回家 Going Home 这是一个浪子回家的故事 …… This is a story of a prodigal son ……
穿著破爛衣裳又飢又渴又疲乏 阿爸父 我想回家 Wearing torn clothes being hungry thirsty and tired Abba, Father, I want to come home Going home 1-a
無依無靠無奈何 阿爸父我好想 好想回家 Being helpless, no one to rely on, and distressed Abba, Father, I really, really want to come home Going home 1-b
我在外面流浪 耗盡一切所有 阿爸父 祢還要不要我 我得罪了祢 傷透了祢的心 阿爸父 祢還要不要我 I spent everything while wandering outside Abba, Father, do you still want me? I have sinned against you I broke your heart Abba, Father, do you still want me? Going home 1-c
回家 Going Home 阿爸父还要这个浪子吗? Will the father accept the prodigal son?
張開溫暖雙臂擁抱我破碎的心 阿爸父帶我回家 Opening his warm arms He hugs my broken heart Abba, Father, take me home Going home 2-a
親吻我乾渴的唇 阿爸父祢 帶我 帶我回家 He kisses my parched lips Abba, Father, you take me home Going home 2-b
祢在苦苦等候 等候浪子回家 阿爸父 憂傷痛悔的心 祢必不輕看 You have been waiting for a long time for this prodigal son Waiting for him to come home Abba, Father, a broken and repentant heart, You will not despise. Going home 2-c
那是我獻上的感恩祭 阿爸父我要與祢 同住到永遠 That is my sacrifice of thanksgiving Abba, Father, I want to live with you forever Going home 2-d
我在外面流浪 耗盡一切所有 我得罪了祢 傷透了祢的心 I spent everything while wandering outside I have sinned against you I broke your heart Going home - ES 1
憂傷痛悔的心 祢必不輕看 阿爸父我要與祢 同住到永遠 A broken and repentant heart, You will not despise. Abba, Father, I want to live with you forever Going home - ES 2
想回家吗? Want to go back home?
神所要的祭,就是忧伤的灵。 神啊,忧伤痛悔的心,你必不轻看。 神所要的祭,就是忧伤的灵。 神啊,忧伤痛悔的心,你必不轻看。 My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart You, God, will not despise. 诗篇 Psalm 51:17