Words and Music by Amy Sand


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Copyright : Stream of Praise
Presentation transcript:

Words and Music by Amy Sand 有一天 One Day Words and Music by Amy Sand

If you feel you are discouraged 有一天 On a day 你若覺得失去勇氣 If you feel you are discouraged 你若真的想放棄 If you like giving up CCLI #1133585

If you feel that no one loves you Having reached the bottom 有一天 On a day 你若感覺沒人愛你 If you feel that no one loves you 好像走到谷底 Having reached the bottom CCLI #1133585

You must hold up all your feelings You must treasure who you are 那一天 On that day 你要振作你的心情 You must hold up all your feelings 你要珍惜你自己 You must treasure who you are CCLI #1133585

Remember someone loves you 那一天 On that day 不要忘記有人愛你 Remember someone loves you 不要輕易說放棄 Do not easily give up CCLI #1133585

Who’s truly in this world and is willing to help you 這個世界 There is a God 真有一位上帝 Who’s truly in this world 祂愛你 He loves you 祂願意幫助你 and is willing to help you CCLI #1133585

His love can warm up any cold heart 茫茫人海 Feeling lonely 雖然寂寞 In this crowded world 祂愛能溫暖一切冷漠 His love can warm up any cold heart CCLI #1133585

Who’s truly in this world To embrace you in His arms 這個世界 There is a God 真有一位上帝 Who’s truly in this world 祂的雙手 He’s longing 渴望緊緊擁抱你 To embrace you in His arms CCLI #1133585

He loves you He’s always with you 漫漫長夜 Walking with you 陪你走過 In the lonely nights 祂愛你 伴你一生之久 He loves you He’s always with you CCLI #1133585