Windows Vista 安裝部署工具與技術


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Presentation transcript:

Windows Vista 安裝部署工具與技術 謝合宜 巨匠電腦國際認證中心講師

本講題將涵蓋 部署架構管理的優點 Windows® Imaging Windows Pre-installation Environment 2.0 (Windows PE 2.0) Application Compatibility Toolkit(ACT 5.0) 系統設定的轉移 Vista的部署架構

預備知識 熟悉作業系統的部署概念 熟悉Windows作業系統環境的管理 Level 200

講題概要 作業系統部署的考量 使用 Windows Vista 部署工具 部署 Windows Vista

作業系統部署的挑戰 系統差異性 管理的負擔 資料的轉移 Hardware Software Roles Configuration Testing Management 資料的轉移 Applications User data System settings

管理系統部署架構的好處 一致性 管理面 可靠面 Limit configurations Standardize systems Centralized Automated 可靠面 System testing System restore

部署的情境 New System System Upgrade Deployment Server Side-by-Side

講題概要 作業系統部署的考量 使用 Windows Vista 部署工具 部署 Windows Vista

Microsoft Deployment Solutions Vista部署架構的加強 模組化 Component separation Independent definition Building blocks Windows Imaging Powerful tools Configurable files Flexible application Microsoft Deployment Solutions

Windows Imaging WIM file format Capture system state Multiple images per WIM file Hardware-independent

XImage Command-line tool Mount WIM files Modify WIM files Capture WIM files Apply files changes Export WIM files

Imaging Extensibility WIMGAPI Basic Functions Function Description WIMCreateFile Create new WIM file WIMLoadImage Load image from WIM WIMCaptureImage Capture specified path WIMGetAttributes Return WIM info WIMMountImage Mount image to specified path WIMApplyImage Apply image to specified path

What is Windows PE 2.0? (Windows Pre-installation Environment) Bootable Tool, 32/64 bit極小化的系統,只提供有限的服務功能 好處 支援32/64位元Windows驅動程式 高度的網路功能支援 支援NTFS檔案系統 支援自訂的應用程式與Scripts 提供特定的系統特性 Installing, Troubleshooting, Recovery

Windows PE 2.0 Install or Troubleshoot Windows Vista™ Windows Preinstallation Environment Pre-Boot Execution Environment (PXE) Deployment Target Removable Media Deployment Server

Windows System Image Manager Detects packages Handles install paths Simple interface Windows Setup Single .xml file Simplified customization Unattend.xml

Demo Using XImage ximage /apply ximage /capture

Demo Using System Image Manager Mount a Windows Image Customize an Answer File

Application Compatibility Toolkit (ACT 5.0) Correct Run Level Application Database prodtechnol/windows/appcompatibility/demo/act_content.html

Windows Easy Transfer System settings E-mail Files Favorites Network USB Cable Removable Media

Windows Easy Transfer FSMT的改善 Vista的新工具 可轉移單一帳號或所有帳號的設定資訊與資料檔案 轉移的資料可儲存於 Removable media Network Drive 支援2000/XP/Vista

USMT 3.0 Command-line tools 可透過 XML 檔案來定義要轉移的設定與資料 可針對特定數量的使用者帳號來進行轉移 兩個指令完全自動化轉移過程 使用方式: Side-by-Side (copy then restore) Wipe-and-Load (save, format, clear install then restore)

講題概要 作業系統部署的考量 使用 Windows Vista 部署工具 部署 Windows Vista

Image-Based Deployment

Image-Based Upgrade Offline Windows PE Online First Boot OOBE Hardware Specialization Install non-standard drivers Test hardware Apply New System Restore user data Delete old system

Vista Upgrade Enhancements Clean Install Model Upgrade Report Automatic Rollback

Deploying Vista with SMS

Microsoft BDD

講題總結 Vista的部署架構 Windows Imaging的技術 Windows PE的環境 應用程式與使用者資料設定的轉移 作業系統的部署管理

For More Information… TechNet Windows Vista Windows Vista Windows Vista: Resources for IT Professional