Workplace Control Principles


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Presentation transcript:

Workplace Control Principles 工作场所控制原则

What is Control? 什么是控制? Control is the fourth key element to occupational hygiene after anticipation, recognition & evaluation 控制是职业卫生学中仅次于预测、确认和评估等要素的第四要素。 Control is a process of conception, education, design and implementation of beneficial interventions and changes carried out that eliminate, decrease or downgrade hazardous conditions 控制是以消灭、降低或者削弱危险条件为目的,对观念、教育、设计和应用实施有益干预和变更的一个过程。

What Does Control Involve? 控制包括那些内容? Control involves changes to an operation or process to reduce exposure to a hazardous substance 控制包括对操作或者工艺做出的各种变更,以减少对危险物质的暴露接触 The changes may involve substitution, technological changes, process modification, ventilation, the use of personal protective equipment and procedural or administrative changes with the aim of reducing the formation, release, transmission of, or contact with the substance of concern 变更内容包括替代、技术变更、工艺改进、通风系统、个人防护用具的应用,还有程序或管理方式的改变等,以减少危险物质的形成、释放、传播或与之接触的几率

Reasons for Control 控制的理由 The primary reasons and objectives for control of hazardous substances include 对危险物质实施控制的主要理由和控制目标包括 Protect the workers health from exposure to substances 保护工人健康,不受各种污染暴露物质的危害 Protect the workers comfort 维持工作的舒适感 Comply with exposure standards 遵循各项污染暴露标准

What to Control? 控制什么 The decision about what to control is an important one that requires evaluation, including the identification of the important sources of exposure, through a survey that may or may not involve monitoring for hazardous substances to determine the levels that are currently in the workplace 决策控制内容相当重要,它要求通过一定的调查研究,对重大污染源进行评估,包括进行标识,而调查内容可能会也可能不会涉及到对危险物质进行的监测,用以断定工作场所当前的风险程度 The survey should involve observations of the process which may indicate other pathways of exposure in addition to inhalation, including skin or eye absorption or ingestion 除了呼吸传播外,此种调查还必须包括能揭示其它污染途径的观察值,包括皮肤接触、眼部接触和肠道吸收等

Why Introduce Controls? 为何引入污染控制? In terms of reducing risk to a workers health, the act of controlling exposure to substances is the only element of occupational hygiene that actually benefits workers 为了减少危害工人健康的风险,对污染暴露物质实施控制是职业卫生的唯一内容,能切实让工人受益。 Given this, it is important that any control strategy that is introduced be maintained at an appropriate level 因此,将所引入的一切控制策略维持在恰当等级,尤为重要。

Identifying, Understanding & Characterising Exposure Sources 污染暴露源的识别、理解和特征认识 Identify and understand the risk fully using anticipation, recognition and evaluation to do so. 采用预测、确认和评估的方式来识别和理解风险。 How is the source generated? 污染源如何产生? What are the workers doing at the time of exposure? 污染暴露发生时工人在做什么? Why is the task done that way? 为何要那样做? What is the consequence if the risk is not controlled? 若风险不加以控制,会有什么样的后果? Characterise the risk by determining if it is significant or not significant? 通过判断风险是否重大,来对风险特征进行表述?

Significant or Not Significant? 重大或不重大? Not significant – unlikely to result in adverse affects to health of workers 不重大风险 - 不会对工人健康产生不利影响 Significant risk – likely adverse health effects. 重大风险 - 会对健康产生不利影响。 This is usually due to: 通常是因为: High exposure 高污染暴露 Substance is highly toxic 剧毒物质 Dangerous reactions with other substances can occur 会同其他物质产生危险反应 Leaks and spills are possible 可能出现泄漏或外溢

Significant Risks – What next? 重大风险 - 下一步做什么? A risk assessment usually results in a list of risks requiring control, often with priorities. 风险评估通常会得出一份需要控制的清单,往往还有含优先级别。 Identify potential controls 标识潜在的控制 Evaluate the options 评估选项 Develop the control technology 开发控制技术 Implement the control 执行控制 Maintain the control 保持控制

Primary and Secondary Sources 一次污染源与二次污染源 Primary Source 一次污染源 Main source of exposure and originates at the process 污染暴露的主要源头,及生产过程的起点 Secondary Source 二次污染源 Originates from contamination by the primary source 二次污染来源于一次污染

Near & Far Field 近区与远区 Near Field 近区域 Near Field involves people close to the source and within the localised cloud of containment 近区域包括污染源附近,以及局部污染云团内的人员工作区域   Far Field 远区域 Far Field involves people working where the contaminant is dispersed  远区域包括污染物扩散范围内的人员工作区域

Uncontrolled Sources 未控制的污染源 Contribute a significant amount of exposure 导致大量污染暴露 Can be additive 可能导致扩散 Exposure by inhalation, skin absorption, ingestion 污染暴露被呼吸吸入、皮肤吸收、消化道吸收 Example- uncontrolled sources in spray painting area 实例 —— 喷漆区内未控制的污染源 Open drums of paint or solvent 敞开的油漆桶或溶剂桶 Open containers of cleaning solvents 盛有洗涤剂的敞开容器 Discarded ‘empty’ containers 废弃的“空”容器 Residual solvents on rags for cleaning 清洁布上的残留溶剂

Prioritisation of Control Methods 控制方法优先分级 Regulations all over the world require that risks are controlled and that hazards are eliminated or at the very least reduced to acceptable levels 根据当今世界规范要求,风险须得到控制,危害必须消除,或尽量将危害降低至可接受的程度 To achieve this outcome it is common to apply a “Hierarchy of Control” (HOC) which prioritises preferred approaches to control 通常采用一种具有优先分级的控制方法,即“级别控制”来达到此结果。

Hierarchy of Control 控制级别 Elimination of the hazardous substance from the workplace 消除工作场所中的有害物质 Substitution with a less hazardous substance 用危害程度更低的物质代替 Isolation (separating the employees from where the substance is used) 隔离(将员工隔离在有害物质的使用区域之外)

Hierarchy of Control (cont) 控制级别(续) Engineering methods (for example, local exhaust ventilation systems) 工程方法(如局部排气系统) Administrative control (for example, work procedures designed to prevent or minimise exposure to chemicals) 行政控制(如采取有计划的工作步骤,以防止或尽量降低化学品的污染暴露) Personal protective clothing and equipment (gloves, safety glasses, respirators, etc) 个人防护服装和用具(手套、安全眼镜、呼吸器等)

Additional Elements 附加内容 The HOC can be further divided into: 控制级别还可进一步分为   Source Controls 污染源控制 Pathway Controls 污染途径控制 Receiver Controls 受污染对象控制

Receiver Controls 受污染对象控制 These should also be applied from the top down, and take into account the same elements of the hierarchy 同样采用由上至下的方式,同样考虑该级别的相同内容 Source controls are better than pathway controls which are preferred over receiver controls 污染源控制优先于污染途径控制,污染途径控制优先于受污染对象控制

Receiver Controls (cont) 受污染对象控制(续) Administrative control – rotating workers, limiting the length of time they work in a location 行政控制 ——工人轮班,限制工人在相同地点工作的时间 PPE – wearing something that stops the contaminant affecting worker, even though it has already reached the worker 个人保护用品——虽已发放至工人,但要穿戴好,以防止污染物危害人体

Source Controls 污染源控制 Eliminate the source 消除污染源 Substitution – using a less hazardous chemical or process 替代——采用危害较小的化学品或工艺 Modification – change the layout, operating conditions or work practices 更改——改变布局、操作条件或实际工作方法

Source Controls (cont) 污染源控制(续) Automation – use robotics, remote or computer aided products 自动控制——利用机器人技术、遥控技术或计算机辅助产品 Separation – place the source in a different location to the employee 分离——将污染源置于远离员工的场地 Isolation – enclose sources or the employee, or the source and some employees together rather than all employees 隔离——封闭污染源或隔离员工,或者将污染源与作业的员工安排在一起,而与其他未进行此项作业的员工分开

Pathway Control 通道控制 Ventilation – controlling the source on its pathway to workers 通风——控制污染源通向工人的路径 Ventilation reduces both airborne and also accumulated chemicals which result in skin contact and ingestion  通风可减少通过空气传播的及积累的化学物质,以免导致皮肤接触或吸入

Key Elements of the Hierarchy of Control 控制级别的关键要素 Elimination 消除 Substitution 替代 Modification 更改 Automation 自动控制 Separation 分离

Key Elements of the Hierarchy of Control (cont) 控制级别的关键要素(续) Isolation 隔离 Ventilation 通风 Administration 管理或行政 Personal protective Equipment 个人防护用品

Achieving Control 实现控制 Relevant terminology: 相关术语: Adequate Control 充分控制 Occupational Exposure Limits 职业性污染暴露极限 In-house Standards 内部标准 Carcinogen 致癌物 Asthmagens 致哮喘物 Biological Exposure Standards 生物污染暴露基准

Adequate Control 充分控制 Achieved when exposure to humans is kept below an exposure level which could potentially cause harmful effects 将对人类的污染危害控制在污染危害浓度以下,因为达到该浓度就可能潜在引发有害影响 If there is no exposure level, then it can not be determined if adequate control is achieved 若无污染暴露浓度,则无法确定是否达到了充分控制 Additional safeguards must be introduced to ensure exposures are minimised 必须引入另外的防护设施,以确保污染暴露达到最小化

Occupational Exposure Limits 职业性污染暴露极限 Limitations to complying with OELs 按照“职业性污染暴露极限条款”限制污染源 Inhalation is not the only route of exposure although most OELs only apply to airborne contaminants 尽管大多数职业性污染暴露极限仅应用于大气污染物,但污染物吸入却并非污染危害的仅有途径 All routes of exposure must be controlled 应控制污染暴露的所有途径

Occupational Exposure Limits (cont) 职业性污染暴露极限(续) OEL’s not available for all chemicals 职业性污染暴露极限并不适用于所有化学品 OEL’s are for limited time only – ie 8 hour day per 40 hour week, and apply to nearly all workers 职业性污染暴露极限仅适于有限时间内——如每周40小时,每天8小时,且几乎适用于所有工人 Not absolute standards but regularly used this way 这并非绝对标准,但经常这样使用

In-house Standards 内部标准 Some larger/multinational companies have their own in-house standards of what they are willing to accept as adequate 某些大型/跨国企业有自己愿意接受的适当的内部标准, This allows one standard across many countries 这使得一个标准在很多国家通用; Often involves the use of statistics to determine if a measured exposure is acceptable or not 通常涉及使用统计方法,来确定测得的污染暴露是否可接受。

Carcinogen 致癌物质 A substance capable of causing cancer 一种致癌的物质 May occur after short exposure but more regularly after repeated exposure with a latency period of 30-40 years 短期接触污染暴露后,可能会导致癌症,但更通常的是,经过反复接触污染暴露后,才会致癌,且潜伏期长达30至40年; Important that carcinogens are controlled 控制致癌物质变得至关重要; Classification differs between schemes. Most common are the IARC and ACGIH. Each have 5 groups/levels of carcinogen descriptions 各方案的分类方法不同。最常见的是国际癌症研究机构和美国政府工业卫生师协会的分类。各有5个组 / 级的致癌物说明。

Asthmagens “致哮喘”物质 A substance causing sensitisation of the airway 一种导致呼吸道过敏的物质 People can work with an asthmagen for many years before suddenly becoming sensitised 突发过敏前,人们可能多年都在与“致哮喘”物打交道。 Once sensitised, future exposure is likely to trigger an attack, which can result in death 一旦发生过敏,日后接触暴露的“致哮喘”物就可能引起发病而导致死亡; 350 occupational asthmagens 350职业性“致哮喘”物质; Controls introduced to prevent sensitisation and further attacks 引入控制以防止发生过敏和进一步发病。

Biological Exposure Standards 生物污染暴露标准 Biological monitoring determines exposure from all routes of entry 进行生物监控以确定所有入口路线处的污染暴露; Employee resistance 员工的抵抗能力; Not a straight forward process 不是一个简单的过程 BEI’s (ACGIH) correlate to inhalation exposure (ie TLV) only and if other exposure routes results will be higher 生物污染暴露国际组织标准(美国政府工业卫生师协会),仅相关于污染物吸入(即最低限值),如果还有其他污染物质,其结果还会更严重。

Process Evaluation 程序评估 A complete understanding of the contaminant and its health effects is necessary 有必要完全了解污染物及其对健康的影响。 Are short term exposures of concern? 是短期暴露于该污染物吗? Does the substance have a STEL? 该物质是否有短期高污染暴露限值? Crystalline silica - no short term health effects but severe long term effects 结晶二氧化硅:无短期健康影响,但长期影响较为严重。 Sulphur dioxide, toluene – have STEL’s and short high exposure can cause CNS damage 二氧化硫和甲苯:有限值,并且短期高污染暴露会导致中枢神经系统受损。

Process Evaluation (cont) 程序评估(续) Exposure (ppm) 污染暴露(ppm) Duration (mins) 持续时间(分钟) Background/General 背景/总体 20 325 Gluing 粘合 150 7 x 10 minutes Cleanup 清除 160 15 TWA8hr exposure of operator 操作人员的时间加权平均容许浓度8小时污染接触 40 Toluene: ES 50ppm, STEL 150ppm 甲苯:污染暴露 50ppm,极值150ppm TWA8hr is 40ppm, under ES of 50ppm, 8小时时间加权平均容许浓度为40ppm,暴露于50ppm下, Cleanup process15 min, 160ppm – over the STEL, therefore control required 清除程序15分钟,160ppm-高于极值,因此需控制。

Exposure Source Assessment 污染暴露源评估 Controls need to be practical to be used, consider: 控制应适用可行,应考虑以下方面: Hazard and extent of risk it poses 其造成的危害及危险程度; Practicality of various controls 各种控制的实用性; Efficiency of different controls 不同控制的效率; Consequence of failure 控制失败的后果 Relative cost of controls and maintenance 控制及维护相关费用; Workforce acceptability 劳动力可接受性

What to Control? 控制什么? If a product is cancer causing – then replace unless absolutely essential 如果一个产品会致癌——除非它绝对必要,要么更换该产品; If task is intermittent – once a year for a couple of days, then PPE acceptable 如果任务是断断续续进行的——如果一年只有几个工作日,那么可接受使用个人防护设备; Dusty task every day – minimum of ventilation, preferably isolation or combination 每天接触满是粉尘的工作——至少应通风,最好隔离或综合考虑。

When to Control 何时进行控制 Most cost effective to make changes at design phase 最具成本效益的改变通常在设计阶段; Altering existing equipment can be expensive 更换现有设备可能很昂贵; Retrofitting is expensive and not always efficient 改装是昂贵的,且并非总是有效; Remember to involve all stakeholders when determining controls, particularly the user/maintainer of the system 确定控制时,记住考虑所有利益相关者,尤其是系统用户和维护人员。

Combining Controls 综合控制 Usually more than one control will be required to manage a risk 通常需要不止一种控制来管理风险 Toxic chemical replaced with a less hazardous one (substitution) 用危害较小的化学物质取代有毒化学物质(替换); Safe work procedures (administration) 安全工作程序(管理); Respiratory protection (PPE) 保护呼吸系统(个人防护用品)。

Combination of Controls (cont) 综合控制(续) Sandblasting 喷砂 Sand (high quartz), replaced with garnet of ilmenite (low quartz) – Substitution 用钛铁矿的石榴石(低温型石英)取代砂石(高温型石英)——替换; Can not remove the sandblaster or isolate them (although other workers can be isolated from the task) 不能除去喷砂器或将其隔离(尽管可将其他工人与工作隔离开来) Still exposed to dust – hood/air supply – PPE 任然暴露于粉尘中——烟气罩 / 空气供应——个人防护用品; Noise – high exposure 噪音——严重污染暴露。

Control Banding 控制分区 Simplified approach to selecting control measures 简化方法,以选择控制措施 Classifies controls into a few bands based on how far they reduce exposure 根据能降低污染暴露的程度,将控制分为几种区带 Can be used when there are no OELs, called “Hazard Banding” – Pharmaceutical Industry 适用于职业性污染曝露极限(又称“危险分区”)不存在时——制药工业 Existing OEL – “Performance-Based OEL Banding” 现有职业性污染曝露极限——“性能——以职业性污染曝露分区为基础”

Hazard Banding 危险分区 Compounds assigned to Occupational Hazard Category (OHC) based on: 根据以下内容确定职业危害类化合物: Potency 药效 Pharmacological 药理学 Toxicological effects of active pharmaceutical ingredient 原料药的毒理作用 Each category corresponds to a range of exposures likely to be ‘safe’ 每个类别相对应的污染曝露范围可能是“安全的”

Hazard Banding (cont) 危险分区(续) Different schemes for different pharmaceutical companies 不同的制药公司采用不同的方案 Potential exposure assessed, including nature of process, volume of material handled, physical form and dustiness 潜在曝露量评估,包括程序性质、材料处理数量、外观和污染度 Define OHC and exposure assessment then determine the Exposure Control Approach (ECA) 定义职业危险类和污染曝露评估,然后确定污染曝露控制方式

Hazard Banding Example 危险分区举例 性能区带(µg/m3) 1 >1000-≤5000 2 > 100-≤1000 3 > 10-≤100 4 > 1-≤10 5 ≤1 污染曝露评估 污染曝露控制方式 控制选项概述 A 室内通风 B 局部抽气通风 C 部分封闭 D 封闭处理和隔离 E 封闭处理+额外密封

HSE (UK) COSHH Essentials 健康安全执行局(英国)控制危害健康物质的要点 Control banding tool for small to medium size enterprises to do risk assessments for chemicals & mixtures of chemicals 中小型企业的控制分区工具,用于评估化学药品及其混合品的危险率 Required information 必要信息 Type of task – shoveling, drilling 任务类型——挖掘、钻探 Hazard classification (using risk & safety phrases from MSDS ) 危险分类(使用化学品安全技术说明内涵盖的风险和安全术语) Volatility or dustiness (from guidance material) 挥发性或污染度(来自于指导材料) Amount used- kg,mg,litres,milliliters 用量——千克、毫克、升、毫升

HSE (UK) COSHH Essentials (cont) 健康安全执行局(英国)控制危害健康物质的要点(续) System identifies 系统识别 Control band (control approach) 控制范围(控制方式) Produces advice on controlling risk from the chemical being used in the task 制定有关执行任务用化学药品控制风险的建议 Provides written guidance & documentation 提供书面指南和文件

ILO Chemical Control Tool kit 国际劳工组织化学控制工具包 Very similar to COSHH Essentials 非常类似于控制危害健康物质的要点 Does not apply to process dusts or fumes due to the fact that these are not classified by the supplier of individual chemicals 由于各化学药品供应商未将粉尘或烟雾归类,故国际劳工组织化学控制工具包不适用于工艺粉尘或烟雾 Has general application to many situations in developing countries but susceptible groups (child workers & pregnant women) need to be considered 普遍应用于发展中国家的多种情况,但须考虑易受影响人群(童工和孕妇)

Stages of the ILO Chemical Control Toolkit 实施ILO化学控制工具包的各个步骤 步骤1 使用提供的表找到危害等级,并归入到某个危险类别 步骤2 找出将要使用多少物质 步骤3 找出有多少物质将进入空气 步骤4 找到控制方法 步骤5 找到具体工作的控制指南图表

Stage 1 – Hazard Classification 步骤1——危险等级 危险类别 欧洲标准 R-Phrases GHS 危险分类(等级/水平) A R36、R38、R65、R66未扩散到其它区域范围的灰尘和蒸汽 急性毒性(致命)任何途径 ,5级 皮肤刺激 2或3级 眼睛刺激 2级 未扩散到其它区域范围的灰尘和蒸汽 B R20/21/22,R40/20/21/22、R33、R67 急性毒性(致命) 任何途径 ,4级 急性毒性(散发) 任何途径,2级 C R23/24/25,R34,R35,R37、R39/23/24/25、R41、R43、R48/20/21/22 急性毒性(致命) 任何途径,3级 急性毒性(散发) 任何途径,1级 腐蚀性 子类1A、1B或1C 眼睛刺激 1级 呼吸系统刺激 (符合GHS标准) 皮肤过敏 反复暴露污染毒性 任何途径,2级

Stage 1 – Hazard Classification (cont) 步骤1——危险等级(续) R48/23/24/25,R26/27/28、R39/26/27/28、R40 Carc、 Cat 3、R60、R61、R62、R63、R64 急性毒性(致命)任何途径,1或2级 致癌性 2级 反复暴露污染毒性 任何途径,1级 再生毒性 1或2级 E R42、R45、R46、R49、R68 诱变性 1或2级 致癌性 1级 呼吸过敏 S 皮肤和眼睛接触 R21、R24、R27、R34、R35、R36、R38、R39/24、R39/27、R40/21、R41、R43、R48/21、R48/24、R66 急性毒性(致命),仅对皮肤,1、2、3或4级 急性毒性(散发),仅对皮肤,1或2级 腐蚀性 子类1A、1B或1C 皮肤刺激 2级 眼睛刺激 1或2级 皮肤过敏 反复暴露污染毒性 ,仅对皮肤 1或2 级

Stage 2 – How Much is Used 步骤2——使用的数量 固体 液体 重量 通常装入 容量 小量 克 盒或瓶 毫升 瓶 中量 千克 桶或圆桶 升 圆桶 大量 吨 船舱 立方米

Stage 3 – Dustiness 步骤3——污染度 低度污染:如不破裂的固体颗粒。在使用如聚氯乙烯颗粒、蜡片过程中几乎看不见灰尘。 中度污染:如结晶颗粒固体。当使用时,可看见灰尘,但能很快处理掉。在使用如肥皂粉后,灰尘会遗留在表面。 高度污染: 如轻细的粉末。当使用时,可看见形成尘云并在空气中停留几分钟,如水泥、黑烟末和粉笔灰。

Stage 3 – Volatility 步骤3——挥发性 Graph to select volatility of liquid 选择液体挥发性的图表 Boiling point of liquid℃ 液体的沸点 低度挥发性 中度挥发性 高度挥发性 Source: ILO toolkit 来源:ILO 工具包 Operating temperature ℃ 操作温度

Stage 4 – Control Approach 步骤4——控制方法 使用的数量 低度污染度或挥发性 中度挥发性 中度污染 高度污染或挥发性 A类危险 少量 1 中量 2 大量 B类危险 3 C类危险 4 D类危险 E类危险 对于所有E类危险的物质,请选择控制方法4 Source: ILO toolkit 来源:ILO 工具包

Stage 5 – Task Specific Control Guidance Sheet 步骤5 --- 具体工作的控制指南图表 Source: ILO toolkit

Stage 5 – Task Specific Control Guidance Sheet 步骤5 --- 具体工作的控制指南图表 Source: ILO toolkit

Stage 5 – Task Specific Control Guidance Sheet 步骤5 --- 具体工作的控制指南图表 Source: ILO toolkit

Current Control Banding Limitations 当前控制分区限制 Doesn’t apply to process dusts/fumes 不适用于处理灰尘或烟尘 Doesn’t consider individual process variations 不考虑个别工艺流程变化 Doesn’t provide sufficient protection for susceptible groups (young or pregnant) 没有向易受影响的群体(幼儿和孕妇)提供足够的保护 Therefore does not replace the need for expert evaluation and traditional exposure assessment. 因此不会取代对专家评价和传统污染暴露评估的需要。 Process of ongoing evolution in more than 12 countries 该程序在超过12个国家里不断改进

Review of Today’s Topics 回顾今天的主题 An overview of the control of hazardous substances 有害物质控制概述 Understanding sources of contaminants 了解污染源 Case study - Tank Sanding (group exercise) 案列研究——储藏罐砂光(分组练习) Workplace control principles 工作场所控制原则