紀念 主耶穌的受難.


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Presentation transcript:

紀念 主耶穌的受難

我在這是因祢恩典 我在這是因祢慈愛 主耶穌 我如此感恩 都因祢豐盛恩典 我在這 I am here 我在這是因祢恩典 我在這是因祢慈愛 主耶穌 我如此感恩 都因祢豐盛恩典 I am here because of Your grace I am here because of Your love Lord Jesus I am so thankful for Your grace abounds to me

感謝耶穌 耶穌 耶穌 感謝耶穌 只因著祢恩典 使我能為祢活 我讚美祢直到永遠 Thank You Jesus, Jesus Jesus, thank You Jesus It's only by Your grace that I could live today Forever I will praise Your name

無人能像祢 There Is None Like You 無人能像祢 惟有祢能摸著我靈深處 我雖用盡一生來追求 哦主  無人能像祢 There is none like You No one else can touch my heart like You do I could search for all eternity long And find there is none like You

祢的憐憫如江河湧流 祢的手充滿醫治 受苦者在祢懷裡得安息 無人能像祢 Your mercy flows like a river wide And healing comes from Your hands Suffering children are safe in Your arms There is none like You