衰邊瓣?. When two prisoners first meet at prison, what is their first greeting question to each other?


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Presentation transcript:

When two prisoners first meet at prison, what is their first greeting question to each other?


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The War of Jericho

Sharing. In the past, what is the common mistake that you make most often?

「你打發人去窺探我所賜給以色列人的迦南地,他們每支派中要打發一個人,都要作首領的。」 Num 13:3 摩西就照耶和華的吩咐從巴蘭的曠野打發他們去;他們都是以色列人的族長。 Num 13:25 過了四十天,他們窺探那地才回來,

Num 13:31 但那些和他同去的人說:「我們不能上去攻擊那民,因為他們比我們強壯。」

Num 14:1 當下,全會眾大聲喧嚷;那夜百姓都哭號。

Num 14:27 「這惡會眾向我發怨言,我忍耐他們要到幾時呢?以色列人向我所發的怨言,我都聽見了。

Why were they so scare of those Canaan people?

Jos 1:1 耶和華的僕人摩西死了以後,耶和華曉諭摩西的幫手,嫩的兒子約書亞,說:

Jos 1:6 你當剛強壯膽!因為你必使這百姓承受那地為業,就是我向他們列祖起誓應許賜給他們的地。

第七日清早,黎明的時候,他們起來,照樣繞城七次;惟獨這日把城繞了七次。 Jos 6:16 到了第七次,祭司吹角的時候,約書亞吩咐百姓說:「呼喊吧,因為耶和華已經把城交給你們了! Jos 6:17 這城和其中所有的都要在耶和華面前毀滅;只有妓女喇合與他家中所有的可以存活,因為他隱藏了我們所打發的使者。 Jos 6:18 至於你們,務要謹慎,不可取那當滅的物,恐怕你們取了那當滅的物就連累以色列的全營,使全營受咒詛。 Jos 6:19 惟有金子、銀子,和銅鐵的器皿都要歸耶和華為聖,必入耶和華的庫中。」 Jos 6:20 於是百姓呼喊,祭司也吹角。百姓聽見角聲,便大聲呼喊,城牆就塌陷,百姓便上去進城,各人往前直上,將城奪取;

The War of Ai

Jos 7:2 當下,約書亞從耶利哥打發人往伯特利東邊、靠近伯亞文的艾城去,吩咐他們說:「你們上去窺探那地。」他們就上去窺探艾城。

Jos 7:4 於是民中約有三千人上那裡去,竟在艾城人面前逃跑了。


Jos 7:10 耶和華吩咐約書亞說:「起來!你為何這樣俯伏在地呢?

Lessons Learnt

The Jericho people were Huge. The task may be incredibly hard, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be done. From God’s perspective, there is no big or small task.

The men of Ai were but few, and yet the people who had conquered the mighty Jericho “fled before the men of Ai”. It was not the strength of their enemy, neither had God failed them. It was a hidden evil that conquered them. , And this little hidden thing made the whole army helpless before their enemies

The teaching here is simply this: That anything allowed in the heart which is contrary to the will of God, let it seem ever so insignificant, or be ever so deeply hidden, will cause us to fall before our enemies. We may have hidden the evil in the most remote corner of our hearts, and may have covered it over from our sight, we may steadily ignore it.

Even you have won the big war before but you can be defeated during an insignificant small war If you don’t care your little bad habits or sin, you will fall completely. If you refuse to change, or not aware of it. you will be failing again and again for the rest of your life. Example: Back to the future.

What are your little sins? Internet Sleeping Laziness Self-control Late at work Lack of faith Proud Gossip

Psa 1:1 不從惡人的計謀,不站罪人的道路,不坐褻慢人的座位,

Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me and know my thoughts; and see if there be any evil way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting” Psa 139:23 神啊,求你鑒察我,知道我的心思,試煉我,知道我的意念, Psa 139:24 看在我裡面有什麼惡行沒有,引導我走永生的道路。