How Beautiful 何等美麗 Twila Paris CCLI # Star Song


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Presentation transcript:

How Beautiful 何等美麗 Twila Paris CCLI #1133585 1992 Star Song

How beautiful, the hands that served 何等美麗,服事 雙手 The wine and the bread, and the sons of the earth. 服事這餅杯,願世人同恩受 How beautiful, the feet that walked 何等美麗,同行 雙腳 The long dusty roads, and the hill to the cross 願走這苦路,一直到那十架 。 2 of 10 CCLI # 1133585 2

How beautiful, how beautiful, how beautiful is the body of Christ. 何等美麗, 何等美麗, 何等美麗, 這是基督身體。 Chorus: 3 of 10 CCLI # 1133585 3

How beautiful, the heart that bled 何等美麗,流血 之心 That took all my sin and bore it instead. 背我眾罪形,願受那十架刑 How beautiful, the tender eyes 何等美麗,仁慈 雙眼 That choose to forgive and never despise 他寧願饒恕,而從不去輕視。 4 of 10 CCLI # 1133585 4

How beautiful, how beautiful, how beautiful is the body of Christ. 何等美麗, 何等美麗, 何等美麗, 這是基督身體。 Chorus: 5 of 10 CCLI # 1133585 5

And as He laid down His life, we offer this sacrifice. Bridge And as He laid down His life, we offer this sacrifice. 他已放下他所有,我今也作 活祭。 That we will live, just as He died. 我今活著,因他先死 Willing to pay the price, 先付代價 為我, willing to pay the price. 先付代價 為我。 6 of 10 CCLI # 1133585 6

How beautiful, the radiant bride 何等美麗,發光 新婦 Who waits for her Groom with His light in her eyes. 等著她良人,神之光滿眼目。 How beautiful, when humble hearts give 何等美麗,卑微 之心 The fruit of pure lives so that others may live 結著聖靈果,使生命都更新。 7 of 10 CCLI # 1133585 7

How beautiful, how beautiful, how beautiful is the body of Christ. 何等美麗, 何等美麗, 何等美麗, 這是基督身體。 Chorus: 8 of 10 CCLI # 1133585 8

How beautiful, the feet that bring 何等美麗,勤快 腳步 The sound of good news, and the love of the King. 信息之佳音,神大愛如瀑布 How beautiful, the hands that serve 何等美麗,服事 雙手 The wine and the bread, and the sons of the earth 服事這餅杯,願世人同恩受。 9 of 10 CCLI # 1133585 9

How beautiful, how beautiful, how beautiful is the body of Christ. 何等美麗, 何等美麗, 何等美麗, 這是基督身體。 Chorus: 10 of 10 CCLI # 1133585 10