Automation World 2000 2018/11/23 TCP/ IP.


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Presentation transcript:

Automation World 2000 2018/11/23 TCP/ IP

DigiNet S (Ethernet TCP/IP) 2018/11/23 分布式拓扑结构 PS1 OS2 ES/OS1 DigiNet S (Ethernet TCP/IP) Its Hardware and Software for controlling the process Information Integration - Provide open access to all available process oriented information from the field - accept information to better control the process Openness - Utilize accepted standards (OPC, IEC61131-3, TCP/IP, PROFIBUS, FF,....) - Easy connection to third party products Platform independent Application SW - Make the solution, decide platform later - Reuse solution on different platforms Easy - Plug and Produce Evolution - Adding Control IT products is the evolution path to Industrial IT for your System PS2 PS3 PS4 PS5 OS3 OS4/DDE1 OS5

TCP / IP TCP/IP协议 = Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol 2018/11/23 TCP/IP协议 TCP / IP = Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol 发起人是 US 的国防部,最早用于国防部高级研究计划署内部的数据交换与通讯,1970 年后发展成为世界范围的公用网络协议。 ( Internet = internet work = a network of networks ) Its Hardware and Software for controlling the process Information Integration - Provide open access to all available process oriented information from the field - accept information to better control the process Openness - Utilize accepted standards (OPC, IEC61131-3, TCP/IP, PROFIBUS, FF,....) - Easy connection to third party products Platform independent Application SW - Make the solution, decide platform later - Reuse solution on different platforms Easy - Plug and Produce Evolution - Adding Control IT products is the evolution path to Industrial IT for your System

特性及优点 TCP/IP 协议 Windows NT标准的,可路由的网络协议 简化异机环境连接的体系结构 including 2018/11/23 TCP/IP 协议 Windows NT标准的,可路由的网络协议 简化异机环境连接的体系结构 including 访问世界范围的Internet及其资源 网络中的每个 ‘device’ 或 ‘node’ 或 ‘host’ 都仅有唯一的 32-bit IP 地址 & 48-bit 硬件 (physical) 地址 协议检查 特性及优点 Its Hardware and Software for controlling the process Information Integration - Provide open access to all available process oriented information from the field - accept information to better control the process Openness - Utilize accepted standards (OPC, IEC61131-3, TCP/IP, PROFIBUS, FF,....) - Easy connection to third party products Platform independent Application SW - Make the solution, decide platform later - Reuse solution on different platforms Easy - Plug and Produce Evolution - Adding Control IT products is the evolution path to Industrial IT for your System

‘devices’, ‘nodes’, ‘hosts’ 2018/11/23 TCP/IP 协议 Router Router 因特网-‘Internet’ ‘local network’ Router Router Router ‘devices’, ‘nodes’, ‘hosts’ 都有唯一的地址 Its Hardware and Software for controlling the process Information Integration - Provide open access to all available process oriented information from the field - accept information to better control the process Openness - Utilize accepted standards (OPC, IEC61131-3, TCP/IP, PROFIBUS, FF,....) - Easy connection to third party products Platform independent Application SW - Make the solution, decide platform later - Reuse solution on different platforms Easy - Plug and Produce Evolution - Adding Control IT products is the evolution path to Industrial IT for your System 以太网-‘Ethernet’ Router Router ‘Token Ring’

TCP/IP 协议 IP 地址的格式: 是32位的地址,并且为唯一的地址 2018/11/23 TCP/IP 协议 IP 地址的格式: 是32位的地址,并且为唯一的地址 e.g. 11000001 00001010 00011110 0000001 = 4 个八位字节 每个八位字节可以转换成一个十进制的数字,如:0…255 例如 11000001 00001010 00011110 0000001 = = ‘ 十进制数的表示方法 ’ Its Hardware and Software for controlling the process Information Integration - Provide open access to all available process oriented information from the field - accept information to better control the process Openness - Utilize accepted standards (OPC, IEC61131-3, TCP/IP, PROFIBUS, FF,....) - Easy connection to third party products Platform independent Application SW - Make the solution, decide platform later - Reuse solution on different platforms Easy - Plug and Produce Evolution - Adding Control IT products is the evolution path to Industrial IT for your System

TCP/IP 协议 IP 地址可以分成 3 级: 如果 第一个8位数 / byte = 2018/11/23 TCP/IP 协议 IP 地址可以分成 3 级: 如果 第一个8位数 / byte = 0…127 = ‘CLASS A’ (具有最小的网络数和最多 16,777,216 宿主机数) 128…191 = ‘CLASS B’ (for some networks and max. 65,536 hosts each) 192…223 = ‘CLASS C’ (for large no. of networks and max. 254 hosts each) 例如: 属于 ‘CLASS C’范围的 IP地址 Its Hardware and Software for controlling the process Information Integration - Provide open access to all available process oriented information from the field - accept information to better control the process Openness - Utilize accepted standards (OPC, IEC61131-3, TCP/IP, PROFIBUS, FF,....) - Easy connection to third party products Platform independent Application SW - Make the solution, decide platform later - Reuse solution on different platforms Easy - Plug and Produce Evolution - Adding Control IT products is the evolution path to Industrial IT for your System

TCP/IP 协议 IP 地址的 3 级分类标准: 1st octet: 2nd octet: 3rd octet: 4th octet: 2018/11/23 TCP/IP 协议 IP 地址的 3 级分类标准: 1st octet: 2nd octet: 3rd octet: 4th octet: Network Host Host Host NNNNNNNN HHHHHHHH HHHHHHHH HHHHHHHH ‘Class A’ 0…127 N = NetID, H = HostID Network Network Host Host NNNNNNNN NNNNNNNN HHHHHHHH HHHHHHHH ‘Class B’ 128…191 Its Hardware and Software for controlling the process Information Integration - Provide open access to all available process oriented information from the field - accept information to better control the process Openness - Utilize accepted standards (OPC, IEC61131-3, TCP/IP, PROFIBUS, FF,....) - Easy connection to third party products Platform independent Application SW - Make the solution, decide platform later - Reuse solution on different platforms Easy - Plug and Produce Evolution - Adding Control IT products is the evolution path to Industrial IT for your System Network Network Network Host NNNNNNNN NNNNNNNN NNNNNNNN HHHHHHHH ‘Class C’ 192…223

TCP/IP地址 特殊的 IP地址: 不要 在第一个 octet / byte 使用 ‘0’ 或是 ‘127’ 或是 超出 ‘223’的数字 2018/11/23 TCP/IP地址 特殊的 IP地址: 不要 在第一个 octet / byte 使用 ‘0’ 或是 ‘127’ 或是 超出 ‘223’的数字 E.g. ‘127’ 是 ‘loop back’ 地址, 即信息由此返回到发送者; ‘224’ 和更大的数是用于 ‘multicast-多发射’ 和实验所用) 不要使用 ‘0’ or ‘255’在第 4 个 octet / byte! 不要使用 ‘0’ or ‘255’ 在所有的 ‘Host’ octets - E.g. 和或e.g.和 是不允许的! Its Hardware and Software for controlling the process Information Integration - Provide open access to all available process oriented information from the field - accept information to better control the process Openness - Utilize accepted standards (OPC, IEC61131-3, TCP/IP, PROFIBUS, FF,....) - Easy connection to third party products Platform independent Application SW - Make the solution, decide platform later - Reuse solution on different platforms Easy - Plug and Produce Evolution - Adding Control IT products is the evolution path to Industrial IT for your System

子网掩码-Subnet Mask TCP/IP地址 2000 及 Control Builder F 现有版本所用的子网 2018/11/23 TCP/IP地址 子网掩码-Subnet Mask 用来拟定 IP 地址范围,使得TCP/IP 能够将网络ID与主机 ID 区分开来。当TCP/IP主机试图通信时,子网掩码用来判断目标主机是位于本地还是远程网络上;为了使计算机在一个网络上通信,它们必须具有相同的子网掩码。 样本子网掩码是,Freelance 2000 及 Control Builder F 现有版本所用的子网 掩码为255.255.240.0 Its Hardware and Software for controlling the process Information Integration - Provide open access to all available process oriented information from the field - accept information to better control the process Openness - Utilize accepted standards (OPC, IEC61131-3, TCP/IP, PROFIBUS, FF,....) - Easy connection to third party products Platform independent Application SW - Make the solution, decide platform later - Reuse solution on different platforms Easy - Plug and Produce Evolution - Adding Control IT products is the evolution path to Industrial IT for your System

TCP/IP 地址举例 站资源所用的默认ID与IP地址: TCP/IP addresses and resource IDs 2018/11/23 TCP/IP 地址举例 站资源所用的默认ID与IP地址: Process Stations Resource ID IP 地址 (Project) PS1 1 PS2 2 PS3 3 PS4 4 PS5 5 PC Stations Resource ID IP 地址 (DigiTool) ES 31 (DigiVis) OS1 32 OS2 21 OS3 22 OS4 23 DDE1 24 OS5 25 默认子网掩码: TCP/IP addresses and resource IDs Its Hardware and Software for controlling the process Information Integration - Provide open access to all available process oriented information from the field - accept information to better control the process Openness - Utilize accepted standards (OPC, IEC61131-3, TCP/IP, PROFIBUS, FF,....) - Easy connection to third party products Platform independent Application SW - Make the solution, decide platform later - Reuse solution on different platforms Easy - Plug and Produce Evolution - Adding Control IT products is the evolution path to Industrial IT for your System

通讯介质 AC 800F允许使用以下介质 标 准 介 质 模 件 连接方式 10Base2 细同轴电缆 EI 801F 直接 10Base5 2018/11/23 通讯介质 AC 800F允许使用以下介质 标 准 介 质 模 件 连接方式 10Base2 细同轴电缆 EI 801F 直接 10Base5 用Transceiver连接到AUI 粗同轴电缆 EI 802F EI 802F EI 803F 用Transceiver连接到AUI 直接 10BaseT 双绞线电缆 Its Hardware and Software for controlling the process Information Integration - Provide open access to all available process oriented information from the field - accept information to better control the process Openness - Utilize accepted standards (OPC, IEC61131-3, TCP/IP, PROFIBUS, FF,....) - Easy connection to third party products Platform independent Application SW - Make the solution, decide platform later - Reuse solution on different platforms Easy - Plug and Produce Evolution - Adding Control IT products is the evolution path to Industrial IT for your System 10BaseFL 光导纤维电缆 EI 802F 用Transceiver连接到AUI

通讯介质-10Base2 10Base2 (细以太网, 细同轴电缆) 每段 max. 600 ft. / 185m 基带式传输 2018/11/23 通讯介质-10Base2 总线式结构 使用T型头连接 Max. 30 节点/每段 Max. 1024个节点/网络 Max. 185米 /每段 min. 0.5米/节点间 10Base2 (细以太网, 细同轴电缆) 每段 max. 600 ft. / 185m 基带式传输 传输速率为 10 MBits/s max. 185m min. 0.5m / 2 ft. 50 W 50 W Its Hardware and Software for controlling the process Information Integration - Provide open access to all available process oriented information from the field - accept information to better control the process Openness - Utilize accepted standards (OPC, IEC61131-3, TCP/IP, PROFIBUS, FF,....) - Easy connection to third party products Platform independent Application SW - Make the solution, decide platform later - Reuse solution on different platforms Easy - Plug and Produce Evolution - Adding Control IT products is the evolution path to Industrial IT for your System L = 0 Length = L = 0 L = 0 PS AC 800F OS

通讯介质-10Base2 Attention: 10Base2 2个收发器 Transceiver 加上一个 50 W 2018/11/23 通讯介质-10Base2 10Base2 Attention: 2个收发器 Transceiver 加上一个 转发器 Repeater可以扩展出另外一 个段 max. 3000 ft./ 925 m 的10Base2 电缆及另外 max. 1300 ft. / 400 m AUI 电缆 50 W 50 W Segment 1 T Transceiver AUI cable (max. 160 ft. / 50m) AUI/AUI Repeater (max. 4 Repeater) R AUI cable (max. 160 ft. / 50m) Its Hardware and Software for controlling the process Information Integration - Provide open access to all available process oriented information from the field - accept information to better control the process Openness - Utilize accepted standards (OPC, IEC61131-3, TCP/IP, PROFIBUS, FF,....) - Easy connection to third party products Platform independent Application SW - Make the solution, decide platform later - Reuse solution on different platforms Easy - Plug and Produce Evolution - Adding Control IT products is the evolution path to Industrial IT for your System Transceiver T Segment 2 50 W 50 W 10Base2 or 10BaseFL

通讯介质-10Base5 10Base5 (全以太网-粗同轴电缆) 每段 max.1700 ft. / 500m 基带式传输 2018/11/23 通讯介质-10Base5 总线式结构 通过 Transceivers 使用AUI连接 Max. 100 节点/每段 Max. 1024个节点 /网络 Max. 500米 /每段 min. 2.5米/节点间 10Base5 (全以太网-粗同轴电缆) 每段 max.1700 ft. / 500m 基带式传输 传输速率为 10 MBits/s max. 1700 ft. 500m min. 8 ft. 2.5m 50 W 50 W T T T Its Hardware and Software for controlling the process Information Integration - Provide open access to all available process oriented information from the field - accept information to better control the process Openness - Utilize accepted standards (OPC, IEC61131-3, TCP/IP, PROFIBUS, FF,....) - Easy connection to third party products Platform independent Application SW - Make the solution, decide platform later - Reuse solution on different platforms Easy - Plug and Produce Evolution - Adding Control IT products is the evolution path to Industrial IT for your System Transceiver AUI cable OS PS AC 800F

通讯介质-10Base5 Medium 10Base5 MDI MAU M F PMA AUI cable 2018/11/23 Its Hardware and Software for controlling the process Information Integration - Provide open access to all available process oriented information from the field - accept information to better control the process Openness - Utilize accepted standards (OPC, IEC61131-3, TCP/IP, PROFIBUS, FF,....) - Easy connection to third party products Platform independent Application SW - Make the solution, decide platform later - Reuse solution on different platforms Easy - Plug and Produce Evolution - Adding Control IT products is the evolution path to Industrial IT for your System

通讯介质-10BaseT (1) 10BaseT (全以太网-双绞线) 每段 max. 340 ft. / 100m 基带式传输 2018/11/23 通讯介质-10BaseT (1) 星型结构 使用RJ45连接 Max. 2个节点/每段 Max. 1024个节点 /网络 Max. 100米 /每段 min. 2.5米/节点间 10BaseT (全以太网-双绞线) 每段 max. 340 ft. / 100m 基带式传输 传输速率为 10 MBits/s Its Hardware and Software for controlling the process Information Integration - Provide open access to all available process oriented information from the field - accept information to better control the process Openness - Utilize accepted standards (OPC, IEC61131-3, TCP/IP, PROFIBUS, FF,....) - Easy connection to third party products Platform independent Application SW - Make the solution, decide platform later - Reuse solution on different platforms Easy - Plug and Produce Evolution - Adding Control IT products is the evolution path to Industrial IT for your System Cross cable: 一端节点的RJ45(TD+/TD-)对另一端节点RJ45的(RD+/RD-)

通讯介质-10BaseT (2) 可以用hub 使用双绞线连接多个节点 与已有网络连接 1:1 Cable 2018/11/23 Its Hardware and Software for controlling the process Information Integration - Provide open access to all available process oriented information from the field - accept information to better control the process Openness - Utilize accepted standards (OPC, IEC61131-3, TCP/IP, PROFIBUS, FF,....) - Easy connection to third party products Platform independent Application SW - Make the solution, decide platform later - Reuse solution on different platforms Easy - Plug and Produce Evolution - Adding Control IT products is the evolution path to Industrial IT for your System 与已有网络连接 1:1 Cable

通讯介质-10BaseFL(1) 适用范围 多个建筑物中 星型结构 安装范围较大 使用网络集中器 网络中设备节点较多 2018/11/23 通讯介质-10BaseFL(1) 10BaseFL (光纤电缆:50/125 ) 每段 max. 13600 ft. / 4000m 基带式传输 传输速率为 10 MBits/s 适用范围 网络在一个建筑物或 多个建筑物中 安装范围较大 网络中设备节点较多 安装区的EMI和电势 差大 网线距离电源线较近 星型结构 使用网络集中器 最大节点数量:与网络集中器和 网卡数量有关 节点间的距离:min. 1m 使用光纤Transceiver 与AUI接口 通讯 最大通讯距离:max.4000m Its Hardware and Software for controlling the process Information Integration - Provide open access to all available process oriented information from the field - accept information to better control the process Openness - Utilize accepted standards (OPC, IEC61131-3, TCP/IP, PROFIBUS, FF,....) - Easy connection to third party products Platform independent Application SW - Make the solution, decide platform later - Reuse solution on different platforms Easy - Plug and Produce Evolution - Adding Control IT products is the evolution path to Industrial IT for your System

2018/11/23 通讯介质-10BaseFL(2) Its Hardware and Software for controlling the process Information Integration - Provide open access to all available process oriented information from the field - accept information to better control the process Openness - Utilize accepted standards (OPC, IEC61131-3, TCP/IP, PROFIBUS, FF,....) - Easy connection to third party products Platform independent Application SW - Make the solution, decide platform later - Reuse solution on different platforms Easy - Plug and Produce Evolution - Adding Control IT products is the evolution path to Industrial IT for your System

2018/11/23 通讯介质-10BaseFL(3) Its Hardware and Software for controlling the process Information Integration - Provide open access to all available process oriented information from the field - accept information to better control the process Openness - Utilize accepted standards (OPC, IEC61131-3, TCP/IP, PROFIBUS, FF,....) - Easy connection to third party products Platform independent Application SW - Make the solution, decide platform later - Reuse solution on different platforms Easy - Plug and Produce Evolution - Adding Control IT products is the evolution path to Industrial IT for your System