Muslim (1)-Its Founder 認識回教-它的創立者


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Presentation transcript:

Muslim (1)-Its Founder 認識回教-它的創立者 1/7/2018 BOLGPC 爾灣大公園靈糧堂 Rev. Joseph Chang 張玉明牧師

13約書亞靠近耶利哥的時候,舉目觀看,不料,有一個人手裡有拔出來的刀,對面站立。約書亞到他那裡,問他說:你是幫助我們呢,是幫助我們敵人呢?14他回答說:不是的,我來是要作耶和華軍隊的元帥。約書亞就俯伏在地下拜,說:我主有甚麼話吩咐僕人。15耶和華軍隊的元帥對約書亞說:把你腳上的鞋脫下來,因為你所站的地方是聖的。約書亞就照著行了。【書 5:13~15】 13Now when Joshua was near Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with a drawn sword in his hand. Joshua went up to him and asked, "Are you for us or for our enemies?" 14"Neither," he replied, "but as commander of the army of the LORD I have now come." Then Joshua fell facedown to the ground in reverence, and asked him, "What message does my Lord have for his servant?" 15The commander of the Lord's army replied, "Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy." And Joshua did so. 【Josh 5:13~15】

Islam is a religion, its follower is called a Muslim. 回教, 回教 徒. Arabic word “islam” is based on the root “slm”, which means peace or surrender to God, its meaning will be like “the state of peace through following God’s guidance”. 阿拉伯文的 Islam是從 “平安” 的字根來的, 表示降伏於神而得到的平 安. Muslim is the one who is in a state of peace by following God’s guidance. 回教徒指的是跟隨神的引導而處於平安狀 態的人.

Muslim Prophet Muhammad 回教先知莫罕默德 Muslims believe that Islam is a faith that has always existed and that it was gradually revealed to humanity by a number of prophets, but the final and complete revelation of the faith was made through the Prophet Muhammad in the 7th century CE. 回教徒相信他們的宗教早就存在, 只是漸漸的藉著一些先 知傳給人類, 最後一位, 也是最重要, 最完整的啟示是藉著 主後第七世紀的先知莫罕默德而來的.

Muslim Prophet Muhammad 回教先知莫罕默德 Muhammad was born in Mecca in Saudi Arabia in 570. 莫罕默德於主後570年出生於沙烏地阿拉伯的麥加. He was a deeply spiritual man, and often spent time in meditation on Mount Hira. 他是經常在山上默想, 追求靈界事情的人.

Muslim Prophet Muhammad 回教先知莫罕默德 The traditional story of the Qur‘an tells how one night in 610 he was meditating in a cave on the mountain when he was visited by the angel Jibreel who ordered him to recite. 在主後610的一個晚 上, 當他在山上的山洞默想的時候, 天使加百列命令他要背誦. Once Jibreel mentioned the name of Allah, Muhammad began to recite words which he came to believe were the words of God. 當 加百列提到 “阿拉” 這個字的時候, 莫罕默德就開始背誦, 出來 的話語就成為可蘭經.

Muslim Prophet Muhammad 回教先知莫罕默德 Believing that God had chosen him as his messenger Muhammad began to preach what God had revealed to him. 相信神已經選擇它為使者, 莫罕默德就開始宣傳神向他啟示的話 語. The simple and clear-cut message of Islam, that there is no God but Allah, and that life should be lived in complete submission to the will of Allah, was attractive to many people, and they flocked to hear it. 回教最簡單直接的信息就是 “除了阿拉之外沒有別神, 生活要完全 的順服阿拉的旨意.” 許多人為信息所吸引而聚集來聽道理.

Muslim Prophet Muhammad 回教先知莫罕默德 Muhammad‘s popularity was seen as threatening by the people in power in Mecca, and Muhammad took his followers on a journey from Mecca to Medina in 622.莫罕默德的人望太 高, 威脅到掌權者, 因而必須從麥加逃到麥地那. 這年是622 年. This journey is called the Hijrah (migration) and the event was seen as so important for Islam that 622 is the year in which the Islamic calendar begins. 這個逃亡的旅程被稱為 “黑吉拉”, 回教曆稱這年為回教元年.

Muslim Prophet Muhammad 回教先知莫罕默德 Within ten years Muhammad had gained so many followers that he was able to return and conquer Mecca. 10年後跟隨莫罕默德的人愈 來愈多, 他乃回去攻取了麥加. From this time on he was generally accepted by the faithful as the true final Prophet of God. 從這個時候開始, 他的追隨者稱他為神最 後的真先知. Muhammad continued to lead his community both spiritually and in earthly matters until his death in 632. 莫罕默德繼續在政治, 宗教, 生活上帶領他的會眾直到632年死的時候.

Observations 觀察 1. He needs to be of great moral character. 他需要是一個道 德高尚的人. 2. “There is no God but Allah, and that life should be lived in complete submission to the will of Allah.” By its core value, Islam will not allow other religions to exist besides it, and no compartmentalize of life. “除了阿拉以外, 沒有別神”, 回教 不會允許其他宗教並存, 並不許可分割性的生活方式.

Observations 觀察 3. Muhamad becomes the religious leader as well as political leader. This supremacy is through much human effort. 莫罕 默德成為宗教也是政治的領袖. 這個崇高的地位是靠許多 的人的努力而來的. 4. Vying for this supremacy, human effort leads to much conflicts—Sunni and Shiite struggle is one example. 為了這 崇高的地位, 人為的抗爭從沒有間斷. 遜尼派和西埃派的 爭戰不斷就是一個例子.

1你們中間若有先知或是做夢的起來,向你顯個神蹟奇事,2 對你說:我們去隨從你素來所不認識的別  神,事奉他罷。 他所顯的神蹟奇事雖有應驗,3你也不可聽那先知或是那做 夢之人的話;因為這是耶和華─你們的  神試驗你們,要知 道你們是盡心盡性愛耶和華─你們的 神不是。【申 13:1~3】 1If a prophet, or one who foretells by dreams, appears among you and announces to you a miraculous sign or wonder, 2and if the sign or wonder of which he has spoken takes place, and he says, "Let us follow other gods" (gods you have not known) "and let us worship them," 3you must not listen to the words of that prophet or dreamer. The LORD your God is testing you to find out whether you love him with all your heart and with all your soul. 【Deut 13:1~3】

4你們要順從耶和華─你們的  神,敬畏他,謹守他的誡命,聽 從他的話,事奉他,專靠他。5那先知或是那做夢的既用言語 叛逆那領你們出埃及地、救贖你脫離為奴之家的耶和華─你們 的  神,要勾引你離開耶和華─你 神所吩咐你行的道,你便 要將他治死。這樣,就把那惡從你們中間除掉。【申 13:4-5】 4It is the LORD your God you must follow, and him you must revere. Keep his commands and obey him; serve him and hold fast to him. 5That prophet or dreamer must be put to death, because he preached rebellion against the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt and redeemed you from the land of slavery; he has tried to turn you from the way the LORD your God commanded you to follow. You must purge the evil from among you. 【Deut 13:4~5】

The prophet who demands the total obedience to God’s law which is pronounced through him must he himself in obedience to the law. 宣傳神的律法, 要求別人全然遵守的 先知, 自己必須完全遵守這個律法.

1. Khadiyah (哈蒂雅) 2. Sawdah (莎烏達) 3. Aisyah (阿伊莎)-marry at 9 (結婚時僅 9歲) 4. Hafsa. 5. Zainah Bint Khuzaimah, 6. Zainah Bint Jahsh (彩綺納).—wife of Zaid, his son-in law/養子賽德 的美妻. 7. Maimunah. 8. Juwairiyah. 9. Ummi Habibah Ramlah. 三個妾: 10. Safiyyah 11. Rauhanah 12 Mariyah.

Ask for vision from God as what we can do in this new year with this new challenge. 在這個新的一年, 向神求異象, 我 們可以做甚麼? 如何面對這個新的挑戰?