The Calling before the throne 羔羊的婚筵 Marriage Supper of the Lamb


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Presentation transcript:

The Calling before the throne 羔羊的婚筵 Marriage Supper of the Lamb 寶座前的呼召 Rev. 19:6-9 The Calling before the throne 羔羊的婚筵 Marriage Supper of the Lamb 光明潔白的細麻衣—聖徒所行的義 The bright and pure fine linen, the righteous act of the saints

太Matt 5:6、10、11-12 飢渴慕義 一生命的饱足 Hunger and thirst for righteousness(R) 太Matt 5:6、10、11-12 飢渴慕義 一生命的饱足 Hunger and thirst for righteousness(R).  Life shall be satisfied 為義受逼迫一國度的經歷與實際 persecuted for the sake of righteousness. The reality and experience of kingdom(K)  為主的見證受羞辱和逼迫, 得獎賞  because of Jesus, receiving insult, persecution and slander

義的生活與經歷:The life and experience of righteousness (R) 羅Rm5:17 所賜之義一讓主耶穌在生命中作王 Gift of R; Reign in life through Jesus Christ

羅Rm5:21, 6:13, 6:16 恩典藉着義作王    Grace reign through R 獻肢體作義的器具  Members yield to God as instruments of R. 順命的奴僕一成義。 Slave of obedience resulting in R. 

羅Rm6:18,19肢體獻給義作奴僕一成聖。 Slave of R resulting in sanctification  羅Rm10:4信基督都得着了義  For Christ is the end of the law for R to everyone who believes 羅Rm8:4律法的義成就在隨從聖靈的人身上。 R requirement of the law should be fulfilled in who walks according to Spirit

教會的生活與義的生活:國度 的實際 The church life and the life of R : K reality 羅Rm14:17-19神的國在乎公義和平與聖靈中的喜樂。 K of God is R, Peace, Joy in H.S.  弗Eph5:9光明所結的果子是 一切良善公義誠實 The fruit of the Light is goodness, R and truth.

弗Eph.6:14用公義護胸 Breastplate of R 腓Ph1:9愛的生活 有見識/知識並結滿仁義的果子 Love abound more and more in real knowledge and discernment.

2Tim2:22同清心禱告的人一起 追求公義 Pursue R, faith and peace with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart  耶Jer.31:31-34另立新約 心中的律法 Making a new covenant, My law within them and on their heart 

彼前1Pet. 2:24 在義上生活。 Live to R. 彼前1Pet 彼前1Pet.2:24 在義上生活。 Live to R. 彼前1Pet. 3:14 為義受苦    Suffer for the sake of R. 彼前1Pet.4:11神在凡事因耶穌基督得榮耀 In all things God be glorified through Jesus Christ