信息素养系列讲座 中国知网的使用技巧 (CNKI).


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Presentation transcript:

信息素养系列讲座 中国知网的使用技巧 (CNKI)

信息素养系列讲座 内容概要 CNKI资源简介 检索方法与功能 CNKI的知识增值服务

信息素养系列讲座 中国知识资源总库 包含35个子库.文献总量7000万篇。 文献类型包括:学术期刊、博士学位论文、优秀硕士学位论文、工具书、 重要会议论文、年鉴、专著、报纸、专利、标准、科技成果、知识元、哈佛商业评论数据库、古籍等;还可与德国 Springer公司期刊库等外文资源统一检索。

我校购买的中国知网的数据子库 中国期刊全文数据库 中国优秀硕士学位论文库 信息素养系列讲座 我校购买的中国知网的数据子库 中国期刊全文数据库 中国优秀硕士学位论文库 正在试用中国知网总库所有资源(2013.10.11-2014.1.4)

CNKI检索方法与技巧 CNKI 的检索过程 第一步:选择数据库确定检索范围 第二步:选择检索方式 第三步,扩检或缩检 获得检索结果 信息素养系列讲座 CNKI检索方法与技巧 第一步:选择数据库确定检索范围 CNKI 的检索过程 第二步:选择检索方式 第三步,扩检或缩检 获得检索结果

第一步:选择数据库确定检索范围 1、选择数据库 单库检索-选择单一数据库 跨库检索-选择多个数据库 信息素养系列讲座 4. STAKEHOLDERS There are multiple stakeholders in the process of ETD publication, namely graduate students, faculty, universities, and commercial publishers. Each of these stakeholders have unique motivations and goals, many of which are often in conflict. The graduate student. Graduate students have decided to pursue advanced study in a scholarly discipline with the expectation of reward. These include recognition for scholarly work, career advancement, and monetary reward. The thesis, besides being merely a requirement for graduation, is an original scholarly work that is recognized by American law as an intellectual property. The thesis may also have commercial value for commercial publishing or for patentable technologies. Although graduate students are often ignorant of their rights, they posses a degree of legal rights with regards to their theses. The type of rights they posses depends on many variables, such as sources of research funding, university policy, and research collaboration. At the very least, students have a strong interest in the distribution of their theses. The faculty. Faculty serve as graduate advisors and members of thesis committees. They have an interest in promoting their scholarship, attracting research funding, and enhancing the reputation of their department. They have an interest in the socialization and professional success of their graduate students. With regards to the body of research literature, Crews (2000) has noted that faculty want to have strong protection for their own literature, but easy access to the literature of others. The university. The university exists as the legal entity that establishes the procedures for earning a graduate degree. These procedures include regulations for research, requirements of thesis preparation, and the method of distribution of ETDs. Universities often stipulate that publication of the thesis is a requirement for graduation so that the knowledge created by the student is added to the body of scholarly knowledge. When theses were produced in the paper format, this requirement was often met by depositing a bound copy of the thesis in the library and a microfiche copy on deposit with UMI. Intellectual “access” was provided through UMI’s Dissertation Abstracts. With the advent of the world wide web, distribution was no longer limited by physical format. Rather than being physically distributed, ETDs may be placed on a web server and accessed via network so that time and distance are eliminated as barriers to access. Costs of distribution are sunk into the development of networks. As a result, rapid, worldwide distribution of ETDs is marginally inexpensive. Despite enabling rapid access from an economic perspective, other reasons for limiting access have emerged, such as copyright compliance and patent protection. Universities which host ETD colllections take on the legal burden of the publisher, and must provide a minimum level of protection of intellectual property rights. This will be discussed further in a later section. Commercial publishers. Publishers of commercial scholarly journals (those that derive revenue from subscriptions) also have an interest in the publication of ETDs. Some journal author agreements transfer copyright from the author to the publisher and limit the rights of the author to publish the scholarship in other forms. Students who have published a portion of their thesis in a journal may be required by copyright and contract law to limit access to their ETD, if it contains content identical to the published article. Other students seek commercial publication after graduation. The question of whether prior “open access” publication of an ETD has a chilling effect on commercial publication has been debated in the literature, for example by McMillan (2000, 2001) and Semans (2003). The standard agreements of some publishers are very clear on the transfer of copyright and limitations on web publication. An example of a rigid agreement is the standard author agreement of the American Chemical Society, which states that the author transfers “the exclusive copyright interest…including the published version in any format…to the American Chemical Society.” It also states that the only information about the paper that can be posted online is the title, abstract, tables, and figures.

信息素养系列讲座 跨库初级检索 单独点击某一子数据库检索

CNKI系列数据库检索 以《中国期刊全文数据库》单库检索为例 信息素养系列讲座 CNKI系列数据库检索 以《中国期刊全文数据库》单库检索为例 案例:道家思想在现代企业管理中的应用 分析选题,抽取检索词 道家、道教、老子、庄子、无为、无神论、诸子百家 现代企业管理 选择检索字段,输入检索词,设置检索条件等,进行检索。(初级检索 高级检索)

信息素养系列讲座 检索区 目录导航分类区 目录导航分类区

利用+/-增减检索框 信息素养系列讲座


信息素养系列讲座 点击直接下载 点击查看文章的详细信息

信息素养系列讲座 利用CNKI的知网节进行信息分析 知网节即一篇文献的详细浏览页面,即从检索结果显示区选择一篇文献点击进去后的那个页面。该页面不仅提供单篇文献的详细信息,还提供该文献的扩展信息,如引证文献、同被引文献、相似文献、参考文献、相关文献作者、相关研究机构等。通过对这些文献的信息分析我们可以了解一个选题的“来龙去脉”,从而对我们自己的研究做更深入的指导。

利用CNKI的知网节进行信息分析 信息素养系列讲座

信息素养系列讲座 利用CNKI的知网节进行信息分析

利用CNKI的“存盘”功能,复制具有标准格式的参考文献 信息素养系列讲座 利用CNKI的“存盘”功能,复制具有标准格式的参考文献

互联网上CNKI检索方法 简单检索 学者检索 标准检索 科研基金检索 高级检索 句子检索 专业检索 工具书及知识元检索 引文检索 信息素养系列讲座 互联网上CNKI检索方法 简单检索 标准检索 高级检索 专业检索 引文检索 学者检索 科研基金检索 句子检索 工具书及知识元检索 文献出版来源

信息素养系列讲座 登录中国知网首页

信息素养系列讲座 设置检索策略



信息素养系列讲座 扩检与缩检 1、扩大检索的方法 (1)选择更多的数据库进行检索; (2)使用高级检索中的“或者”

信息素养系列讲座 1、扩大检索的方法 (3)利用“扩展”功能

信息素养系列讲座 1、扩大检索的方法 (4)检索路径选择“摘要”或者“全文”

信息素养系列讲座 1、扩大检索的方法 (5)使用“模糊”检索功能

第三步:扩检与缩检 2、缩小检索范围 (1)根据需要减少数据库的选择和缩短时间。 (2)使用“二次检索”功能 信息素养系列讲座 2、缩小检索范围 (1)根据需要减少数据库的选择和缩短时间。 (2)使用“二次检索”功能 执行第一次检索后命中文献数量过多时可利用二次检索 在检索结果中进行重新查找


信息素养系列讲座 2、缩小检索范围 (3)使用高级检索中“并且”、“不包括”和“词频”功能

总之,你选择的限制条件越多,查找出来的文献就越少、越精确;反之,文献量越大,精准性越差。 信息素养系列讲座 总之,你选择的限制条件越多,查找出来的文献就越少、越精确;反之,文献量越大,精准性越差。

信息素养系列讲座 互联网上CNKI的增值功能展示

信息素养系列讲座 CNKI学术搜索 CNKI数据库的“一站式”搜索平台,集学术文献、数字、翻译、学术趋势、工具书于一体,但是限于CNKI系统资源。非常实用。



信息素养系列讲座 这些文章影响着学术发展的潮流 这些文章当月被最多同行所研读

数据库导航 硕士学位授予单位导航 期刊导航 会议主办单位导航 基金导航 会议论文集导航 作者单位导航 报纸导航 内容分类导航 出版社导航 信息素养系列讲座 数据库导航 硕士学位授予单位导航 会议主办单位导航 会议论文集导航 报纸导航 出版社导航 期刊导航 基金导航 作者单位导航 内容分类导航 博士学位授予单位导航

信息素养系列讲座 期刊导航 专辑导航 刊期导航 出版地导航 主办单位导航 发行系统导航 期刊荣誉榜导航 世纪期刊导航 核心期刊导航

信息素养系列讲座 Thank You!