New Statistical Tools for Android Device


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Presentation transcript:

New Statistical Tools for Android Device Tao Yuchun 2012.4.14

At present, Android device is very popular. It’s some function can instead of computer. Like AngryBird Game, even statistical tools. You may use your small cell phone or MID (Mobile Internet Device) to do some statistical work anywhere. You don’t need to take more bigger and heavier laptop or UMPC (Ultra-Mobile PC). Scientific calculator is outdated. Smartphone can nearly entirely instead of them. 2012.4.14

You may find so many App for your Smartphone in internet, like Apple Store or Google Play. In here, I just want to introduce App for Android device, also these App for statistical usage. 1st is MathPc+ App. It come from ( 2nd is STA: Statistical Toolbox. It come from Evolve team. ( They are all provide general functions of statistical analysis. 2012.4.14

MathPc+ : 2012.4.14

MathPc+ : 2012.4.14

MathPc+ : 2012.4.14

MathPc+ : (IgA,μg/ml)的不同浓度做火箭电泳,测得电泳高度(mm)如下表所示。 2012.4.14

MathPc+ : 2012.4.14

MathPc+ : 2012.4.14

MathPc+ : 2012.4.14

MathPc+ : 2012.4.14

MathPc+ : 2012.4.14

MathPc+ : 2012.4.14

MathPc+ : 2012.4.14

MathPc+ : 2012.4.14

STA : 2012.4.14

STA : 2012.4.14

STA : 例2-2 某年抽样调查某地120名18~35岁 健康男性居民血清铁含量(μmol/L), 数据如下。进行描述统计分析并绘制直 例2-2 某年抽样调查某地120名18~35岁 健康男性居民血清铁含量(μmol/L), 数据如下。进行描述统计分析并绘制直 方图。 2012.4.14

STA : 2012.4.14

STA : 2012.4.14

STA : 2012.4.14

STA : 2012.4.14

STA : 2012.4.14

STA : 2012.4.14

You may find other Apps for statistical analysis in internet, just input keyword “statistical” to search them. In fact, these Apps can not instead of those professional Statistical software for those complex problems’ statistical analysis. Like multivariate analysis. In future, I believe they will more close to them. 2012.4.14