUILDS>0</SLIDEBUILDS> <SLIDESCRIPT> In the highly competitive IT job market how can you differentiate yourself from the next candidate? The Microsoft certification program provides that edge. Earning a specific accreditation provides objective validation of the ability to successfully perform critical IT functions. Embraced by industry professionals worldwide, Microsoft certification remains one of the most effective ways to reach long-term career goals, and is a surefire way for companies to develop and retain valuable IT staff. There are a number of accreditations available, starting with the basic Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP), you can choose to go and become a fully certified System Administrator (MSCA), or System Engineer (MCSE) or a Desktop specialist (MCDST). Away from the infrastructure side, the MCDBA certification covers the SQL Server products. For more information about the certification program, visit </SLIDESCRIPT> <SLIDETRANSITION> <TRANSITION LENGTH=4>This session was brought to you by TechNet, TechNet has gone through some changes recently which I’m sure you’ll find interesting to hear about. </TRANSITION> </SLIDETRANSITION> <COMMENT>For the Media recording, add the following line to the transition text: “To help explain this in more detail I’d like to introduce Holly Dyas, Senior Marketing Manager for TechNet.”</COMMENT> <ADDITIONALINFORMATION> <ITEM></ITEM> <ITEM></ITEM> </ADDITIONALINFORMATION> 39

Heard the News about TechNet? Software without time limits! Complimentary technical support. The most current resources on hand <SLIDETITLE INCLUDE=7>TechNet Subscription</SLIDETITLE> <KEYWORDS>Technet, Subscription, Benefits</KEYWORDS> <KEYMESSAGE>TechNet Plus has some new benefits.</KEYMESSAGE> <SLIDEBUILDS>0</SLIDEBUILDS> <SLIDESCRIPT> Many of you may be familiar with TechNet events and the TechNet Web site, but have you realized the benefits of being a TechNet Plus subscriber? A TechNet Plus subscription is the most convenient and reliable resource for IT professionals evaluating, managing, and supporting Microsoft technologies. With a TechNet Plus subscription, you can:- Evaluate Microsoft software without time limits. This benefit allows you try products at your own pace and make informed decisions without worrying about the software expiring. TechNet Plus evaluation software includes the latest Microsoft operating systems, server applications, and Office products. With TechNet Plus, you can also save time resolving technical issues. TechNet Plus subscriptions include a range of support options, including the complete Microsoft Knowledge Base delivered each month on portable media, and two complimentary professional support incidents to address your technical roadblocks. TechNet Plus offers centralized access to current, authoritative technical guidance, software and support resources from Microsoft. IT professionals around the world rely on TechNet Plus to help them build their technical expertise and be successful implementing Microsoft solutions. For details, visit </SLIDESCRIPT> <SLIDETRANSITION> <TRANSITION LENGTH=1>On the subject of Technet and support, the new TechNet support pages outlines all the support options open to you</TRANSITION> <TRANSITION LENGTH=2>On the subject of Technet and support, the new TechNet support pages outlines all the support options open to you</TRANSITION> <TRANSITION LENGTH=4>On the subject of Technet and support, the new TechNet support pages outlines all the support options open to you</TRANSITION> </SLIDETRANSITION> <COMMENT></COMMENT> <ADDITIONALINFORMATION> <ITEM> </ITEM> <ITEM></ITEM> </ADDITIONALINFORMATION> 40

在這裡,您可以找到提升技術能力與解決問題的方法 1. IT 專業人員活動 TechNet 技術講座 & TechNet 巡迴講座 針對 IT 經理人 (TDM) 與 IT 專業 人員 (IT Pro) 每個月及每季固定 舉辦技術講座。講座中談論 IT 新知、實務以及技術分享。 Tech Ed 台灣自1995年首辦以來,一直是 國內最具指標性、最大規模的技 術研討會。Microsoft Tech Ed Taipei 不僅承襲美國Tech Ed 的 一貫風格與水準,並邀請國內外 優秀團隊參與,每年均成功吸引 IT 專業人員及程式開發者熱情參 與,共同研討 Microsoft 的產品 技術發展與應用、交流意見,激 發思考,討論最前瞻的技術趨勢。 WebCast 即時網路廣播,藉由網路上課的 方式,讓忙碌的 IT 專業人員隨 時提升自己的技術能力。課程結 束後,講師會逐一回覆每位學員 的問題。 每場即時網路廣播的課程結束後, 將轉成錄影點播的方式,讓您隨 時都可以重複聆聽微軟名師的精 采課程。 2. 技術資訊 TechNet Flash 免費訂閱 TechNet 電子報。每兩 個禮拜發行一次。內容包含: 1. IT 專業人員最新活動預告 2. TechNet 技術論壇熱門討論 3. TechNet 專欄及最新中文文章 4. 熱門中文知識庫 5. 資訊安全公告 6. 美國微軟總部最新技術資訊 熱門技術文選 每個月固定從美國微軟總部取得最新的技術文件,並翻譯成中文。讓您更快速閱讀、快速吸收。 3. 技術人員社群 TechNet 技術論壇 微軟技術論壇提供 IT 專業人員一 個免費分享與尋求技術支援的園 地。 4. 技術光碟 TechNet Subscription TechNet Subscription 是 IT 專業 人員的重要利器。可協助 IT 專 業人員解決技術問題、規劃、實 作和支援 Microsoft 解決方案, 並可打造自身的技術技能。 每個月會透過 DVD 或 CD 的方式寄送,並且提供下列各項: 1. 涵蓋 Microsoft 知識庫、Service Pack、安全性更新和 Resource Kit 等 How-to 資訊。 2. 授權供評估用的完整版軟體、測試版軟體。取得 Microsoft 軟體的搶鮮版,掌握最新的技術。 3. 享有二次免費的技術支援,以及付費技術支援八折的優惠,協助您解決重大的系統問題。 <SLIDETITLE INCLUDE=7 >TechNet Troubleshooting and Support</SLIDETITLE> <KEYWORDS>Community</KEYWORDS> <KEYMESSAGE>Where to get more help </KEYMESSAGE> <SLIDEBUILDS>0</SLIDEBUILDS> <SLIDESCRIPT>The enhanced TechNet Troubleshooting and Support page outlines all the ways IT professionals get support assistance from Microsoft. From free online support options to subscription-based support, you’ll find all your Microsoft support resources in one location at </SLIDESCRIPT> <SLIDETRANSITION> <TRANSITION LENGTH=1>TechNet also provides a number of community resources.</TRANSITION> <TRANSITION LENGTH=2>TechNet also provides a number of community resources.</TRANSITION> <TRANSITION LENGTH=4>TechNet also provides a number of community resources.</TRANSITION> </SLIDETRANSITION> <COMMENT></COMMENT> <ADDITIONALINFORMATION> <ITEM></ITEM> </ADDITIONALINFORMATION> 41