在主愛中 In God’s Love Stream of Praise CCLI #1133585.


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Copyright : Stream of Praise
Presentation transcript:

在主愛中 In God’s Love Stream of Praise CCLI #1133585

In the morning when I rise up I will give You all my praise 清晨朝陽 天空照耀 In the morning when I rise up 仿佛對我微微笑 I will give You all my praise CCLI #1133585

I am thankful for the sunrise for the gift of one more day 陣陣微風 徐徐吹送 I am thankful for the sunrise 消遙自在白雲飄 for the gift of one more day CCLI #1133585

I can feel You all around me and the presence of Your love 鳥語花香 綠草如茵 I can feel You all around me 青春時光多美好 and the presence of Your love CCLI #1133585

Makes my heart know that You love me I receive Your gift of love 盡情歡唱 盡情歡笑 Makes my heart know that You love me 煩惱全都不見了 I receive Your gift of love CCLI #1133585

Thank You Jesus, for I know that 在基督裡 享受主愛 Thank You Jesus, for I know that 自由奔放樂開懷 You will never let me go CCLI #1133585

There is nothing in the world that can take Your love from me 世上沒有 任何事物 There is nothing in the world that 能隔絕神的愛 can take Your love from me CCLI #1133585

Thanks You Jesus, in Your presence there are gifts of love and joy 在基督裡, 享受主愛 Thanks You Jesus, in Your presence 自由奔放樂開懷 there are gifts of love and joy CCLI #1133585

I will sing and I will worship I will bless Your name with joy 我要讚美 我要歌唱 I will sing and I will worship 造物主的奇妙愛 I will bless Your name with joy CCLI #1133585